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The Circuit:

The Code:

  1 #!/usr/bin/env python3         
  2 ########################################################################
  3 # Filename    :   
  4 # Description : a DIY MINI table lamp
  5 # auther      :
  6 # modification: 2019/12/28     
  7 ########################################################################
  8 import RPi.GPIO as GPIO        
 10 ledPin    = 11       # define ledPin
 11 buttonPin = 12       # define buttonPin
 12 ledState  = False    #Tells us when button is pressed. False = OFF True = ON
 14 #initial setup of the board    
 15 def setup():                   
 16     GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)                                     # use PHYSICAL GPIO Numbering
 17     GPIO.setup(ledPin, GPIO.OUT)                                 # set ledPin to OUTPUT mode
 18     GPIO.setup(buttonPin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)     # set buttonPin to PULL UP INPUT mode
 20 #When the button is pressed change the state of the button 
 21 def buttonEvent(channel):      
 22     global ledState            
 23     print ('buttonEvent GPIO%d' %channel)
 24     ledState = not ledState    
 25     if ledState :              
 26         print ('Led turned on >>>')
 27     else :                     
 28         print ('Led turned off <<<')                                                                        
 29     GPIO.output(ledPin,ledState)
 31 #Function that controls what is done
 32 def loop():                    
 33     #Button detect             
 34     GPIO.add_event_detect(buttonPin,GPIO.FALLING,callback = buttonEvent,bouncetime=300)
 35     while True:                
 36         pass                   
 38 #when everything is done reset everything
 39 def destroy():                 
 40     GPIO.cleanup()             # Release GPIO resource
 43 if __name__ == '__main__':     
 44     print ('Program is starting...')
 45     setup()                    
 46     try:                       
 47         loop()                 
 48     except KeyboardInterrupt:  #When program ends call destroy
 49         destroy()              

This Project is the same setup as the previous ButtonLED project, but instead of having the LED turn on, when pressed, and turn off when not being pressed. This project has the LED turn on, if already off, when the button is pressed and only turn off when when the button is pressed again. After testing out the code I then went about cleaning up the comments to make it look a bit neater with the comments that are together be put at the same start position. I then also put comments for all the functions except for the Main function since the Main function does not need one.

user/bmurphy7/hpc0/tablelamp.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/10 16:42 by