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  • Project
    • dsi0 due around 9/10


struct node//name of struct "node"
   signed short int value;//holds the value of the node
   struct node *next;//points to the next node

typedef struct node Node;//allows you to use Node rather then typing out struct node every time

Node *tmp = NULL;//creates first node using typedef
struct node *tmp2 = NULL;//creates 2nd node using struct

tmp = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));//gets memory for the first node
tmp->next=NULL;//set the next pointer of the node struct to null

tmp->next=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));//creates 2nd node
tmp->next->next= NULL;//sets 2nd node next to NULL
tmp2 = tmp->next;//tmp2 is the node after tmp

tmp->value= 7;// sets first node value to 7
tmp2->value= 13;//sets 2nd node value to 13


  • Absent


  • Node functions
    • create
      • makes a node
    • copy
      • copies the data in a node
    • remove
      • deleted a node
  • List function
    • create
      • creates a list of nodes whether empty or not
    • copy
      • copies a list to another to alter data
    • clear
      • clears the data in a node
    • insert
      • insert the node before the selected node
    • append
      • adds the node after the selected node
    • obtain
      • gets a node whether to move it or get ready to clear it
    • setpos
      • sets position of pointer
      • Example: tmp = setpos(myList,2);sets tmp pointer to index two in the list struct * getpos * gets position of pointer * Example: x = getpos(myList, tmp);gets the position of the pointer tmp
struct list{
   struct list *start;//pointer that is positioned to the start of the list
   struct *end;//pointer that is positioned at the end of the list
   int qty;//shows the quantity of nodes in a list


  • gcc -g filename.c -o filename


blog/fall2015/zgolden/journal.1441737126.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/08 18:32 by zgolden