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Rob Lott Opus



Rob Lott Corning community college student.

Part 1


so many keys and commands to take in. command promts.

september 17, 2011

Ive learned the vi text editor realy is the Best text editor on the planet. entering text is inspiring. may need more practice


This is a sample format for a dated entry. Please substitute the actual date for “Month Day, Year”, and duplicate the level 4 heading to make additional entries.


September 24, 2011

played with commands. Found out how to move files around



The shell is the traditional user interface If you wish to aid your definition with a code sample, you can do so by using a wiki code block, an example follows:


main, center, top, start directory.

If you want to demonstrate something on the command-line, you can do so as follows:

lab46:~$ cd /


A file system structure. same as the file folder, which is a visual aid for non-unix users. If you wish to aid your definition with a code sample, you can do so by using a wiki code block, an example follows:


a set of processes chained by their standard streams, so that the output of each process (stdout) feeds directly as input (stdin) to the next one.

If you want to demonstrate something on the command-line, you can do so as follows:



calender- displays time, date, country codes.

Keyword 6

Identification and definition of the chosen keyword. Substitute “keyword” with the actual keyword.

If you want to demonstrate something on the command-line, you can do so as follows:

lab46:~$ cd src
lab46:~/src$ gcc -o hello hello.c
lab46:~/src$ ./hello
Hello, World!


The tee utility is one of my personal favorites and is very simple. The command is intended to be used in a pipe to capture the standard output of another command and display it on the screen, as well as copy it to a file. In the following example, the directory listing is displayed on the screen, and also copied to the file dir.txt. Using cat to type out the dir.txt file shows that it contains the same information that was displayed on the screen.

$ ls -l|tee dir.txt
total 141
-rwxrwxrwx   1 mjb      group       16850 Apr 12 16:13 SMALL01.DOC
-rwxrwxrwx   1 mjb      group       14881 Apr 12 20:51 SMALL02.DOC
-rwxrwxrwx   1 mjb      group       17758 Jun 13 01:29 Small03.doc
-rwxrwxrwa   1 mjb      group       12791 Jul 12 22:44 Small04.doc
-rwxrwxrwx   1 mjb      group        4232 Jun 12 00:03 Smallxx.doc
drwxrwxrwx   1 mjb      group           0 Jul 12 21:25 docs
-rwxrwxrwx   1 mjb      group         261 Jun 13 01:08 hello.cbl
-rwxrwxrwx   1 mjb      group         184 Jun 13 00:59 hello.txt
-rwxrwxrwa   1 mjb      group         343 Jul 12 21:32 mver
-rwxrwxrwa   1 mjb      group          83 Jul 12 19:52 sh_histo
-rwxrwxrwx   1 mjb      group         455 Apr 12 18:10 simpmenu
-rwxrwxrwx   1 mjb      group         600 Apr 12 18:39 simpmenu.txt
-rwxrwxrwa   1 mjb      group          17 Jul 12 22:24 sleepy
-rwxrwxrwx   1 mjb      group         189 Jun 13 01:13 smallfry.txt
$ cat dir.txt
total 141
-rwxrwxrwx   1 mjb      group       16850 Apr 12 16:13 SMALL01.DOC
-rwxrwxrwx   1 mjb      group       14881 Apr 12 20:51 SMALL02.DOC
-rwxrwxrwx   1 mjb      group       17758 Jun 13 01:29 Small03.doc
-rwxrwxrwa   1 mjb      group       12791 Jul 12 22:44 Small04.doc
-rwxrwxrwx   1 mjb      group        4232 Jun 12 00:03 Smallxx.doc
drwxrwxrwx   1 mjb      group           0 Jul 12 21:25 docs
-rwxrwxrwx   1 mjb      group         261 Jun 13 01:08 hello.cbl
-rwxrwxrwx   1 mjb      group         184 Jun 13 00:59 hello.txt
-rwxrwxrwa   1 mjb      group         343 Jul 12 21:32 mver
-rwxrwxrwa   1 mjb      group          83 Jul 12 19:52 sh_histo
-rwxrwxrwx   1 mjb      group         455 Apr 12 18:10 simpmenu
-rwxrwxrwx   1 mjb      group         600 Apr 12 18:39 simpmenu.txt
-rwxrwxrwa   1 mjb      group          17 Jul 12 22:24 sleepy
-rwxrwxrwx   1 mjb      group         189 Jun 13 01:13 smallfry.txt


GNU Compiler Collection, formerly the “GNU C Compiler”


person who uses Unix in some way.


Graphical User Interface- programs used by devices in order to provide human interface with the computer. I (I.E. keyboard,screen,mouse,trackball


(Substitute userid) aka su - command allows you to change to another userid.

(Substitute userid and do somthing) aka sudo- allows the single use of a command under the auspices of another user

Keyword 12

Identification and definition of the chosen keyword. Substitute “keyword” with the actual keyword.

If you want to demonstrate something on the command-line, you can do so as follows:

lab46:~$ cd src
lab46:~/src$ gcc -o hello hello.c
lab46:~/src$ ./hello
Hello, World!


Objective 1

State the course objective; define what that objective entails.


State the method you will use for measuring successful academic/intellectual achievement of this objective.


Follow your method and obtain a measurement. Document the results here.


Reflect upon your results of the measurement to ascertain your achievement of the particular course objective.

  • How did you do?
  • Room for improvement?
  • Could the measurement process be enhanced to be more effective?
  • Do you think this enhancement would be efficient to employ?
  • Could the course objective be altered to be more applicable? How would you alter it?


Can i copy the game directory and past it in my closet.

Experiment 1


Can the game directory be copied and pasted into the a closer directory, such as, my closet?


Collect information and resources (such as URLs of web resources), and comment on knowledge obtained that you think will provide useful background information to aid in performing the experiment. The following commands are needed. $ man cp $ man ls $ pwd $ ls $ cp $ cd


I belive that you can move or copy the game directory to another of your chosing. in turn bring an easy and quick solution to over exploitation of the cd command. While shorting the time it takes to play a simple game. Based on what you've read with respect to your original posed question, what do you think will be the result of your experiment (ie an educated guess based on the facts known). This is done before actually performing the experiment.

State your rationale.


resarch the paths from the root directory to the gams dir. and vise versa for the user shell . How are you going to test your hypothesis? What is the structure of your experiment?


Perform your experiment, and collect/document the results here.


Based on the data collected:

  • was your hypothesis correct?
  • was your hypothesis not applicable?
  • is there more going on than you originally thought? (shortcomings in hypothesis)
  • what shortcomings might there be in your experiment?
  • what shortcomings might there be in your data?


What can you ascertain based on the experiment performed and data collected? Document your findings here; make a statement as to any discoveries you've made.

Experiment 2


can you use a asterisk in a full command line in vi.


Collect information and resources (such as URLs of web resources), and comment on knowledge obtained that you think will provide useful background information to aid in performing the experiment.


Based on what you've read with respect to your original posed question, what do you think will be the result of your experiment (ie an educated guess based on the facts known). This is done before actually performing the experiment.

State your rationale.


How are you going to test your hypothesis? What is the structure of your experiment?


Perform your experiment, and collect/document the results here.


Based on the data collected:

  • was your hypothesis correct?
  • was your hypothesis not applicable?
  • is there more going on than you originally thought? (shortcomings in hypothesis)
  • what shortcomings might there be in your experiment?
  • what shortcomings might there be in your data?


the experiment shows that the lab46 vurtule set up can not run the ifconfeg

Experiment 3


What is the question you'd like to pose for experimentation? State it here.


Collect information and resources (such as URLs of web resources), and comment on knowledge obtained that you think will provide useful background information to aid in performing the experiment.


Based on what you've read with respect to your original posed question, what do you think will be the result of your experiment (ie an educated guess based on the facts known). This is done before actually performing the experiment.

State your rationale.


How are you going to test your hypothesis? What is the structure of your experiment?


Perform your experiment, and collect/document the results here.


Based on the data collected:

  • was your hypothesis correct?
  • was your hypothesis not applicable?
  • is there more going on than you originally thought? (shortcomings in hypothesis)
  • what shortcomings might there be in your experiment?
  • what shortcomings might there be in your data?


What can you ascertain based on the experiment performed and data collected? Document your findings here; make a statement as to any discoveries you've made.

Part 2


oct 21, 2011

work day. opus,projects,unix.

octuber 24, 2011

Project on puzzle box is done for the most part. working on next.

octuber 13, 2011

After reading up on bash scripting. I made two programs displayed on a web page. while exploring such avaneus I made one from scratch. leaning to keep track of typos is the hard part.

Month Day, Year

This is a sample format for a dated entry. Please substitute the actual date for “Month Day, Year”, and duplicate the level 4 heading to make additional entries.

As an aid, feel free to use the following questions to help you generate content for your entries:

  • What action or concept of significance, as related to the course, did you experience on this date?
  • Why was this significant?
  • What concepts are you dealing with that may not make perfect sense?
  • What challenges are you facing with respect to the course?

Remember that 4 is just the minimum number of entries. Feel free to have more.

unix Topics


crrerats FIFO's (also called “named pipes”) with the specified names.


aseIf you want to demonstrate something on the command-line, you can do so as follows:


a term created by programmers that state mandates a programmer, or comp user of UNIX/ Linux based systems must at least try to find a answer to their problems. This must be done before asking a more experienced programmer.

R- read
T- the
F- ****
M- manual 

meta characters

A metacharacter is a character that has a special meaning (instead of a literal meaning) to a computer program, such as a shell interpreter or a regular expression engine.

command: Export

The export command is used to define the variable as one that subshells (shells spawned from the original) should inherit.

rlott@lab46:~$ export PAGER


a command built into the bc program. this command is used to display the output of mathematical computations in binary, octal, base 10, etc.

If you want to demonstrate something on the command-line, you can do so as follows:


A FIFO special file is similar to a pipe, except that it is created in a different way. Instead of being an anonymous communications channel, a FIFO special file is entered into the file system by calling mkfifo.


print- command


files, space for storage of more data, directories, programs.


Mainly the 'cli' set on a visual screen for user interface.


This directory contains the commands and utilities that you use day to day. These are executable binary files aka bin.


standard terminal emulator for the X Window System

unix Objective


Scripting with bash and programming concepts. using bash in the vi editor to write the program code. successful execution of the {chmod} command in order to change the file format from rw, read-write. To a executable format via program file.


after a well developed presentation on the inner working of bash, vi, aka vim, and the method of programming. One could have a assignment that leave the class to explore and change the outcome or multiple outcomes of the program.


my irc chat bot was deleted by mistake so here is a quick dummy program.
Lable: loop
objective of program- take the $who command and pipe to $less for display.

change to program: The who command piped into the vi text editor.

lrwxrwxrwx 1 rlott lab46     15 Aug 28 10:37 Maildir -> /var/mail/rlott
-rw-r--r-- 1 rlott lab46    237 Oct 25 14:57 archive1.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 rlott lab46    584 Oct 25 14:57
drwxr-x--x 3 rlott lab46     79 Oct 25 15:37 archives
-rw-r--r-- 1 rlott lab46    309 Oct 25 15:42 archives.tar.bz2
drwxr-xr-x 2 rlott lab46      6 Sep 13 08:27 bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 rlott lab46      6 Sep  6 16:19 cake
drwxr-xr-x 2 rlott lab46      6 Sep  6 15:44 cloest
drwxr-xr-x 3 rlott lab46     70 Oct 13 16:10 closet
drwxr-xr-x 2 rlott lab46      6 Sep  6 15:28 coset
-rw-r--r-- 1 rlott lab46    681 Oct 25 21:31 courses.html
lrwxrwxrwx 1 rlott lab46     25 Oct  6 16:47 data -> /usr/local/etc/data/rlott
-rw-r--r-- 1 rlott lab46    752 Sep  6 16:12 e
-rwxr-xr-x 1 rlott lab46     26 Oct  6 15:37
-rw-r--r-- 1 rlott lab46  11221 Oct 25 15:44 ed
drwxr-xr-x 2 rlott lab46   4096 Sep 17 02:14 games
-rwxr-xr-x 1 rlott lab46   6569 Oct 13 16:20 hello
-rw-r--r-- 1 rlott lab46     75 Oct 13 16:20 hello.c
-rw-r--r-- 1 rlott lab46    409 Oct 13 15:41 hello.s
-rwxr-x--- 1 rlott lab46     78 Oct 23 20:07
drwx------ 3 rlott lab46     16 Oct  6 15:41 irc
"ls-l.txt" 50L, 2632C

Follow your method and obtain a measurement. Document the results here.


If i were a little more froggy, the program could be modified to pop up the same as the $motd to display who is on the sever. MAKING LIFE EASY.


Visual contdown


can you have the command

 :date +%s 

be placed into a loop script to constantly count up to 23458789… in unix time?


vim, internet, linux, instruction from course booklet. google - most searching was based off this site.


Run the bash script while looking for syntax errors. If none the program should be a success. will the script run or will it be a dodo


The program runs. yet a error 4 line for is spammed while counting. why!!!


while true
date= `date +%s`
     echo "$date"
     sleep 1
 echo `date +%s`


Based on the data collected: The program did count, forward in time, but the loop applied in the scripting has a continual count time. a error for line 4 was part of the display. all together, much of this experiment was a success.


I need to study more about scripting and program concepts. small errors and the ability to notice are my weak points. I still see bash scripting more fun and easy for windows command line. it“s a little more manual like a standard car.

Experiment 2


can $who command be placed into a text file



If the who command can be placed in the less program, than is should work for the $vi text editor.


By simply changing the command named in the syntax out with the vi text editor. The process should be as successful as the first run with the less command.


when= who | vi
        echo "have you seen my base ball"
        echo $WHO
        echo "yes or no"
        exit 0

first run

lab46:~$ ./test
Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal
Vim: Error reading input, exiting...
Vim: preserving files...
Vim: Finished.
have you seen my base ball


Based on the data collected: The process is different from the last.


Changes must be made to the program in order to have it work. the text file may need additional commands to fulfill the process applied.


If you're doing an experiment instead of a retest, delete this section.

If you've opted to test the experiment of someone else, delete the experiment section and steps above; perform the following steps:

State Experiment

Whose existing experiment are you going to retest? Prove the URL, note the author, and restate their question.


Evaluate their resources and commentary. Answer the following questions:

  • Do you feel the given resources are adequate in providing sufficient background information?
  • Are there additional resources you've found that you can add to the resources list?
  • Does the original experimenter appear to have obtained a necessary fundamental understanding of the concepts leading up to their stated experiment?
  • If you find a deviation in opinion, state why you think this might exist.


State their experiment's hypothesis. Answer the following questions:

  • Do you feel their hypothesis is adequate in capturing the essence of what they're trying to discover?
  • What improvements could you make to their hypothesis, if any?


Follow the steps given to recreate the original experiment. Answer the following questions:

  • Are the instructions correct in successfully achieving the results?
  • Is there room for improvement in the experiment instructions/description? What suggestions would you make?
  • Would you make any alterations to the structure of the experiment to yield better results? What, and why?


Publish the data you have gained from your performing of the experiment here.


Answer the following:

  • Does the data seem in-line with the published data from the original author?
  • Can you explain any deviations?
  • How about any sources of error?
  • Is the stated hypothesis adequate?


Answer the following:

  • What conclusions can you make based on performing the experiment?
  • Do you feel the experiment was adequate in obtaining a further understanding of a concept?
  • Does the original author appear to have gotten some value out of performing the experiment?
  • Any suggestions or observations that could improve this particular process (in general, or specifically you, or specifically for the original author).

Part 3


november 1, 2011

played on the multi-screen with xlog, and xeyes. learned if you export to another screen not to place a terminal display. As an aid, feel free to use the following questions to help you generate content for your entries:

  • What action or concept of significance, as related to the course, did you experience on this date?
  • Why was this significant?
  • What concepts are you dealing with that may not make perfect sense?
  • What challenges are you facing with respect to the course?

Remember that 4 is just the minimum number of entries. Feel free to have more.

november 3, 2011

more play on the multi board.

As an aid, feel free to use the following questions to help you generate content for your entries:

  • What action or concept of significance, as related to the course, did you experience on this date?
  • Why was this significant?
  • What concepts are you dealing with that may not make perfect sense?
  • What challenges are you facing with respect to the course?

Remember that 4 is just the minimum number of entries. Feel free to have more.

november 8, 2011

-worked on class experience project. -Talked about project ideas.

   •file system for Acer a500 tablet
   •mark system comparison 

November 10, Year2011

Play day As an aid, feel free to use the following questions to help you generate content for your entries:

  • What action or concept of significance, as related to the course, did you experience on this date?
  • Why was this significant?
  • What concepts are you dealing with that may not make perfect sense?
  • What challenges are you facing with respect to the course?

Remember that 4 is just the minimum number of entries. Feel free to have more.

unix Topics

dual boot

Term for computers set up to boot one of two operating systems. set up within the start up options.

sever client

In relationship between two computers where one, the client program, request service from the sever program. Putty is a ideal program for sever access.

Identification and definition of the chosen keyword.

If you want to demonstrate something on the command-line, you can do so as follows:

lab46:~$ ssh


Command line interface- A text based interface where the user implaments all commands. No GUI

lab46: cd /usr/ | ls -l 


Used to configure netrwork settings on unix system.

# ifconfig eth0

eth0   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:2D:32:3E:39:3B
inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::21d:92ff:fede:499b/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:977839669 errors:0 dropped:1990 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1116825094 errors:8 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:2694625909 (2.5 GiB)  TX bytes:4106931617 (3.8 GiB)
Interrupt:185 Base address:0xdc00



 * Sample code block
#include <stdio.h>
int main()

Keyword 6

Identification and definition of the chosen keyword. Substitute “keyword” with the actual keyword.

If you want to demonstrate something on the command-line, you can do so as follows:

lab46:~$ cd src
lab46:~/src$ gcc -o hello hello.c
lab46:~/src$ ./hello
Hello, World!

Keyword 7

Identification and definition of the chosen keyword. Substitute “keyword” with the actual keyword.

If you wish to aid your definition with a code sample, you can do so by using a wiki code block, an example follows:

 * Sample code block
#include <stdio.h>
int main()

Keyword 8

Identification and definition of the chosen keyword. Substitute “keyword” with the actual keyword.

If you want to demonstrate something on the command-line, you can do so as follows:

lab46:~$ cd src
lab46:~/src$ gcc -o hello hello.c
lab46:~/src$ ./hello
Hello, World!

Keyword 9

Identification and definition of the chosen keyword. Substitute “keyword” with the actual keyword.

If you wish to aid your definition with a code sample, you can do so by using a wiki code block, an example follows:

 * Sample code block
#include <stdio.h>
int main()

Keyword 10

Identification and definition of the chosen keyword. Substitute “keyword” with the actual keyword.

If you want to demonstrate something on the command-line, you can do so as follows:

lab46:~$ cd src
lab46:~/src$ gcc -o hello hello.c
lab46:~/src$ ./hello
Hello, World!

Keyword 11

Identification and definition of the chosen keyword. Substitute “keyword” with the actual keyword.

If you wish to aid your definition with a code sample, you can do so by using a wiki code block, an example follows:

 * Sample code block
#include <stdio.h>
int main()

Keyword 12

Identification and definition of the chosen keyword. Substitute “keyword” with the actual keyword.

If you want to demonstrate something on the command-line, you can do so as follows:

lab46:~$ cd src
lab46:~/src$ gcc -o hello hello.c
lab46:~/src$ ./hello
Hello, World!

unix Objective


State the course objective; define what that objective entails.


State the method you will use for measuring successful academic/intellectual achievement of this objective.


Follow your method and obtain a measurement. Document the results here.


Reflect upon your results of the measurement to ascertain your achievement of the particular course objective.

  • How did you do?
  • Room for improvement?
  • Could the measurement process be enhanced to be more effective?
  • Do you think this enhancement would be efficient to employ?
  • Could the course objective be altered to be more applicable? How would you alter it?


Experiment 1


What is the question you'd like to pose for experimentation? State it here.


Collect information and resources (such as URLs of web resources), and comment on knowledge obtained that you think will provide useful background information to aid in performing the experiment.


Based on what you've read with respect to your original posed question, what do you think will be the result of your experiment (ie an educated guess based on the facts known). This is done before actually performing the experiment.

State your rationale.


How are you going to test your hypothesis? What is the structure of your experiment?


Perform your experiment, and collect/document the results here.


Based on the data collected:

  • was your hypothesis correct?
  • was your hypothesis not applicable?
  • is there more going on than you originally thought? (shortcomings in hypothesis)
  • what shortcomings might there be in your experiment?
  • what shortcomings might there be in your data?


What can you ascertain based on the experiment performed and data collected? Document your findings here; make a statement as to any discoveries you've made.

Experiment 2


What is the question you'd like to pose for experimentation? State it here.


Collect information and resources (such as URLs of web resources), and comment on knowledge obtained that you think will provide useful background information to aid in performing the experiment.


Based on what you've read with respect to your original posed question, what do you think will be the result of your experiment (ie an educated guess based on the facts known). This is done before actually performing the experiment.

State your rationale.


How are you going to test your hypothesis? What is the structure of your experiment?


Perform your experiment, and collect/document the results here.


Based on the data collected:

  • was your hypothesis correct?
  • was your hypothesis not applicable?
  • is there more going on than you originally thought? (shortcomings in hypothesis)
  • what shortcomings might there be in your experiment?
  • what shortcomings might there be in your data?


What can you ascertain based on the experiment performed and data collected? Document your findings here; make a statement as to any discoveries you've made.


If you're doing an experiment instead of a retest, delete this section.

If you've opted to test the experiment of someone else, delete the experiment section and steps above; perform the following steps:

State Experiment

Whose existing experiment are you going to retest? Prove the URL, note the author, and restate their question.


Evaluate their resources and commentary. Answer the following questions:

  • Do you feel the given resources are adequate in providing sufficient background information?
  • Are there additional resources you've found that you can add to the resources list?
  • Does the original experimenter appear to have obtained a necessary fundamental understanding of the concepts leading up to their stated experiment?
  • If you find a deviation in opinion, state why you think this might exist.


State their experiment's hypothesis. Answer the following questions:

  • Do you feel their hypothesis is adequate in capturing the essence of what they're trying to discover?
  • What improvements could you make to their hypothesis, if any?


Follow the steps given to recreate the original experiment. Answer the following questions:

  • Are the instructions correct in successfully achieving the results?
  • Is there room for improvement in the experiment instructions/description? What suggestions would you make?
  • Would you make any alterations to the structure of the experiment to yield better results? What, and why?


Publish the data you have gained from your performing of the experiment here.


Answer the following:

  • Does the data seem in-line with the published data from the original author?
  • Can you explain any deviations?
  • How about any sources of error?
  • Is the stated hypothesis adequate?


Answer the following:

  • What conclusions can you make based on performing the experiment?
  • Do you feel the experiment was adequate in obtaining a further understanding of a concept?
  • Does the original author appear to have gotten some value out of performing the experiment?
  • Any suggestions or observations that could improve this particular process (in general, or specifically you, or specifically for the original author).
opus/fall2011/rlott/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/19 04:20 by