So, you want to learn to use OSX, eh? Get a MacBook, then! Oh. Wait. You don't want to pay $1200 just to learn an OS. Well, good thing there's virtual machines!
The objective of this project is to have a fully running and functional install of Mac OSX Mountain Lion running in VirtualBox. I did this on a Linux machine, but it should be just as easy to do on a Windows machine.
Well, long story short, I wanted to learn to use OSX, but, I didn't want to shell out the money for a MacBook. Since this is about the next best thing, I figured I would give it a shot!
This project will walk through steps from installing VirtualBox, downloading the required materials, and setting up the VM.
There are a few things required to do this, and they are as follows.
For this step, I'm going to assume you already have VirtualBox installed.
Now it's time to boot up the VM and actually get down to the install. Once you have booted it, follow these steps.
Now that the OS has been installed, there are a few things we need to do to get things such as audio working correctly.
Graphics Mode 1920x1080x32
The final step is a little different, depending on the OS you are running. If you're running Windows, open Command Prompt and type the following (replacing C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox with the location of your install, VirtualMachineName with the name of your OSX VM, and 1920×1080 with your screen resolution):
LameWindowsCLI: cd "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox" LameWindowsCLI: vboxmanage setextradata "VirtualMachineName" "CustomVideoMode1" "1920x1080x32"
If you're running Linux, this is a little easier. Open up a terminal, and enter the following line (again, substituting VirtualMachineName with the name of your OSX VM and 1920×1080 with your resolution):
AmazingLinuxCLI: vboxmanage setextradata "VirtualMachineName" "CustomVideoMode1" "1920x1080x32"
And once that is done, restart VirtualBox, and boot your VM. If all went correctly, you should be good to go!