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A project for HPC1 by Samantha Smith during the Fall 2016 semester.
In this project, I am installing Windows 10 to a desktop computer.
In order to successfully accomplish/perform this project, the listed resources/experiences need to be consulted/achieved:
State the idea or purpose of the project. What are you attempting to pursue?
Intimately, I am quitting on dealing with free anti virus programs to fix the the endless glitches this desktop has thank to careless web browsing and downloading from others. A fresh install never hurt anyone and I honestly haven't done one in several years. Luckily I will recycle the product key already attached to the computer because Microsoft doesnt need any of my money.
Give a general overview of your anticipated implementation of the project. Address any areas where you are making upfront assumptions or curtailing potential detail. State the focus you will be taking in implementation.
State and justify the attributes you'd like to receive upon successful approval and completion of this project.
The actual steps taken to accomplish the project. Include images, code snippets, command-line excerpts; whatever is useful for intuitively communicating important information for accomplishing the project.
Upon completion of the project, if there is an applicable collection of created code, place a copy of your finished code within <code> </code> blocks here.
/* * hello.c - A sample "Hello, World!" program * * written by NAME for COURSE on DATE * * compile with: * gcc -o hello hello.c * * execute with: * ./hello */ #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("Hello, World!\n"); // Output message to STDOUT return(0); }
Again, if there is associated code with the project, and you haven't already indicated how to run it, provide a sample run of your code:
lab46:~/src/cprog$ ./hello Hello, World! lab46:~/src/cprog$
Comments/thoughts generated through performing the project, observations made, analysis rendered, conclusions wrought. What did you learn from doing this project?
In performing this project, the following resources were referenced:
Generally, state where you got informative and useful information to help you accomplish this project when you originally worked on it (from Google, other wiki documents on the Lab46 wiki, etc.)