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The Circuit:

The Code:

  1 #!/usr/bin/env python3                    
  2 ########################################################################
  3 # Filename    :            
  4 # Description : Random color change ColorfulLED
  5 # Author      :          
  6 # modification: 2019/12/27                
  7 ########################################################################
  8 import RPi.GPIO as GPIO                   
  9 import time                               
 10 import random                             
 12 pins = [11, 12, 13]                       # define the pins for R:11,G:12,B:13 
 14 #initial setup function                   
 15 def setup():                              
 16     global pwmRed,pwmGreen,pwmBlue        
 17     GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)              # use PHYSICAL GPIO Numbering
 18     GPIO.setup(pins, GPIO.OUT)            # set RGBLED pins to OUTPUT mode
 19     GPIO.output(pins, GPIO.HIGH)          # make RGBLED pins output HIGH level
 20     pwmRed = GPIO.PWM(pins[0], 2000)      # set PWM Frequence to 2kHz
 21     pwmGreen = GPIO.PWM(pins[1], 2000)    # set PWM Frequence to 2kHz
 22     pwmBlue = GPIO.PWM(pins[2], 2000)     # set PWM Frequence to 2kHz
 23     pwmRed.start(0)                       # set initial Duty Cycle to 0 for Red, Green, Blue
 24     pwmGreen.start(0)                     
 25     pwmBlue.start(0)                      
 27 #set the colour of the LED                
 28 def setColor(r_val,g_val,b_val):          # change duty cycle for three pins to r_val,g_val,b_val           
 29     pwmRed.ChangeDutyCycle(r_val)         # set Red's value
 30     pwmGreen.ChangeDutyCycle(g_val)       # set Green's value
 31     pwmBlue.ChangeDutyCycle(b_val)        # set Blue's value
 33 #Function that activate and set the LED's colour
 34 def loop():                               
 35     while True :                          
 36         r=random.randint(0,100)  #get a random in (0,100)
 37         g=random.randint(0,100)           
 38         b=random.randint(0,100)           
 39         setColor(r,g,b)          #set random as a duty cycle value 
 40         print ('r=%d, g=%d, b=%d ' %(r ,g, b))
 41         time.sleep(0.3)                   
 43 #function to stop the circuit             
 44 def destroy():                            
 45     pwmRed.stop()                         
 46     pwmGreen.stop()                       
 47     pwmBlue.stop()                        
 48     GPIO.cleanup()                        
 50 if __name__ == '__main__':                
 51     print ('Program is starting ... ')    
 52     setup()                               
 53     try:                                  
 54         loop()                            
 55     except KeyboardInterrupt:             # When program ends 
 56         destroy()

This project consisted of a multi-colour LED three resistors and four jumpers. The resistors connected the different ports of the LED that resemble the red, green, and blue lights of the LED. With the last port connecting to 3.3V part of the board. When the program is ran the LED will change colours, starting from white and going through the main colours in the colour spectrum. As for the code I cleaned it up, primarily shortening the comments that described the call to function that changed the LED's colour. I also added comments to describe the functions in it.

user/bmurphy7/hpc0/colorfulled.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/10 18:05 by