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Matt Bauer's fall2014 Opus

OPTIONAL SUBTITLE (Still Keeping my Options open)


I am 33 years old and have been a CNC Machinist at The Hilliard Corp for over 10 years. While i do still enjoy most of it, i found that i am far more interested in the computer and programming aspect of that position and have noticed that i have become increasingly less interested in the mechanical side of machining. This fact is what has led me to pursue a degree in Computer Science. I have always enjoyed working and playing around with computers dating all the way back to my first PC (Acer desktop @25Mhz - yes MHz, with 4 MB of ram). So far i am really enjoying the programming classes i have taken so far and cant wait to get into more complex languages.

Data Structures Journal

Week 1

  • Logged on to the Class chat
    • check for screen instances with “screen -ls”
    • If none exist type “screen”
    • Type “irssi”
    • /server irc
    • /join csci
    • To change Nick Name type “/nick newnickname”
  • Set up Mercurial Repo = already done
    • Useful Repo commands

Notes and Findings

  • Hand Written Notes(with pictures) from the Entire course to be posted shortly……
opus/fall2014/mb006142/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/21 16:16 by