What I learned in boating school today is how the class is going to operate and when our first project is due.
This is significant because it is the start of the process of learning how to do stuff in this course.
I have no idea how to write in c or c++.
Again my computer died and will be set back.
January 21, 2016
What I learned today in class is how to write a text file in the linux command and compile the program so that it does the function it is supposed to do.
This is significant because I have never made a program in any other programming language other than java.
I am slowly understanding c++ but I still don't understand it much.
A problem I am facing is finding a suitable computer to use at home.
January 22, 2016
I learned that the lab and the lecture of this class will be very different. Mainly because of the two different teachers and each uses a different operating system.
This is significant because I have never had a class with two teachers before, or in this case two operating systems so it will take some time to get used to.
I am slowly learning how both ways of recording my work can work together and have just one output.
I actually don't have any problems right now, I just jinxed myself so that should change soon.
January 25, 2016
I learned what my team in Joe's side of the class is today. We took a picture and now we are officially a team. Secretly our name will be “Prestige World Wide”.
This is significant because this will be my team for the rest of the semester.
I am getting there with understanding how everything in this class works, but I am still a noob.
Still living problem free but still waiting for something unexpected to happen.
January 26, 2016
Today I learned how to have a program print a desired output and how to get a program to accept user input.
This is significant because it will help with future projects.
I somewhat understand what I am typing into my programs I have made.
Had some trouble getting the program he had us type up working.
January 27, 2016
Today I learned how to fully get an input that will give out an output when the user types an input.
This is especially significant because I could barely do this is java but now I can do it in c++.
I am getting there with this whole programming thing. Next goal, math.
Had some trouble with getting the input/output to work, but I got it.
January 28, 2016
Went more in depth with input/output today.
This is helping me with my project for this class.
I am understanding how things work.
Had some trouble getting the program to show a number multiplied by itself.
January 29, 2016
Today I got my program to fully work with squaring numbers with 5 as the last digit. I had it working yesterday, in a different manner, but it stopped working. So I took a look at it and nearly rewrote it. I made it so when a number is typed by the user the program subtracts the 5 from the number, divides it by 10, then adds 1 to the remainder and multiplies it by the remainder before it had the 1 added to it.
This gave me a lot of trouble but it made it so now I understand more how things work in the code world.
With the method used in this program it only works with 2 digit numbers. There is a way to adapt the method to work on 3 and 4 digit numbers but it's more work than it's worth.
This program really stumped me for a bit.
February 1, 2016
Learned more about setting up programs in C++. Also learned how to play tetris on Linux.
This is important because now I can play tetris on the go when I have a computer.
I am slowly understanding how to write programs and getting them to compile with few to no errors.
Right now I am hunky dory with what I am learning.
February 2, 2016
Today I learned about if statements in C++.
This is important because with this I now can do more with programs that I couldn't before.
If statements are interesting and can do incredible things.
Having trouble finding out how to remove decimals from a number that is the output of another process.
February 3, 2016
When I try to put 2000 into my program, the program stops because it can't process anything bellow 2001.
It doesn't calculate anything under 2001 because I set it to subtract 2000 from the original year.
If I switched the amount subtracted to 1900 for when a 20th century year is typed the algorithm should work.
February 4, 2016
Today we worked with switches and more if statements.
This is definitely important because this gives us more options with working around problems.
I am liking this class a lot and understanding C++ more than java.
Had some small errors with my code but found they were small typing errors.
February 5, 2016
Today we talked about more about malloc.
This is important because I don't know what that is.
This is how the program we typed in class worked.
I had some trouble getting it to work because of not including the right package.
February 8, 2016
Today we talked about loops.
This is important because loops make things easier in C++.
I am slowly understanding loops, before I couldn't even see how they worked.
I had some trouble getting my program for the project to work but I got it.
February 9, 2016
Today we went in more detail about loops and actually wrote a program with a loop.
This is important because loops make long processes faster and easier to create.
Loops are similar to summations and do a process until it is told to stop.
I had trouble learning how to get my loop to work but have fixed it.
February 10, 2016
Today we worked on loops again but with Joe's side of the class.
He showed us some of his tricks and helped clarify more detail about the loops.
Loops would make the project easier but the rules state no loops so I have something else in mind.
I had trouble getting my program to work properly but I learned it was a few typing errors.
February 11, 2016
Today we worked on an old program we made a few days ago the is a number guessing game.
We put a loop into it this time to make it so we could have multiple tries in one game.
Loops made it so the game closed after the 6th guess.
I had trouble typing this program up bought I got it.
February 12, 2016
Today I finished my multiply by 11 program.
The process used in this program could be used for 4 digit or 5 digit numbers just it would have to be tweaked a little to carry over numbers that need to be added to other numbers.
It will always the same process just a little different to work with 4 digit numbers.
February 22, 2016
Wow I am writing so much opus stuff. I am really good at it.
This is important because writing is important.
This is definitely being written on the 22nd of February.
I am glad we had this talk.
February 23, 2016
Today I am in Matt's class. There are computers here like Joe's room but they are Linux and not windows.
There are two screens per computer.
I think we talked about arrays today but I have a bad memory.
I learned so much hacking stuff today.
February 24, 2016
Today I thought about what I am having for lunch.
There was a squirrel outside.
I like squirrels.
Was Joe born bald?
February 25, 2016
Today we did array stuff.
This is what I used for part of my program.
I like coding.
What does a computer taste like?
February 26, 2016
I feel like a kid with divorced parents switching back and forth from teacher to teacher.
Both are very different in different worlds.
One uses Linux one uses Windows. One is more fluent in C++ one in java.
I like coding.
March 1, 2016
Today I got hacked. The hacker wrote messages on my computer like we have your kids and I will keep messing with your tetris game.
Linux is cool because it you have to be worthy to use it.
I am hungry.
Ugh this is taking forever.
March 2, 2016
Today I forgot to do my opus.
This is bad because it was do.
I hate the opus.
Grrr this stinks.
March 3, 2016
I dislike typing sometimes.
Wow such type, many computer.
How do I type.
March 4, 2016
I hate this so much.
Wait is this c++.
March 7, 2016
I wish I could fly.
What does mars smell like?
I wish it was summer.
I like coding.
March 8, 2016
She was just a small town girl.
Living in a lonely world.
She took the midnight train going anywhere.
He was a city boy.
March 9, 2016
Born and raised in south Detroit.
He took the midnight train going anywhere.
A singer in a smoky room.
The smell of whine and cheap perfume.
March 9, 2016
For a moment they share the night and it goes on and on and on.
Strangers waiting.
Up and down the boulevard.
Their shadows searching in the night.
March 10, 2016
Street lights people.
Living to find emotion.
Hiding somewhere in the night.
Working hard to get my fill.
March 11, 2016
Everybody wants a thrill.
Paying anything to roll the dice.
Just one more time.
Some will win.
March 14, 2016
Some will lose.
Some were born to sing the blues.
Oh, the movie never ends.
It goes on and on and on.
March 15, 2016
Strangers waiting.
Up and down the boulevard.
Their shadows searching in the night.
Streetlights, people.
March 16, 2016
Much C.
Many program.
A lot learn.
March 17, 2016
Hello there.
You probably came for my opus.
March 18, 2016
I can see sound.
And smell light.
And taste color.
And hear a wall.
March 21, 2016
Da na da na
Da na da na
Da na da na
March 22, 2016
Wasn't here.
Wasn't here.
Wasn't here.
Wasn't here.
March 23, 2016
I am so sorry.
If you made it this far you are a trooper.
I swear I didn't mean for it to go like this.
March 24, 2016
Last time on Dinosaur Cube D.
Gogurt and Mr. Freeze fought on Napkin and blew it up.
In the process, Gogurt's friend Caillou blew up as well.
His son Gogurt jr. and Pickle man got off the planet with Vegi and Bowl lady.
The Napkins also made it off the planet as well.
March 25, 2016
After that they waited for the dinosaur's big marbles to turn clear again and used them to remake their friends.
They went to remake Gogurt but Gogurt was like no I am not coming back yet.
Vegi was like “wat” so he left.
The Napkins found a new planet.
March 28, 2016
Today I slept in till noon thirty.
I forgot how nice that is.
I should work on C.
March 29, 2016
Sleep is nice.
I like sleep.
C should get done.
March 30, 2016
I started the C project.
Now I am stuck.
I don't know.
March 31, 2016
Still stuck.
What to do.
Can't sleep.
April 18, 2016
I have learned how to use functions in my programs effectively and have used them recently in my projects.
I am starting to understand how to program in C.
I know how to use arrays and loops effectively.
My projects have improved because of this.
UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Journal
January 19, 2016
Today I used a linux based operating system for the first time. I learned how to sign in and browse the web like on other operating systems.
This is significant because with this I learned how to log in outside of class to work on work I need to get done.
I do not know at all how to use linux so it may give me some trouble in the future.
I just lost my gaming laptop to a failing hard drive so this will set me back until I get the money to buy a new one.
January 21, 2016
Today I learned how to submit my projects in the linux command line.
This is significant because this will lead into me being able to submit my work when I get it finished.
I am slowly understanding everything but still am unsure about how everything works.
I am still finding a reliable computer to work on at home so that is still giving me trouble.
January 26, 2016
Today I learned how to check what files are in each file with ls -l. I also learned how to delete files in my files on linux.
This is significant because I will create files that eventually need to be deleted and now I know how to do it.
I am getting there with learning how to use linux and slowly learning how to copy files to work on.
I found a reliable computer, eventually will by a new one.
January 28, 2016
Today I learned how to use touch to create a file. I also learned how to make a file unusable by changing its accessibility. Last I learned how to direct output and input.
This is significant because this will help me put data from different files into one file.
I am slowly understanding how to manipulate files and their content.
Had a problem copying the file for the project but found out how to do it.
February 2, 2016
Today I worked on the new project puzzlebox.
Viewing the file file.txt through the file function I recieved the output that the file contains ASC11.
Viewing the file file.txt through cat I recieved the output telling me the file is a simple text file containing ASC11 text.
Next I used the gzip compression tool then viewed the file using file. It gave the output that the file was compressed and the date it was last modified.
Even with the faster compression the file function still showed the same thing as before for the file when compressed with the gzip compression.When I checked it with the cat function and it spit out something different.
February 9, 2016
Today I learned how to use the vi text editor.
This is important because it can help me finish projects faster.
Vi has alot more functionality than any of the other text editors.
Having trouble remembering all the functions of vi.
February 11, 2016
Today I learned more about vi.
Vi makes things easier when you know about all of its functions.
In vi you can delete whole lines, copy whole lines and even show line number unlike nano.
Is there a way to keep syntax turned on in vi?
February 23, 2016
Today I learned how to navigate the file system with console commands.
This is important because it'll make things a lot easier when navigating the file system.
You can search for words with a certain letter with commands.
Will never remember any of these commands.
February 25, 2016
Learned more commands to navigate with.
The ls function usually just shows the files in a certain file, with this function you can also search for other things like certain characters.
ls is very important because it will make lengthy processes shortened.
They'd be really helpful if I could remember them.
March 1, 2016
Learned about scripting today.
With it we made math.
We multiplied numbers.
This is helpful because now I have an example of a script if I need one.
March 3, 2016
Some option can make a program easier to use and more user friendly.
They can change the colors.
Now I know how to make files that edit how a program works.
March 8, 2016
Shell scripting.
Yes files.
Doing stuff.
March 10, 2016
Linux is cool.
Really it is.
If anyone's reading this I'm trapped inside of the computer.
Please send someone.
March 22, 2016
Translation for last post; Hello there, I am speaking cat.
It is actually a very sophisticated language.
I speak it fluently.
Thank you for coming.
March 24, 2016
Unix Linux Unix Linux.
Lunix Nux Unux.
Done with this.
March 29, 2016
At home not doing stuff.
Not working on homework.
Pushing it off.
Gonna do it I swear.
April 18, 2016
I am starting to understand shell scripting.
I am slowly working on the newest project.
I will ask questions when I get stuck.
I will finish this on time.
April 21, 2016
I submitted my project on time.
I used the status tool and different commands to create my project.
My grade is around an 80.
I should have worked harder.
blog/spring2016/dvarges3/journal.txt · Last modified: 2016/04/21 13:47 by dvarges3