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Sept 19th, 2015

cat needs input. The pipe (|) is magic.

cat file|more cat file|less

|less is more, and Iceland is green.


grep -for text files

grep ' ' and grep '[ ]'

(<,>) output redirection

“ half quotes -variable expansion ' Full quotes -literal ` back tick -command expansion

$ variable access

Wildcards * 0 or more ? 1 of anything [] 1 of enclosed -character class [^ ] not 1 of enclosed -inverted character class

ls ??|wc -c Returns number of two character files in folder

alias name command

meme=“Long cat” alias cm=“echo $meme” echo meme Long cat

Sept 22, 2015

More on Wild Cards

ls [aeiou]?|wc -c returns two character file which begins with aeiou

ls [^aeiou]*[aeiou]*[aeiou]|wc -w returns number of files which contain aeiou, but the first and last characters are not aeiou.

starts with anything *.conf ends in .config starts with .config .config* end with anything

Sept 24, 2015

VI text editor introduction

h-left j-down k-up l-left

m- move right by word M- move right by space b- move left by word B- move left by space

u- undo ctrl+r- redo

i- enter text mode esc- enter command mode

Sept 26, 2015

Downloaded Ubuntu onto a flash drive last week in the hopes that I could boot from such and play around with it. I use to run Ubuntu -The Lucid Lynx, then the Hardy Heron- and decided to try the Trusty Tahr. Booting from the flash became a pain, so I downloaded VirtualBox so I can run numerous OS's inside my current OS. It's fantastic. I can now run Ubuntu and Debian inside windows. I need to reinstall Debian, as it's not functioning right now, but the future looks bright.

Oct 15, 2015

Remodeled my room so I have more space to play with my computers. I was able to pull out my Raspberry Pi and boot Raspian -the Debian OS, on her. I am now in the process of editing bash as I enjoy it and otherwise exploring the system as the root user. To note: Raspbian is substantially more GUI-ed than the Debian we utilize in The Best Class We've Ever Taken.

Oct 16, 2015


I began Vim Adventures. I cannot orient myself properly with hjkl directionally, so I'm using the directional keys. It has otherwise been enjoyably informative.

I have also explored Raspbian and made extensive use of VI and the file command to view files. It seems as though there are many unnecessary files I'll need to expunge, once I'm sure that they're not compulsory.

Oct 18, 2015

Experimenting with booting Ubuntu from a flash drive to view files on locked user accounts on a PC. Fun stuff.

The root user on Raspbian is not password protected, so I am in the process of figuring that out. I've also been exploring the interwebs with midori, which is a decent alternative to Chrome for browsing, and is exceptional compared to such in terms of security.

Debian still won't boot properly on from my VirtualBox, so I will be reinstalling it soon.

October 26, 2015

cat file > file2

dd if= file of=file2 bs=1 count =1

pscp - windows scp -unix

scp file destination

November 2, 2015

The beginning of November.

Nearing the last of the semester.

Spoke to the professor about how one goes about running unix and linux as an administrator and was advised to sudo bash, which has been working quite well.

I still need to reinstall Debian on my Virtualbox and figure out running such as the administrator.

November 8, 2015

I am scouring the interwebs to find a good tutorial on bash scripting to supplement what we've done in class.

I've found one which implements the date, which may be useful for the upcoming project.

I also found a great one on, but she wants me to pay. Aint nobody got time for that.

November 10, 2015

Worked through a tutorial for bash scripting and created a script which copies a file and appends the current date and time to the end of the file name.

My habit of creating numerous backup files while working on projects will be simpler now.

The script is aptly named backdate, as in backup-date.


I was only able to use the script I made within the directory in which it was located.

To resolve this and make it world usable I tried to create a bin directory, which is what the path is set to.

I accidentally named the directory .bin and it didn't work, so I renamed it correctly and can now utilise the backdate script for all of my files.

November 30, 2015

I have done absolutely nothing over break.

Well, I haven't done anything productive, that is.

Actually, “productive” could be a subjective word.

I didn't do anything scholastically productive. That seems accurate.

The only thing I accomplished was re-watching seasons 1-4 of The Game of Thrones then finish season five. It was amazing. The only issue I had with season five is that they decided to place “previously on” portions before each episode, which I loath, though not as much as “Next on.” Who the hell is watching episode five of season five of an epoch without having seen the previous episodes? It's nonsense.

Binge watching the series also made me realize that there aren't many Game of Thrones memes, and such pondering is loosely related to The Best Class Ever, so perchance I did manage something scholastic, and should certainly get points for this Opus entry.


blog/fall2015/rsanche1/journal.txt · Last modified: 2015/12/01 03:46 by rsanche1