When first setting up the Pi I went to make certain that it was updated. So I used the commands:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt upgrade
saying yes when it asked me if I wanted to use up the space that it needed. After doing this a few times I decided that sense I was going to be constantly updating the Pi why not have it check for updates every week. So I went into root's crontab, done by:
sudo crontab -e
and put into that file:
0 3 * * 1 apt-get update 30 8 * * 1 apt full-upgrade --yes
Which basically says that at the start of every week at 3 am check for updates. Then at 3:30 upgrade everything that had an update, with the –yes being the answer for when the command prompts about whether I wish to use up storage for these updates. I also made certain to change the default password of the admin account on the Pi so that way if/when I make the Pi available to be accessed remotely I do not have anyone getting access to my Pi.
After that I proceeded to find and download addon files for the text editor Vim, so that I could have it act like how I am used to Vim being. With custom colour schemes and line numbers. Which I then configured for my personal use in the .vimrc file located in my home directory.
Then I had to grab Dasm, stella, and SDL for use in my projects for Comporg and Sysprog, respectfully, which was a matter of using the commands: for Dasm and stella
sudo apt-get dasm Sudo apt install
and for SDL:
sudo aptitude install .....
with the dots being the specific libraries that I needed, like libsdl-image1.2 the SDK image library for SDL version 1.2.
When I went about setting up a webserver for my Pi I did the normal way of
sudo apt install apache2 -y
which grabbed the apache2 onto the Pi allowing me to make a webserver on the Pi. But I wanted to be able to use PHP for making a database down the line so I also went to install php with the command:
sudo apt install libapache2-mod-php -y
which allowed me to now use php when setting using my webserver. I had to get rid of the index.html file and make it into a php file so that the server could recognise it. With this done however it was time to setup a Dokuwiki.
To get Dokuwiki onto the Pi i had to run the simple command of:
sudo apt-get install dokuwiki
which when and found the files for dokuwiki and installed them onto the Pi. After that it was a matter of going into localhost in a web browser to test it out. After seeing that it worked I went about setting ownership of the page files to me so that I could edit wiki pages from the command line and is what I used in order to have a separate directory for pages. I will discuss other things I did to configure the Dokuwiki that I use here: Dokuwiki Documentation
I had an idea that since the video game platform know as Steam had implemented a way for you to stream games off of any computer that is running with your account open. I wondered if I could do something similar with my Pi so that way I could have a very portable device that would allow me to play games anywhere with a good internet connection. After doing some research I found out that the steamlink application that Valve originally made for their “console” was available for free and could run a Pi 3 or newer with Rasbian stretch. Which after checking what Rasbian I had I found that I could run it. In order to get it I had to download directly from one of Valve's servers which was a simple command of:
curl -#Of http://media.steampowered.com/steamlink/rpi/steamlin_1.0.7_armhf.deb
which gave me a package file that I needed to install on to my device which was a matter of using the command:
sudo dpkg -i steamlin_1.0.7_armhf.deb
which proceeded to install steamlink onto my Pi.
I have otherwise grabbed a portable version of firefox for I found that the in-built chromium web-browser was eating up a lot of my memory and so I grabbed a web-browser that would not eat as much memory.