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Project: Room Cam in 3D

A project for HPC1 by Nicholas Sano during the fall 2011.

This project was begun on 9/1/11 and is anticipated to take unknown amount of time. (Upon completion you can correct this with the actual length).


The purpose is to help monitor the Lair with remote access from any adman or user based terminal if given access.


In order to successfully accomplish/perform this project, the listed resources/experiences need to be consulted/achieved:

  • You will need to know how to manipulate a electric motor to run at different speeds and to synchronize 2 of them
  • You will need to know how to program directional systems or have a program already to use
  • 3-4 Roller tracks 2 for parallel with a 3rd for spare with 1 for cross track with 1 spare
  • 3-4 electric hobby motors 1 for each track with 1 spare
  • 10 track rollers 2 for each parallel track and 3 for the cam track with 3 spare
  • 3-4 normal brackets 1 for each track 1 spare
  • 9-12 L-Brackets 3 for each parallel bracket 3 spare
  • 6-8 track caps 2 for each track 2 spare
  • 3-4 floppy disk drive motors


he idea is to take the current lair cam to new heights figuratively and realistically We are as in “WE” the other project members and myself intend on suspending the lair cam from a ceiling mounted track to be able to make full 360 degree rotations. This will allow the cam to take photos and video of the lair during projects as well as to act as security by being able to monitor the room at all times possibly. To transverse most of the room by the cam must move along a single suspended track that is connected to 2 other tracks to get a 3 dimensional view of the room in any position by remote access. however the problem i face at is supplies and the wiring problem. I suspect that we will need a wireless transmitter and transceiver for the cam to cut down on wiring problems however this can be changed with recoiled wire bundles. As for the electric motors i believe that a 1.5v or a 3v hobby motor will suffice for the movement along the 3 tracks one motor per track. I believe a roller track with 2 rollers for the parallel tracks with an attached hobby motor will generate enough movement and torque to both move and hold a second track and with the 3 suspended track. third track will have 2-3 rollers with a hobby motor and the cam attached to the track the cam will be however upside down and will be needed to either inverse the images we receive from it or have it flipped upside down to give the proper image.


my focus will be everything as it stands i am the only one working towards this project. I suspect a lot of obstacle and a lot of false starts and problems. no problems jump out at the moment other then price and practicality.


State and justify the attributes you'd like to receive upon successful approval and completion of this project.

  • attribute1: Pointers - you will have to get a pointer to pint to the camera to move and capture movement
  • attribute2: Time synchronizing - you will need to set up the two parallel motors to work simultaneously
  • attribute3: Hard ware understanding - set up and installation of a floating cam
  • attribute4: Camera motion programing - movement of the camera in a 360 circle


  • step one Approval - check
  • step two Research - check/pending
  • step three test and prototype - pending
  • step four peer and instructor review of prototype - pending
  • step five supplies and setup - pending
  • step six installation and instructor review- pending
  • step seven in class set up - pending
  • step eight test and result - pending
  • step nine documentation - pending
  • step ten if all works and everything thing is fine step back and take a triumphant sigh of accomplishment - pending


this will have all code used via a project portfolio resource for each program implemented and or any other program used




first thought What the hell did I get myself into


In performing this project, the following resources were referenced:

Generally, state where you got informative and useful information to help you accomplish this project when you originally worked on it (from Google, other wiki documents on the Lab46 wiki, etc.)

user/nsano/portfolio/roomcam.txt · Last modified: 2011/09/01 15:18 by nsano