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The Circuit:

The Code:

  1 #!/usr/bin/env python3                                                                                      
  2 ########################################################################
  3 # Filename    :                                       
  4 # Description : Control led with button 
  5 # auther      :      
  6 # modification: 2019/12/28            
  7 ########################################################################
  8 import RPi.GPIO as GPIO               
 10 ledPin = 11         # define ledPin   
 11 buttonPin = 12      # define buttonPin 
 13 #initial setup of the board           
 14 def setup():                          
 16     GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)                                     # Use PHYSICAL GPIO Numbering
 17     GPIO.setup(ledPin, GPIO.OUT)                                 # Set ledPin to OUTPUT mode
 18     GPIO.setup(buttonPin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)     # Set buttonPin to PULL UP INPUT mode
 20 #the main loop. Controls LED          
 21 def loop():                           
 22     while True:                       
 23         if GPIO.input(buttonPin)==GPIO.LOW: # If button is pressed 
 24             GPIO.output(ledPin,GPIO.HIGH)   # Turn on led          
 25             print ('led turned on >>>')     # Print information on terminal
 26         #if button is released        
 27         else :                        
 28             GPIO.output(ledPin,GPIO.LOW)    # Turn off led         
 29             print ('led turned off <<<')                           
 31 #when done turn everything off        
 32 def destroy():                        
 33     GPIO.output(ledPin, GPIO.LOW)     # Turn off led               
 34     GPIO.cleanup()                    # Release GPIO resource      
 36 if __name__ == '__main__':            
 37     print ('Program is starting...')  
 38     setup()                           
 39     try:                              
 40         loop()                        
 41     except KeyboardInterrupt:         # When program ends do this   
 42         destroy()                     

For this project I worked on making a circuit that will turn on an LED when a button is pressed. After setting up the circuit, as shown in the starting diagram, I went into the code and started cleaning it up. Primarily by making comment blocks are indented together, as can be seen within the definitions. Then I put in some comments that stated what every definition was to accomplish, and I deleted the comment telling us that we are entering the main function for it is not needed.

user/bmurphy7/hpc0/buttonled.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/10 16:23 by