Hello. My name is Nicholas Brimmer. I am a student at Corning Community College, working on 2 degrees in Computer Science and Math Science. After college, I hope to pursue [REDACTED]. My many interests include [REDACTED]. I write code like old people make love, slow and sloppy. When I'm not writing absolutely horrendous code for class, I am working as a [REDACTED] for [REDACTED].
_ .-./*) _/___/ `. U U 'Things I have learned from Computer Science.'
Made some friends for Pro Tip Turtle: Their names are BSD_Bunny and OwlpenBSD: +9001 EXTRA CREDIT POINTS!!!!!!!.
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// The first line in main(); clrscr();
lab46:~/$ gcc code.c -g -o code lab46:~/$ gdb ./code (gdb) run
lab46:~/$ nano .bashrc