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Brian Fairchild


Computer science major with a GPA of 3.4. I am currently enrolled at Corning Community College and am on my Fifth semester. I have taken a class in communication so i can communicate properly with a team. Excellent communication skill are very important in today's job market and I can guarantee that i will bring nothing but the best in communication. Teamwork is also very important. One of the best ways to practice working with a team is in video games. I have played with many different team while gaming and am able to bring the best out of people in the worst situations. On the education side i have been taking classes that involve high level problem solving skills. I am also experienced with several different operating systems including windows, UNIX, and android. I plan on being prolific in several computer languages such as C, C++, and Java. I have used version control software such as tortoise HG and am confident in my abilities handling the software.

Educational Achievements

  1. High School Diploma
  2. New York State Regents diploma
  3. Computer Science Associates Degree (working progress)
user/bfairch2/resume.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/27 23:16 by bfairch2