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Hello, my name is Kyle Lymber and my plan is to go to RIT for game design and development, however before I do that I am taking the CS courses at CCC to get a CS degree before trying to go to RIT. I love playing video games of all sorts and have since I was a child. It was always a dream to think about making video games and now here I am working my way to that dream. I am currently working on making a side scroller type game with two friends of mine, Zachary Tietje the artist and Sam Arnold the other programmer. Working on this game has been amazing to see what it takes to make a fluent game and just how much time it needs to work out all of the flaws. Gives me an appreciation for all of the huge game companies and just how much work they put into all of it.

blog/fall2015/klymber/intro.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/05 20:04 by klymber