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zeograph is the data visualizing tool of the zeotools software suite. It reads raw sleep session data and, through a set of options, charts the session to an image file.


Invoking zeograph with the -? or –help argument yields the following options:

$ zeograph --help
Usage: zeograph [OPTION]...
Process Zeo data into pretty charts.

  -h, --help                   display this help and exit
  -V, --version                output version information and exit
  -f, --format=png|jpg         output file type (default: png)
  -i, --in=FILE                specify input file (default: STDIN)
  -o, --out=FILE               specify output file (default: STDOUT)
  -I, --interval=MINS          specify graph time axis interval
  -O, --overview=on|off        display overview chart (default: off)
  -p, --piechart=on|off        display pie chart (default: off)
  -s, --summary=on|off         display summary chart (default: off)
  -T, --title=LABEL            specify chart title text
  -Q, --show-sqi=on|off        show SQI data on chart (default: off)
  -M, --show-markers=CRITERIA  show other session attributes (all,
                               headband, nightstart, sleeponset, none)
  -S, --contain-session        optimize chart for active session data
  -U, --show-undefined=on|off  display undefined data (default: off)
  -t, --type=core|nap          select sleep type (default: nap)
  -G, --graph-style=TYPE       set graph type (fancy, standard)
  -v, --verbose                enable verbose mode
  -D, --debug                  enable debug mode
  -q, --quiet                  try to run as quietly as possible

If no file is specified, reading data from STDIN is assumed.

Report zeograph bugs to
zeograph home page: <>


To use zeograph to generate a chart of a particular sleeping session, one would run it as follows:

$ zeograph -v -t core -i ../zeo/zeosleep-201210232129.raw -o session-201210232129.png 
[verbose] Verbosity Enabled.
[verbose] Opening ../zeo/zeosleep-201210232129.raw as input ... OK
[verbose] Opening session-201210232129.png for output ... OK
[verbose] === Graph Section Begin ===
[verbose]   Creating     image: 1284 x 192 resolution
[verbose]   --- Chart Section Begin ---
[verbose]     Sleep Session Type: CORE
[verbose]     Reporting Interval: 30 minutes
[verbose]     Chart resolution  : 1284x192+0+0
[verbose]     Margins (UBLR) are: 30, 162, 30, 749
[verbose]     # of Sleep events : 719
[verbose]     Chart Incrementing: 1 (step), 0 (stride)
[verbose]     Attribute enabled : PIE CHART
[verbose]     Attribute enabled : SQI
[verbose]     Attribute enabled : SUMMARY
[verbose]     Attribute enabled : Undefined Data
[verbose]     ---------------------------------------
[verbose]     --       Sleep Session Results       --
[verbose]     ---------------------------------------
[verbose]     - Undefined:  19 mins,    5%,  19/360 -
[verbose]     -     Awake:   8 mins,    2%,   8/360 -
[verbose]     -       REM:  94 mins,   26%,  95/360 -
[verbose]     -     Light: 134 mins,   37%, 135/360 -
[verbose]     -      Deep: 103 mins,   29%, 104/360 -
[verbose]     ---------------------------------------
[verbose]     -     Total: 358 mins,  100%, 360/360 -
[verbose]     ---------------------------------------
[verbose]   --- Chart Section End ---
[verbose] === Graph Section End ===

NOTE: It is vitally important that the -t argument comes BEFORE any input file options. It is responsible for driving the charting session (as such, it is currently mandatory to have a -t option on your zeograph command-line).


The generated chart for the above session appears as follows:

zeotools/zeograph.1410973518.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/09/17 13:05 by wedge