Dylan's fall2014 Opus
Hello, my name is Dylan and I am currently in my last semester here at CCC. I work at the Geek Squad in Horseads, and I have been there for 5 long years. I enjoy playing gaming on my PC and staying up way to late at night. My favorite color is red. I also do not know what I want to be when I grow up.
wc -w displays the number of files (word count)
ls -d prevents ls form looking into another directory
a process is a program in action
pid 2^16 =65536
starts @ 1
as long as there are pid to allocate everything will work fine
ps - shows processes
kill -1 PID hangs process
kill -2 PID interrupts process
ps aux | grep $USER
AT&T sh - bourne shell
bash - bourne again shell
Wild cards
wild cards operate on command line
? matches any single character
* match 0 or more characters
ls ????
[] match any character inside
ls l* (match any beginning with l)
ls *.zip (match any with .zip)
[^] do not match anything inside
ls *.tar* (match anything with .tar)
ls ?[aeiou]? match any characters with any lower case vowel inside
USE: wc, head, tail, grep, cut, |, sort, cat
tr -translate, squeezes, and or deletes characters from std-in writing to std-out
ascii man page man 7 ascii
ps shows PID
spawning / forking processes
when a process creates another process
there is no limit to processes on if one is put in place by administrator
only the hardware and software limit the number of processes otherwise
ulimit - look up the amount of resources you can or cannot use
getent passwd - shows
getent passwd | cut -d ’:’ -f1,7 | head -n 75
* ‘ - full quote = literal quote * “ - half quote = allow for expansion (variable) * ` - back-quote = command expansion
$__ this is how the shell (bash) denotes a environment variable
$ means access
Unix pipe | takes std-out and places into std-input
cat short for concatenate
bc -l is for the calculator
cp /etc/motd ~
absolute path for home dir
(~ signify's home dir)
Cat - looking at files ASCII 8 -bit code
Cat -n - shows line #
Cat -e - puts $ at the end of lines
Tries to show all files as one of 256 symbols
white space characters
: extended command mode
Ctrl - S locks the terminal Ctrl - Q unlocks the terminal
$ means end of line
od /
octodump of the file
od -x for hex dump
globally search regular expression print
grep ‘the’
looks for the expression the in the give files
grep ‘\<the\>’ /
looks for just the word the
grep -i ‘’
- looks for upper and lowercase version of given variable
grep -o ‘’
- just shows the matching text
grep -n ‘’
- displays line #
Pipe | - takes the output and send it to the input of another command
Pipe anything that send to std out like
od -x /ect/motd | grep -o '0a' |wc -l
little endian : lower order
big endian: higher order
network communication is big endian
intel machines use little endian
tail used to see the end of a file
tail -f can see all changes as they are taking place
cat allows you to see the contents of a file on the std out (the screen)
nearly any file can be inputted or outputted from std-out
Symbolic link - file that points to another file
object file executable - binary file
set vid -gives root access set gid -assign group privileges
bin - located in \bin contains most normal user commands
sbin \sbin administrator commands
submitting projects from wiki
$ submit unix “nameofproject” “webaddress(fullwebaddress)”
should say submitting unix project “name”
“web address”
successfully submitted
i = insert I = insert at the end
a = append A = append at the end
VIM is improved version of VI,
HJKL are = to arrow keys
W = skips words
4W = skips 4 words and so on
B is back
$ goes to the end of the line
3G, goes the third line
X is delete, x is backspace
dw, db, dW, dB - delete by word
d^, d$, dd
p is paste
S - substitute
cw cb cW cB - change word
c^, c$
o = insert new line below
O = insert new line above cursor
y = yank
yw = yanks into a buffer
/”char” brings the cursor to the word
n goes to next, N goes back
:w “filename” saves files
:w if you already put filename when starting Vi
:q exit VI
no saving just exit :q!
status unix
this command will show attendance, opus and project status
cal will give you the current month & day
cal 2014
will give you the yearly calendar
cal 04 2014
will show a specific month calendar
date by default will give you the day month time time:zone year TUE SEP 9 16:30:30 EDT 2014
you can reformat the date string
date -d 2014 08 03 “j”
%J will give date of the current month
%s will give you the amount of time since the beginning of time
1970-01-01 00:00:00 utc
pom - phase of moon will display the moon phases
man - for manual page or pages
write - to write to another user
talk - works like instant message
/ect directory contains many system config files
shadow - is where encrypted passwords would be saved if on a stand alone system
the motd resides within /ect
cat motd shows you the banner
/lid - system libraries reside here
ldd will show shared library dependencies
everything is organized in both unix and linux
/media - common mount points
/proc -process infromation psendo-filesystem
will show process id's
each sub dir is a process id
/sbin -system binaries
/tmp - were temporary data is stored
permissions are drwx rwx rwx user group global
/van collection of everything, not really any specific
/usr compiler is located here
/usr /bin tools in here
/usr /lib supporting libraries
everything is underneath one file system
even if something is mounted
pwd shows current directory
cd allows for changing of directories
cd . current dir navigation
cd .. relative path, takes to parent dir
absolute path is a specific address that works from any location
universally specific
echo - simple print statement that will come out the std out
(> redirects std out to file “writes”)
(» redirects std out to file “appends”)
2> redirects std err “writes”
2» “ ” appends
Unix Philosophy
3 types of files
3 tiers of ownership
user group other(world/global)
dwrx wrx wrx d for dir Special = B, C, P, S
R- read 4 in octal W- write 2 in octal x- execute 1 in octal - no permission 0 in octal
Permissions uses octal # system to give permissions
there is no un-delete option- only the superuser has this option however, this does not protect this file from being over written If the data is over-written in the swap file system then the file/ data cannot be retrieved
My user name: ddewert1
to remote on to lab 46 ssh ddewert1@lab46.corning-cc.edu
to detach from the server
ctrl + a + d
for class chat
/server irc /join unix /join lab46
common commands
who - shows who is on the system at that instant
ls -l list dir's and or files in current dir
alpine for email
lab46:~$ this is your user home dir
there are 2 regular states
regular and superuser
:~/src$ — directoy
This is a sample format for a dated entry. Please substitute the actual date for “Month Day, Year”, and duplicate the level 4 heading to make additional entries.
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