The Circuit:
The Code:
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3 2 ######################################################################## 3 # Filename : 4 # Description : Make Alertor with buzzer and button 5 # Author : 6 # modification: 2019/12/27 7 ######################################################################## 8 import RPi.GPIO as GPIO 9 import time 10 import math 11 12 buzzerPin = 11 # define the buzzerPin 13 buttonPin = 12 # define the buttonPin 14 15 #Initial setup of the board and buzzer 16 def setup(): 17 global p 18 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # Use PHYSICAL GPIO Numbering 19 GPIO.setup(buzzerPin, GPIO.OUT) # set RGBLED pins to OUTPUT mode 20 GPIO.setup(buttonPin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # Set buttonPin to INPUT mode. Set up to HIGH 21 p = GPIO.PWM(buzzerPin, 1) 22 p.start(0); 23 24 25 #function that will activate the alertor when button is pressed 26 def loop(): 27 while True: 28 if GPIO.input(buttonPin)==GPIO.LOW: 29 alertor() 30 print ('alertor turned on >>> ') 31 else : 32 stopAlertor() 33 print ('alertor turned off <<<') 34 35 #function that sets the frequency of sound made 36 def alertor(): 37 p.start(50) 38 for x in range(0,361): # Make frequency of the alertor that of a sine wave 39 sinVal = math.sin(x * (math.pi / 180.0)) # calculate the sine value 40 toneVal = 2000 + sinVal * 500 # Add to the frequency so that humans can hear it 41 p.ChangeFrequency(toneVal) # Change to the new Frequency 42 time.sleep(0.001) 43 44 #function that stops the alertor 45 def stopAlertor(): 46 p.stop() 47 48 #function that clears the board 49 def destroy(): 50 GPIO.output(buzzerPin, GPIO.LOW) # Turn off buzzer 51 GPIO.cleanup() # Release GPIO resource 52 53 if __name__ == '__main__': 54 print ('Program is starting...') 55 setup() 56 try: 57 loop() 58 except KeyboardInterrupt: # When program ends clean up 59 destroy()
This project has the same setup as the doorbell project, with the only change being that instead of an active buzzer we replaced it with a passive buzzer. After replacing the buzzer and activating the code we find that buzzer makes a new sound that changes frequency. This change in frequency is using number along a sine wave, which is then converted into a frequency that we can hear. As for the code I added comments to describe the functions, made a couple of the longer comments more readable, and made the comments align with each other.