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Michael Merrick's Opus

The Mind Expansion begins here


Welcome to my area on lab46. Nothing to exciting to really post here.

SEP. 17, 2015

Well this is fun i have forgotten this part completely for the last few weeks. This is going to hurt my grade greatly. However the first three weeks of this class was rather strange. with the lack of PC and the ability to grant access to lab46. This is some what of a strange start to this class block.

The first week we had no computers to even use in the class so it was different. The lack of room and layout of the room was different compared to how it used to be.

Week two first project was started with the wonderful hell known as generating a list that was with a never ending lop and taking an array to just Frankenstein it to make it fit to needs we had to meet for this. This continued into week 3 as well.

Week 3 started a new drawing project and fake coding. This is something i'm not good with. This has alot of information that i've had to look up and also watch videos on.

week 4: The true hell has begun for this week. making nodes for MK node CP node and RM node. These i will be checking in with MATT and any help that I can get to make my life easier and just have a few moments to try to learn and understand more of these coding. Im happy that we have the ability to use code from matt for later projects. This was the linch pin that caused my life to fall part last time i took this class.

September 29th 2015

Well this should be a fun filled week of interesting and the wonderful life known. This weeks project is going to be unfinished to the lack of knowledge and the power to make suer it all comes together. I will still keep working and making these as well as i can to make these programs meet the requirements as much as I can.

This week we moved into the wonderful world of lists that compound off the nodes. I'm still running into the coding with context but not with how its made and the idea behind it so I will keep going with what needs to be done. i will insert coding into the file that we have here so I can look back and wonder about life.

Sep 29th 2015 class notes(incomplete)

how to view class grading in lab46 “Status data” or “status data detail”

OPUS updating needs to be done if not will not end well….

what to check for copy node NULL Empty

Node *copy: if (curNode == NULL)


CHECK to see if node is Null before doing any operation


OCT 6 2015

The wonderful world of life in the computer science field know as data structures have turned into a living nightmare of things that need to be done. The life now has turned to a life of hate. now the coding where After→ and next→ is strange and confusing but with the correct people it can come together so I can understand.

This project where copy list and append to list has caused nothing but headache with different segment faults. and errors that keep occurring.

OCT 8 2015

After having to resend all the code up till sll2 which has caused a cascading affect. Overall this has allowed me to get the code library that will allow this to work and allow for the new coding that is due in two weeks.

Oct 22 2015

Ok after a fun filled break week i am back into the hell known as Data Struct. This coruse will end up being my undoing. The coding for this course is getting a little out of hand. even though we are calling back on functions and coding that we already have implemented it is not something that is coming along smoothly. This has caused me to start to think about the productivity of this coruse and the amount of time i put into these projects. And now with the following project due so soon it is making me wonder if the proffesors here think of break week as a time for them to put more stuff on the students. The moments of enlightenment that was promised in this course is lacking. The most im getting out of this class is how to hate coding and hate the life that goes with it.

Nov 3 2015

Think this is my 3rd or 4th atempt at writing this my other computer is just not letting me in and allowing me to update this evil things. But alriht here we go this week has been different with the many different double pointers and having to set them to null on both sides. this has caused minor headachs for me but and many videos online regarding it i have made little to no progress in understand how it needs to go and how they actually work. all i know is some people have a gift for thinking outside the box. the issues that i am currently runninog into is that im getting mnay seg faults but also failing the build i know the debugger is their but its a pain to use. but more of that to come later. with each project they are getting harder and harder with little or no ground to improve without the constaint buildup without prior knowelge of this wonderful fun filled course that im having a hard time doing. More of that to come later as well. the drop date was nov 1 so i am now committed to doing this and keeping up with the material of the course.

Nov 10th 2015

Ok well here we are again week something of this new light and enlightenment. I have been thinking about the following project that is due this lovely Wednesday. With all that is due and the overhead of each class and the endless amount of trial and error that is going on i think it is best for me to just attempt and allow for errors and failures to happen so that i still show that i have tried but was unable to proccesed and get the proper amount of coding to work or even just be happy with it. Also the comment sections that i have been negelting to allow for this to happen is something that also has to be done and put some happy go lucky stuff to make matt smile or even just laugh at. The doubly linked listed and even the singly linked list are driving me nuts. With everything that has been going on i belive that this course is something of a mind warp that allows for the uneasy nature and many hours of confusing that happens when i get into the coidng. The one thing i do find fun about it is the amount of time and effort people put into it and the coumminty that has been built around each project and most people face the same fustration and blocks.


Ok here we are on another lovely day on Nov 17 2015. I have given up hope for all that stands in front of me with the wonderful never ending projects that are coming my way. With the last 6 classes that we have in Data. Now for the wonderful fun filled stuff of hope and dreams. i have attempted the most recent first step of the project which included trying to write the other program that i missed. This just makes me not like part of this class. Even with the library that we have access too still other projects still build on it. This just makes project have a cassacde effect.


Well this lovely day is the day that the EOC drops and the world starts to fall and the world reinvents itself. This shall be a fun filled run and many headaches in the future of what is the amazing known as the power of data struct.

The power of the tree is now here as well. The wonderful thing know as a tree will now be given to some of the code that allows for better and smoother running of what is needed to be done. This should allow and make life easier for a few moments before the wonderful world comes crashing down.

More to come maybe or something.. when the coding and life comes up.


Ok. Here we go. With the wonderful in person knowledge done and out of the way I am now able to get on with the rest of the project that is due at the end of next Wednesday. This should be fun and interesting to finish. I fell as I did ok with the assessment but still need much help on the trees and the wonderful input and output I'm still unable to get the numbers to work properly so I'm thinking about just bruiting it so I can get past that one step.


Well it has been a fun filled day and with the writing aspects of the EOCE done I can now start to tinker with some of the coding hoping ill be able to get some of it done before Thursday deadline. I think the universe would be great as groups of list that was a simple choice to pick over my first thought regarding stacks.

blog/fall2015/mmerrick/start.txt · Last modified: 2015/08/27 09:44 by