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===How to create a Putty ssh connection to Lab46===

1. Download and install [[|Putty]] or an alternative ssh program of your choice. (watch for bloat-ware)
2. Run Putty if it asks you to confirm, press run or yes.
3. By default, the session icon in the left panel should be selected. In the right panel click hostname or ip address box and type port should be 22 and ssh should be selected.
4. Give your hostname a saved session name by typing something (lab46) in the saved sessions box and clicking save. This will allow you to double click and run it easily later. (best programmer is a lazy...meh)
5. Click open at the bottom and if it asks you for a Rsa2 fingerprint click yes if you trust the connection or press no if you do not. (clicking no the first time to make sure you have the right address isn't bad practice)
6. Log in with your username and password (see your system administrator for these if you don't have one) and you're done!
7. Do your puzzlebox!¦
user/dbaile15/start.txt · Last modified: 2017/02/28 00:48 by dbaile15