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Unix Philosophy

1) Do one thing and do that one thing extremely well

2) Small is beautiful

3) Everything is a file.

  1. 3 Types of Files
  2. Regular/ordinary files: in Unix these are seen with ls -l as a: -
  3. Directory files: in Unix these are seen with ls -l as a: d
  4. Special files/device files: in Unix these are seen with ls -l as a: l

ls -l -/—/—/— information First dash: type of file. See above. First Group: Owner Perms. Second Group: Group Perms. Third Group: Global Perms.

Base 8 understanding for file Perms

  1. # [letter] [what it does]
  2. 4 r read
  3. 2 w write
  4. 1 x execute
  5. 0 - nothing
Commands we learned so far
  1. [Command] [Name] [What it does]
  2. man: Manual: Gives an index of a command. Format: man [command] [options]
  3. ls: list: Gives a list of all non-hidden items in the current directory. Format: ls [options]
  4. cd: change directory: changes the current directory. Format: cd [directories in current directory/.. (go up one parent)/a specific directory if you know the location]
  5. mv: move: (not sure what it does, man mv showed that it changes cursor location)
  6. cp: copy: copy files over from one location to another. Format: cp [source] [destination]
  7. mkdir: make directory: creates directories. Format: mkdir [name of new directory] (can make it in specific directories, or just in the current one)
  8. echo: echo: overwrite files with written text/prints whatever you say after it. Format: echo [> (overwrite)/» (add to) + filename] [What you wish to write]
  9. cat: cat: reads targeted file. Format: cat [filename]
  10. unzip: unzip: unzips .zip
  11. gzip: gz unzip: removes .gz from compressed files.
  12. tar: tar: extracts tar files, used like this : tar -xf (add a z to that if gz is still there, j if it's a bz2) filename
  13. tr: translate: changes characters in a file from One char into another Format: tr “X” “Y”
user/jvandrig/jvandrig/start.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/10 19:17 by