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Steven's fall 2014 Opus

The Best


Well my name is Steven Cruttenden and I am from Watkins Glen NY. I am attending corning community college and i am in the computer science major. After I am done here I plan to continue my studies at the university of buffalo. Some of my interests are as some might think computers and video games. When I am not on my computer I enjoy being at the lake or playing basketball.

Data Structures Journal


Today in class we talked about pointers more. I used them a lot last year so I have no worries about them. Sadly we are going to get into structs and I have no idea how to use them. In C last year we maybe spent 30 mins on them and the Joe went off topic. So I am looking forward to learn something new, but i already know I am going to have a hard time with this for the first time.


//Made by Steven Cruttenden on and for Windows not Linux or mac
//Used to shutdown a computer after x amount of time
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <windows.h>

int main ( )
   int input ;
   int time;
   int warring;
   int sub;
   int counter = 0;

   printf( "how long  until shut-down in minutes :");
   scanf ("%d", & input);
   sub = input;
   while (sub != 1) //not needed could just do warring - 1
	sub = sub -1;

   warring = (counter) *60000; // make into a loop so it will always be one
   time = input * 60000;  // this will be in mins. The number depending on the OS.

   Sleep (warring); //sleep makes it wait X amount of time

   printf("The computer will shutdown in 1 min!");

   Sleep (time);

   system("C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\shutdown /s"); // will only work for windows like this
   return (0);

Just something that I wanted to try, feel free to take this and improve it.


Got done talking about structs and linked lists it is a hard thing to wrap your head around but with time I hope that it will be easy. UPDATE: Just talked with Joe and asked him to give me a program to write dealing with structs. I guess that I am now going to learn XML and take that info and turn it into a struct and then a linked list.


Node0 is going well. The whole thing seems easy and straight forward, but i know that it will get harder soon.


Note to remember:

status data for project info

submit data for project info


Smart one me reporting in. I completely forgot that you can change alias by using

 nano .bashrc 

now I have some short cuts. Side note thank you Matt for reminding me.

cd /var/public/data/fall2014 

to get old projects

I have never though this hard about a coding project before. Never have I been in the shower and got a great idea about coding then debated with myself whether or not it would work the way i though it would. And just if anyone wants to know it didn't work at all.


After a few hours of debugging I looked at the message again only to realize that I was trying to fix a file that had nothing wrong with it, when in fact it was seg-faulting in a completely different file. Yay, 2 hours to realize that I feel so smart.


Another fun fact I asked Joe to look at some of my data structures before JAVA, now get get to learn so data structures in JAVA and C. Why did I have to ask.


Well I don't finish the test in class, not sure why it wasn't work but I plan to fix it on my own. Also plan to start dllo soon I think that it will be easy.


I just left the lair got most of dll0 done, still have some do to i think that i can get it do. Wednesday: Nope didn't finish cplist gave me a lot of trouble, along with that swap and sort don't work.


Well I didn't finish another project. I know what to do, I guess I'm just not sure how to do it if that makes any sense. For dls0 for pop all you had to do was use obtain and i just couldn't get it to work. The same thing happened to me with push. I think what I'm doing should work but it just hasn't so far.


This week has been hell. I have never spent so much time coding one project before. This lack of sleep sucks at least its mostly over now. And if you read this Matt thanks for all of your help with the project and extending yours, without your help none of this would have gotten done.


Well i got my grade today, not very happy with it. We also talked about eoce. I have most of it done since I did it for Alicia, so I got something going for me. Last note I think im going to try to fix queue.


Its 2 in the morning and I just got done coding this still not done with eoce0 or eoce1 or tree, I still have a long way to go…….


All I can say at this point is wow. eoce1 is kicking my ass. It is so hard to think about this stuff in this way, and here I thought this class was done blowing my mind.


This is a sample format for a dated entry. Please substitute the actual date for “Month Day, Year”, and duplicate the level 4 heading to make additional entries.

As an aid, feel free to use the following questions to help you generate content for your entries:

  • What action or concept of significance, as related to the course, did you experience on this date?
  • Why was this significant?
  • What concepts are you dealing with that may not make perfect sense?
  • What challenges are you facing with respect to the course?
opus/fall2014/scrutten/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/21 16:16 by