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Installing and Setting up a Samba Server

There are several steps one must take in order to effectively set up and configure a fully functioning Samba Server.

1) The first step is going to be getting the physical machine and hard ware to use for the sambas server. This doesn't need anything particularly fancy and in many case many old machines that are “outdated” by some standards are perfectly fine or even over powered for being designated as a server machine. Although one caveat of a file server is that it will need the requisite hard drive space for whatever scale of file server that one would need. Once these hardware components are built then one can begin with the next phase.

2) For the second step one needs to format and partition the hard drives(s) on the desired machine in preparation for installation an operating system< I'm thinking Debian Linux, but any Linux distribution is capable of performing such tasks. First you have to determine the architecture of the system you are installing it on whether it be 32 bit or 64 bit and ideally you would want a headless system so you can pick any of the images that are suitable for your architecture and preferably minimal or server edition from a mirror in or near your country here:

3) Install samba
2) For the second step one needs to format and partition the hard drives(s) on 4) Configure samba

TO DO: Clean up and expand the above list to have some actual useful info

The real wiki will go above all the video jazz.

Testing my youtube videos here, I go by “robgraves” for everything online from my youtube channel located at:

Link back to working resume since I can't find another location for it: Matthew J. Page

user/mp010784/start.1461867785.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/04/28 14:23 by mp010784