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My Name is Kyle Lymber spring2015 Opus



Hello, My name is Kyle Lymber and this is my first time using Unix. I am going to Corning Community College for Computer Science with a goal of heading to Rochester Institute of Technology to obtain a degree in Game Development and Design. I have joined this Class 3 weeks late so its going to be a long and rough road to getting on top and caught up but a road I am willing to take!

UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Journal

February 19, 2015

Today I have learned a lot about compression decompression and archiving and extracting. I completed the lab arc0 where I had to learn to copy files from one directory and into another, I learned I can copy the name of one directory, Such as my own, by highlighting and right clicking and when I wish to paste I just right click and like magic the path I copied is on the screen where I wanted it to be, this was useful when I i wanted to copy the archive.tar.xz file into my own working directory. In order to extract the file I had to use the command tar -xvfj which extracted the file into the current directory. Once finished I renamed the files in numerical order while answering the questions I used cat to see what each contained then figured out the puzzle using the rev and tac commands and pushing them into another file using the > command and the » command » is to append to the file and > is to write in the file.

UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Journal

February 19, 2015

Today I have learned how to use the base64 commands and the arguements that go along with them such as the most important -d or –decode which will take a file that is COMPLETELY base64 (not small parts in regular text) and using the command $ base64 -d results1 > results you will take the base64 characters and decode them into regular characters forming readable sentences such as direction on how to complete the project. i worked with .zip files more and another important command in unix is file! file allows you to see what type of file the file you ask it for is, for example, $ file dinosaurs_with_hats.mp4 was: ASCII text. and riddle.html was actually known as shiny.tar which brings me on another topic of more practice with the .tar and archiving, extraction, compression and decompression.

UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Journal

March 15, 2014

For the project udr0 I learned a lot of different commands that are popular and useful such as dd and the arguments for it like if of bs skip and count. dd allows you to turn a file into a record player of sorts because it gives you the opportunity to skip a certain amount of bytes and go a certain amount of bytes and turn that selected piece into a file using of=FILENAME. I had to concatenate all of the different files together after decoding one of them. To decode them I used uudecode on the file and it turned it into a data file. once I had the picture file and two data files I concatenated them to the same file which was a picture of a meme. to concatenate I used the command > which passes the files on the left into a file on the right if you want to write one file at a time you must use » which allows you to append after the first one so it does not over write it self. I am have difficulties figuring out things that may seem clear, I am not sure if I am doing something wrong but i had a difficult time using dd because no matter how long I stared at the man pages I could not figure out how to use it correctly with proper syntax. once I learn a command or I would say a way of thinking I tend to remember easy but finding out on my own seems to stump me for hours dropping my moral about the project.

October 01, 2015

Yesterday, all my problems seemed so far away… Yesterday I was able to finish displayf and insert in sll0. these two functions blew my mind, I worked from 2 oclock till 6:15 and eventually figured out that I had the basic concept for displayf but it was in the wrong order. I have been commenting my code a lot more than I use too and I learned vi much better and by that I mean I'm actually using it because I can get it to work. Indent is great! did not know about that command either.

October 08, 2015

Last night I was able to figure out compare.c. I had a lot of problems trying to figure out but eventually figured it out. I turned the project in late in order to complete the entire thing and I'm hoping that, that does not hurt me bad because it was only an hour after the due date, however if it does then it does. I worked out logic so the most important will trump the others just by using if statements.

November 02, 2015

The past few weeks have been brutal with all my classes, tests, projects and the concept of doubly linked lists is blowing my mind and I'm having some difficulty understanding what I need to do for a lot of these projects. I started off doing really well and able to easily figure everything out, now I feel like something is missing because it seems that everyone else in class is knowing what to do and I just don't.

December 02, 2015

The break was able to get me caught back up and I feel much more confident with the content we have covered in the past few days. I have been getting much better with the use of error codes and the who, what, where, why with them. the Last 2 data structures we covered being Queues and Stacks were easy to comprehend however making them actually work was slightly more difficult. I'm kind of beat from this entire semester however I'm excited for this final project because regardless if I do well or not I've always been enjoying the stuff I learn from these projects!


opus/spring2015/klymber/start.txt · Last modified: 2015/02/07 20:37 by