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This week, and the last week or two of summer, i read the mages book which i call the “Unix manual”. It was an interesting read and i was actually looking for a manual similar to this one to read through on my own time so i could get familiar with Unix. i actually enjoyed learning and performing the commands in the manual and in the few weeks i have known said commands have been using them in everyday life. i also read a very small portion of the C and found what i read interesting about the history and origin of C. I double checked that i was able to log into Lab46 and the lab46 ssh and i was on all my devices including the raspberry pi. however i was not able see what i wrote on my cci0 file, using my windows 10 machine, as of the 19th. i will have to check my machine running Ubuntu. in this Tuesdays class i learned how to compile source code and execute it. i always knew how this process worked at a basic level but know i know how to do this process myself and have a better grasp on what it means to compile source code. i finished the cci0 project in class(thank you for the time) and now am beginning in on the dtr0 project. I hope to learn just as much along the way. I finished the unsigned data types on the dtr0 project and after my fixing a variable i had wrong it worked successfully. although the “unsigned int” title had one extra space between “TYPE” and “unsigned int”. it was initially confusing since i double checked what i had typed up for the string of text meant to be displayed as the title of the data type and there was no extra space in there. I eventually found out that the problem was in the formatting. this was the only data type (so far) that when typed out was exactly 13 characters(including spaces) long. the program only allocated for 13 spaces to be formatted although im not quite sure where i just assumed it was formatted to be right justified. also i think the reason all the others were equally lined up was because there was a maximum right boundary that after enough overflow of characters pushed everything to the left instead centering it on some imaginary line on the right side of the page. i really don't know how it really works but that was my best guess as to what was happening. the was i fixed the problem is by reducing the amount of spaces i had allocated for “unsigned int” down to 12 and it worked.

user/aclark39/portfolio.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/25 22:49 by aclark39