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December 17, 2015

I'm definitely going to have to retake this class.

December 12, 2015

Basically, I've been watching Shoenice22 on youtube

December 8, 2015

Here's another update. I didn't finish the past 3 labs, so I'm wondering how badly I'm doing in class. I've started all three, but never really got any further. Now, I should probably start my final so I don't get so behind. I have it in my head that I'm probably going to have to retake this class though, so I guess I'm not as motivated as I could be.

December 1, 2015

Turns out, I didn't finish the past 3 labs.

November 17, 2015

I didn't finish the past two labs, so do I just not spend the time to finish them? I know after 4 days it's pretty pointless to actually try because it doesn't count at that point, but maybe I should do it for the experience. The webpage adventure was the talk of the town for awhile, but I never finished it. It was about a journey, delivering a pizza. So many choices. I should try to finish the current project at least.

November 10, 2015

I haven't been updating regularly enough. I got an inspection ticket yesterday, and I was really angry because they pulled me over because I “went over a white line”, which is a totally bs excuse just to pull me over. He was training another cop, who liked my car, and asked “does this baby go fast?”, to which I responded “oh, no, it's a 4 cylinder 75 Celica”. I then got a ticket from the other guy. What a prick.

October 27, 2015

I'm wearing another hat today. Instead of saying “Got Sand”, it has a funky pattern on it that's straight out of the early 90s. I haven't gotten any response on it, so I suppose that people just expect it now. The “cat” command cannot run in the background. Using the & symbol after cat, it will stop it. Using the command “jobs”, it gives a list of stopped jobs. The command “fg <number of stopped job>”, it will reanimate it. Control z will stop it again.

Sleep will pause for whatever time you set it for. “sleep 1500” will pause for 1500 seconds.

The command “bg <number of stopped job>” will run the stopped job (except for cat).

If you did “sleep 1800 &” it would put it in the background while running.

The command “ps” is for process status.

The command “kill” is used to end processes.

October 20, 2015

Looks like I haven't been updating this pretty much at all. There's not too much to talk about though. I'm wearing a hat that says “Got Sand?”. I've gotten some decent response from it.

October 15, 2015

I sold my 1992 Dodge Stealth to some guy for 450 dollars. There was $700 invested. But I got a scooter too, so it's all fine.

October 10, 2015

The beginning of break. I just bought a 2001 bmw 325xi touring from Albany from a guy for a total of $560. There was pretty much no oil, so I went to Walmart and bought a jug of synthetic Supertech 5W-30 and dumped it in. 4 quarts were missing. The engine had a ton of burnt oil on the outside from failed gaskets, hooray. But it made it back 3 hours despite being damaged from a collision, perfect.

September 29, 2015

Again, the project pbx0, I was ignorant and not comprehending the instructions as I should have. I read the compressed file with cat rather than actually using the command “file”. File for file.txt shows it to be ASCII text. After using gzip on file.txt, file read: gzip compressed data, was “file.txt”. I decompressed it using gzip -d, and recompressed it with -1 for fast compression. This read the same as the default compression, except it specifies “max speed”. The file riddle.html turns out to not be an html file, but instead it was “shiny.tar” at max compression. I changed the name back to shiny.tar.

After using tar -xf, the file making.waves was extracted. File exposes this to be uuencoded or xxencoded ASCII text. uuencode making.waves says begin 644 making.waves, whatever that means. It might have to do with chmod.

It doesn't have to do with chmod. I just played around with the uudecode, mv (for renaming extensions), zip, unzip, and file commands until I got to the end. Some of these files are messy though, there are a few duplicates.

September 25, 2015

For project pbx0, the file called “file.txt” appears to be an ASCII text tile according to the file command. Using cat, the contents of the file say “This is a simple text file. It contains ASCII text”. After compressing the file, the file name reads “file.txt.gz” and the contents are rubbish. After it is decompressed and compressed for the fastest compression, then it does the same thing. Each time the contents are read, the command line reads PuTTyPuTTyPuTTy. I'm not exactly sure what's going on at this time.

September 23, 2015

Creating .config files for a personalized unix/linux experience has been a day full of web searching and lack of confidence. Hopefully, I can find some way to confirm how to do it correctly.

September 22, 2015

I've just realised that I have been uploading to my repository rather than updating my opus. I guess I'll try to upload what I've been uploading to my repository onto my opus or whatever.

  • What action or concept of significance, as related to the course, did you experience on this date?
  • Why was this significant?
  • What concepts are you dealing with that may not make perfect sense?
  • What challenges are you facing with respect to the course?
blog/fall2015/cmerola2/journal.txt · Last modified: 2015/12/17 15:43 by cmerola2