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  1. What does $* variable do?
  • $* Takes the user input, and uses the value in the script.
  1. What does the & symbol do?
  • & in the script given (&&) tells the script to “add on” the second part of the script, if and only if the first part is executed successfully.
  • the second & runs the script in the background, and the return status is 0 or true.
  1. What is the script doing?
  • This script is taking the value given by the user and sleeping an echo of the value back to them.
  1. How is the script doing this?
  • It is taking the user input and saving it as a variable. By doing this you can take user input and use it multiple times in a script.
user/jblanch4/start.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/16 20:18 by jblanch4