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by Nicholas Sano

Physical server install

  1. step - boot up and you are then promoted what do you want to do select 32-bit i386 then select debian and then select server then select Squeeze/testing
  2. step - when prompted for a language choose or instructed to choose current is english
  3. step - when prompted for your location choose or instructed to choose current is USA
  4. step - when prompted for selected of keymap choose or instructed to choose current is USA
  5. step - when prompted for a host name use one you know or are instructed to current one is vmserver02
  6. step - when prompted to enter a domain leave it as is in class we used student/lab
  7. step - when promoted for a location to mirror off of the server and download and install it form choose the closest to you for this we used Mirror a in room mirror
  8. step - when prompted to mkae a directoir to locate all of it in we used /Debian/ but you can choose one u can remember
  9. step - when prompted to set a proxy server leave it blank no need for it
  10. step - when prompted to make a root pass word make sometihng u can remember but not easyly geussed for this instance we used Bob
  11. step - when promted for username and accont and account passowrd make them sometihng you can remember
  12. step - when asked for your time zone select it from the list
  13. step - when asked for how much of the disk to use use all and how mant partition to save it all in partition
  14. step - partition confirmation and details page and repositor press enter
  15. step - when promoted to select software to install unselect all and press enter
  16. step - when prompted to install grub press enter

Server Termianal configuration

  1. step - when inside the server open a terminal login as user and use Sudo root and password
  2. step - enter apt-get install V/M
  3. step - enter apt-get install xen-linux-system
  4. step - enter apt-get install ssh
  5. step - open a vi for /etc/xen/xend-config.sxp
  6. step - while inside the vi config make sure both vft-script and vft-bridge are uncommented and network-bridge and network-script are also uncommented
  (network-script network-bridge)
  (vif-script vif-bridge)
  *Make sure it looks like this*
  1. step - open a vi of vi /etc/xen/script/ where the psydev-is-birgde is make sure it in the right locations to serve the purpose
 #  iptables "$c" FORWARD -m physdev --physdev-in "$vif" "$@" -j ACCEPT \
    iptables "$c" FORWARD -m physdev --physdev-is-bridged --physdev-in "$vif" "$@" -j ACCEPT \
    2>/dev/null &&
    iptables "$c" FORWARD -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -m physdev \
    --physdev-is-bridged --physdev-out "$vif" -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null
 #  --physdev-out "$vif" -j ACCEPT 2>/dev/null
     *make sure it looks like this*
  1. step - open a vi /etc/moduels and set loopmax_loop= “what ever it is” to 255
  2. step - open a nother vi of vi /stc/xen/tools/xentools.conf delete all data and copy paste from web page referance above from the the area Titled
  3. step - do a xen all domain and see what you have you should have /xen/ /xen/images/ /xen/boot /xen/cont and /xen/save
 # /etc/xen-tools/xen-tools.conf
 ## Virtual Machine configuration
 dir             = /xen
 install-method  = debootstrap
 ## Disk and Sizing options
 size            = 2Gb      # Disk image size.
 memory          = 128Mb    # Memory size
 swap            = 128Mb    # Swap size
 fs              = ext3     # use the EXT3 filesystem for the disk image.
 dist            = squeeze  # Default distribution to install.
 images          = full
 ## Network configuration
 dhcp            = 1
 gateway         =
 netmask         =
 ## Password configuration
 passwd          = 1
 ## Package Mirror configuration
 arch            = amd64
 mirror          = http://mirror/debian/
 mirror_squeeze  = http://mirror/debian/
 ## Filesystem settings
 ext3_options    = noatime,nodiratime,errors=remount-ro
 ext2_options    = noatime,nodiratime,errors=remount-ro
 xfs_options     = defaults
 reiser_options  = defaults
 ## Xen VM boot settings
 pygrub          = 1
 ## Xen VM settings
 serial_device   = hvc0
 disk_device     = xvda
 ## Xen configuration files
 output          = /xen/conf
 extension       = .cfg
 *make sure it looks like this*
  1. step - do a shutdown -r now
  2. step - set the ip adress as instructed form what it is to what they or this case he wants it to be
  3. step - reboot and open a teminal once more and install hypervision-4.0-i386c and purge hypervision-4.0-AMDc
user/nsano/portfolio/vmserverinstall.txt · Last modified: 2011/05/13 19:08 by nsano