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Corey Forman Fall 2011 Opus

My mind trying to wrap itself around Linux and UNIX programing

About Me

I graduated from Twin Tiers Christian Academy. I plan to major in Computer Sciences. I play guitar and i am and avid gamer. I would also love to learn game programming at some point. I live in America but sometimes wish i lived in England. When playing on-line i find myself falling into the use of a British accent. That is all you are allowed to know.

Part 1


August 29, 2011

Today is the start of the best class of the semester. We began to study basic Unix commands and began to discover the magic behind the commands. We learned some pretty useful commands:

  ls - this allowed us to see all the files inside of a directory
  who - shows who is logged onto the lab 46 terminal
  screen -r  -  this allows us to reconnect to our class chat
  ctr -a tapD - this allows us to leave our chat without closing it.

Right now the whole Unix setting doesn't make any sense but soon I hope to have a better understanding of it. The challenges I may face are basically keeping track of my time and remembering commands.

September 20, 2011

Today we played with a new web browser and worked on our opus and first project “ Filesystem Safari”. We got a lot of help with our opus and I am finally able to start editing due to the fact that I had no idea how to edit one. At this point in time my biggest challenge will be keeping up with my opus and coming up with projects. I have really bad time management and need to start doing better with these areas.

September 27, 2011

We learned today how to script using for-loops. We learned a few commands today.

    cut - which allows the removal
    -d'' - this is the delimiter. within the single quotes you place the delimiter which is the 
                  - seperater withing what your looking at. 
                            - ex filename.extension  -d'.' makes it so that the delimiter is the "."   
    --output-delimiter="..."   - this changes the delimiter so that if needed you 
                  - can change it to coincide with other O.S.

we also learned about fields. A field is the part that you are looking at. When combined with a delimiter you can select certain field designated by the delimiter.

these three things in combination within a script allow for the echo of something cut out by selecting the field designated by a delimiter.

For now luckily I am understanding everything but my biggest challange with this course is time management.

September 29, 2011

Today we learned about ii which is also called irc improved. Using this we are able to create a bot.

We also spent a small amount of time playing with a very old Toshiba Satellite that ran on ms-dos and Windows 3.11; unfortunately it was broken at first but we fixed it by dropping it.

We explored bot programming and learned how to give our bots commands and have it take action on those commands.

One funny thing that happened was Wedges bot William thought we were flooding the irc chat when we tried to all activate our bots and it banned us all. even our teacher got banned thus proving we may have invented sky-net.

One concept that is eluding me is that a bot can be random like Wezlbot but has to be programmed to respond and I wish to learn how to make it random. <(^^,)>


Local host

The local host is the person or main page of whats running. If it is a website the local host will take you to the main page. In the lab 46 terminal we work on there are many users but the local host is the lab 46 terminal because it is hosting us as the users.

Remote Host

A remote host is something that allows the access of files or data from a distant location. Say you have a server with all your info and you go to access it from your home computer and retrieve the data. the server is the local host.

Home Directory

The home directory is the main start up of a UNIX terminal. It is where you start once you log on. This is usually your directory that you can edit yourself and change restrictions of the material to others.

lab46:~$ pwd
lab46:~$ whoami

This shows where I am … that is the home directory within my section. cforman means i can edit there making me the owner of that directory.

Working Directory

The working directory is the space that you are in. IT has a hierarchy system to it. there is one main directory and multiple directories within it. The directory you are in is the working directory. This can be seen using the pwd command.

lab46:~$ pwd

Regular Files

In Linux everything is a file. There are three types of files.

The first type is regular. This is the normal files that you edit with text. they can be edited using nano or vi.


The second type of file is a directory. This is more like a folder in Windows. You can store regular files and special files within the directory file. You can enter the directory file by using the command “cd 'directoryname'” Directories are colored blue on the terminal.

lab46:~$ cd tmp
lab46:~/tmp$ ls
file  haha  hola  killyou  mwajajaja  testsubject

tmp is a directory and there are files within it.

Special Files

Special files are the third type of file. This file is not text nor is it a directory. this is an executable files usually. It allows interaction with the hardware of the computer to complete a certain function. A text file can be turned into a special file by using the command, “ chmod u+x filename”

listing files

Simply what it says. listing files is using a command to display the files in a directory. the command ls or ls -l are the most used listing commands.

lab46:~$ ls
Maildir  cake    irc   public_html     src       tmp
bin      closet  motd  shellscripting  src.orig  vitest
lab46:~$ ls -l
total 12
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cforman lab46   17 Aug 28 10:37 Maildir -> /var/mail/cforman
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46  124 Sep 29 16:49 bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46    3 Sep  6 16:21 cake
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46   69 Sep 15 16:11 closet
drwx------ 4 cforman lab46   39 Sep 29 14:55 irc
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46 1310 Sep 15 15:13 motd
drwx-----x 2 cforman lab46    6 Aug 26  2009 public_html
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46    6 Sep 22 15:21 shellscripting
drwx------ 2 cforman lab46    6 Sep  6 14:31 src
drwx------ 4 cforman lab46   45 Sep  4 21:29 src.orig
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46   97 Sep 30 23:06 tmp
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46   23 Sep 15 14:54 vitest

ls is a basic listing of the files in a directory. ls -l shows the permisions, owner, size, last edited time, name of the files.

Copy Files

There are many ways to copy a file. you can “echo $filename | 'other file'”, you can “cat 'filename' | 'anotherfilename'” or you can just “cp 'filename' 'newfile'” all three ways work.

Removing files

This is easily done using the rm command a variation of rm “rmdir” allows for not just the removal of a file but a whole directory.

lab46:~$ ls
Maildir  cake    data  motd         shellscripting  src.orig  vitest
bin      closet  irc   public_html  src             tmp
lab46:~$ touch testfiel
lab46:~$ ls
Maildir  cake    data  motd         shellscripting  src.orig  tmp
bin      closet  irc   public_html  src             testfiel  vitest
lab46:~$ mkdir testdirectory
lab46:~$ ls
Maildir  closet  motd            src            testfiel
bin      data    public_html     src.orig       tmp
cake     irc     shellscripting  testdirectory  vitest
lab46:~$ rm testfiel
rm: remove regular empty file `testfiel'? y
lab46:~$ rmdir testdirectory
lab46:~$ ls
Maildir  cake    data  motd         shellscripting  src.orig  vitest
bin      closet  irc   public_html  src             tmp

Creating Files

As seen above the commands mkdir makes directories and the command touch creates files. Files also can be created by opening the VI and saving the data inputted with a name and VI will create the file within the directory you were.

Ownership of Files

Ownership of a file is shown when the command ls -l is used.

lab46:~$ ls -l
total 16
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cforman lab46   17 Aug 28 10:37 Maildir -> /var/mail/cforman
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46 4096 Oct  6 16:22 bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46    3 Sep  6 16:21 cake
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46   69 Sep 15 16:11 closet
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cforman lab46   27 Oct  4 14:36 data -> /usr/local/etc/data/cforman
drwx------ 4 cforman lab46   39 Sep 29 14:55 irc
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46 1310 Sep 15 15:13 motd
drwx-----x 2 cforman lab46    6 Aug 26  2009 public_html
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46    6 Sep 22 15:21 shellscripting
drwx------ 2 cforman lab46    6 Sep  6 14:31 src
drwx------ 4 cforman lab46   45 Sep  4 21:29 src.orig
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46   97 Sep 30 23:06 tmp
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46   23 Sep 15 14:54 vitest

The name of the user who created the file will show up in the line produced by the ls -l command.


Objective 1

I would like to test my ability to use and understand information displayed by the ls and ls -l commands.


I will enter the lab46 terminal and test my ability to see the files and then use the -l extension to elaborate on the information given by the ls command.


lab46:~$ ls -l
total 16
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cforman lab46   17 Aug 28 10:37 Maildir -> /var/mail/cforman
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46 4096 Oct  6 16:22 bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46    3 Sep  6 16:21 cake
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46   69 Sep 15 16:11 closet
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cforman lab46   27 Oct  4 14:36 data -> /usr/local/etc/data/cforman
drwx------ 4 cforman lab46   39 Sep 29 14:55 irc
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46 1310 Sep 15 15:13 motd
drwx-----x 2 cforman lab46    6 Aug 26  2009 public_html
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46    6 Sep 22 15:21 shellscripting
drwx------ 2 cforman lab46    6 Sep  6 14:31 src
drwx------ 4 cforman lab46   45 Sep  4 21:29 src.orig
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46   97 Sep 30 23:06 tmp
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46   23 Sep 15 14:54 vitest

lab46:/$ ls
bin   etc         lib    lost+found  opt   sbin     sys  var
boot  home        lib32  media       proc  selinux  tmp  vmlinuz
dev   initrd.img  lib64  mnt         root  srv      usr
lab46:/$ ls -l
total 118
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root   4096 Sep 20 15:12 bin
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root   4096 Oct 10 21:13 boot
drwxr-xr-x  13 root root   2540 Oct 10 21:14 dev
drwxr-xr-x 102 root root  12288 Oct 11 19:13 etc
drwxr-sr-t 354 root staff 12288 Sep 20 11:05 home
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root     34 Jun 14  2010 initrd.img -> boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-xen-amd64
drwxr-xr-x  10 root root  12288 Aug 28 10:14 lib
drwxr-xr-x   4 root root  12288 Oct 10 21:13 lib32
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root      4 Jun 14  2010 lib64 -> /lib
drwx------   2 root root  16384 Jun 14  2010 lost+found
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root   4096 Jun 14  2010 media
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root   4096 Jun  1  2010 mnt
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root   4096 Jun 14  2010 opt
dr-xr-xr-x 111 root root      0 Oct 10 21:14 proc
drwx------  12 root root   4096 Oct 10 22:11 root
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root   4096 Aug 28 10:14 sbin
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root   4096 Mar 28  2010 selinux
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root   4096 Jun 14  2010 srv
drwxr-xr-x  13 root root      0 Oct 10 21:14 sys
drwxrwxrwt   6 root root   6144 Oct 11 19:17 tmp
drwxr-xr-x  12 root root   4096 Aug 28  2010 usr
drwxr-xr-x  15 root root   4096 Aug 19  2010 var
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root     31 Jun 14  2010 vmlinuz -> boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-xen-amd64

These two examples show the ls and ls -l examples. differeces include permisions on left, place is next, owned by and located at are the next two parts, number of charecters is next, last date edited and name.


Reflect upon your results of the measurement to ascertain your achievement of the particular course objective.

  • How did you do?
    • I am able to easily use and interpret the results of ls -l.
  • Room for improvement?
    • learning how to apply the results
  • Could the measurement process be enhanced to be more effective?
    • no
  • Conclusion
    • The proper use of ls -l is very key and extremely useful


Experiment 1


If you run a program you made and you use a path to activate it from another location. Do you go to the program or does the program run where you are?


All information based on in class lectures.


I believe that the program will come to me.

Because I am opening a path to the program. We discussed in class that it is possible to form shells within the shell you are already in. I believe that the program will form around me and then leave after its completion.


I am going to test it by entering a directory not near my program and activate it using a path. Within the program i added 'pwd' which allows the program to display its current location.


lab46:~/bin$ script1
please enter your name: ls
hi, ls, how are you?ls
 Oh so your ls . Well I don't GIVE a care :p

this was a test to show what the program will do. once the program finishes it will display its location.

lab46:~/bin$ cd ../../../usr
lab46:/usr$ ~/bin/script1
please enter your name: bob
hi, bob, how are you?sad
 Oh so your sad . Well I don't GIVE a care :p

This shows that I went to the usr directory and made a path to my script. It ran in usr although it was not made or saved there.


Based on the data collected:

  • was your hypothesis correct?
    • yes.
  • was your hypothesis not applicable?
    • no, it was applicable.
  • is there more going on than you originally thought? (shortcomings in hypothesis)
    • yes there is more happening. After talking about the results with my teacher I was able to find out not only does it run at my location, but it also forms a shell where I am. This allows the program to do what it wants and then leave without any issues.
  • what shortcomings might there be in your experiment?
    • It does not test whether or not if you have the program change location if you would follow that and leave your location. Not only that but what if the program could change the users location by some means then obviously you would go to where the program sends you.
  • what shortcomings might there be in your data?
    • unknown


It can be concluded that when you run a script from a different location using a path to its, that you will not go to it but it will come to you. One interesting discovery is that not only does it run at your location but will form a bubble around as it runs.

Experiment 2


If we change location from within a script instead of just calling it to us, will we follow it to the area that it relocates to or stay where we were?


Used information gathered in class…. basic scripting and location checking.


I believe i will stay where I started the program based on the last experiment. Changing the location in a file unless it tells the user to move somewhere the program should just move to the area of affect like it formed a shell around the user when you make a path to it.


I am going to go to the usr directory and make a path to it


lab46:~$ cd tmp
lab46:~/tmp$ touch testsubject.sts
lab46:~/tmp$ ls
file  haha  hola  killyou  mwajajaja  testsubject.sts
lab46:~/tmp$ cd
lab46:~$ cd ../../usr
lab46:/usr$ ~/bin/script4
mv: missing destination file operand after `.hi'
Try `mv --help' for more information.
mv: `file' and `file' are the same file
mv: `haha' and `haha' are the same file
mv: `hola' and `hola' are the same file
mv: `killyou' and `killyou' are the same file
mv: `mwajajaja' and `mwajajaja' are the same file
`testsubject.sts' -> `testsubject'

This shows that in fact temporarily i did go to the temp file.


Based on the data collected:

  • was your hypothesis correct?
    • no i was partially correct. I moved to the file designated by the script then went back to my previous location.
  • was your hypothesis not applicable?
    • it was applicable
  • is there more going on than you originally thought? (shortcomings in hypothesis)
    • maybe so but i can't tell what.


In the end I was only half correct. I did not take into account that in the shell i could travel somewhere else then when the shell disappears I return to where I was.

Experiment 3


What is the question you'd like to pose for experimentation? State it here.


Collect information and resources (such as URLs of web resources), and comment on knowledge obtained that you think will provide useful background information to aid in performing the experiment.


Based on what you've read with respect to your original posed question, what do you think will be the result of your experiment (ie an educated guess based on the facts known). This is done before actually performing the experiment.

State your rationale.


How are you going to test your hypothesis? What is the structure of your experiment?


Perform your experiment, and collect/document the results here.


Based on the data collected:

  • was your hypothesis correct?
  • was your hypothesis not applicable?
  • is there more going on than you originally thought? (shortcomings in hypothesis)
  • what shortcomings might there be in your experiment?
  • what shortcomings might there be in your data?


What can you ascertain based on the experiment performed and data collected? Document your findings here; make a statement as to any discoveries you've made.

Part 2


October 4, 2011

Today we learned about regular expressions.

^ - match beginning of line
$ - match end of the line
. - match any single character
* - match 0 or more of the previous
[] - match any one of the  enclosed 
[^] - inverted character class ( do not include)
\< - match beginning of word
\> - match ending of word
() - grouping
| - or 
\(\) - grouping for substitution

This allows for more advanced searching or advanced functions with a bot. I'm having a hard time using the grouping for substitution part of regular expressions. Still having trouble with time management.


October 6, 2011

Today we played with regular expressions and worked on my bot.

My bot is now able to say “Hi” back to a user directly. He can do math and tell how many users are on the system. Still having trouble using regular expressions but slowly getting a hand on them.


October 16, 2011

Once again we had to restart the irc chat. We began to talk about the “c” language. We also learned about Programming Paradigms. The C language is very useful for programming because it allows you to be more specific with the details of your program.

 && - and
 || - or

This helps with decisions in a script. As for the class, so far everything is going very well.

October 18, 2011

Today we learned about wildcards. Wildcards are for files while RegEx is for text.

 ? - match any single charecter
 * - match 0 or more of anything
 [] - anyone of enclosed
 [^ ] - not only one of enclosed

I am having trouble with the RegEx and Wildcards still.

unix Topics

Moving And Renaming Files

The command “mv” can be used in renaming and moving files.

lab46:~$ ls
Maildir                 archives.tar.bz2  data         shellscripting  tmp
archive1.tar.gz      irc          src             vitest            bin               motd         src.orig
archivecompilationfile  cake              public_html  testdir
archives                closet            puzzlebox    testdir2
lab46:~$ touch testfile

lab46:~/testdir$ mv testdir2 lol
lab46:~/testdir$ ls
file  lol  testfile
lab46:~/testdir$ cd
lab46:~$ ls
Maildir                 archives.tar.bz2  data         shellscripting  testfile
archive1.tar.gz      irc          src             tmp            bin               motd         src.orig        vitest
archivecompilationfile  cake              public_html  testdir
archives                closet            puzzlebox    testdir2
lab46:~$ mv vitest testdir
lab46:~$ ls
Maildir                 archives.tar.bz2  data         shellscripting  testfile
archive1.tar.gz      irc          src             tmp            bin               motd         src.orig
archivecompilationfile  cake              public_html  testdir
archives                closet            puzzlebox    testdir2
lab46:~$ cd testdir
lab46:~/testdir$ ls
file  lol  testfile  vitest

copying a file is useful because it leaves the file in its location but also moves it to another location.

Archiving Files

It's like taking a bunch of files and putting them all into one secured little box. Not that anyone can't just open the archived file but it allows for a much easier mode of transportation especially combined with compressing. In basic terms it allows for the easy transportation of a large amount of files. The most common archiving tool is “tar”. Tar has a lot of details so you can look them up to see all the variations but an example of one is provided bellow.

lab46:~$ ls
Maildir         linktestfile    testdir
archive                 bin           motd            testdir2
archive1.tar.gz         cake          public_html     testfile            closet        puzzlebox       tmp
archivecompilationfile  courses       shellscripting
archives                data          src
archives.tar.bz2        irc           src.orig
lab46:~$ tar -cvf testdir.tar testdir
lab46:~$ ls
Maildir         linktestfile    testdir
archive                 bin           motd            testdir.tar
archive1.tar.gz         cake          public_html     testdir2            closet        puzzlebox       testfile
archivecompilationfile  courses       shellscripting  tmp
archives                data          src
archives.tar.bz2        irc           src.orig

Compressing and Decompressing

“gzip” is a command that can be used to compress a file and “gunzip” is the opposite command that can decompress the file. This is useful in combination with archiving because it makes large masses of files really small and easy for transportation. As an example the archive will be gzipped and gunzipped.

lab46:~$ ls
Maildir                 archives          closet   public_html     testdir
archive                 archives.tar.bz2  courses  puzzlebox       testdir2
archive1.tar.gz      data     shellscripting  testfile            bin               irc      src             tmp
archivecompilationfile  cake              motd     src.orig
lab46:~$ gzip

lab46:~$ ls
Maildir                 archives          closet   public_html     testdir
archive                 archives.tar.bz2  courses  puzzlebox       testdir2
archive1.tar.gz   data     shellscripting  testfile            bin               irc      src             tmp
archivecompilationfile  cake              motd     src.orig
lab46:~$ gunzip
lab46:~$ ls
Maildir                 archives          closet   public_html     testdir
archive                 archives.tar.bz2  courses  puzzlebox       testdir2
archive1.tar.gz      data     shellscripting  testfile            bin               irc      src             tmp
archivecompilationfile  cake              motd     src.orig

It is a special file that points to another file. Like a shortcut on a normal desktop. One can be made by using the command “ln -s source_file myfile” Demonstration.

lab46:~$ ls
Maildir                 archives          closet   public_html     testdir
archive                 archives.tar.bz2  courses  puzzlebox       testdir2
archive1.tar.gz      data     shellscripting  testfile            bin               irc      src             tmp
archivecompilationfile  cake              motd     src.orig

lab46:~$ ln -s testfile linktestfile
lab46:~$ ls
Maildir         linktestfile    testdir
archive                 bin           motd            testdir2
archive1.tar.gz         cake          public_html     testfile            closet        puzzlebox       tmp
archivecompilationfile  courses       shellscripting
archives                data          src
archives.tar.bz2        irc           src.orig
lab46:~$ cat linktestfile
lab46:~$ cd linktestfile
-bash: cd: linktestfile: Not a directory
lab46:~$ ls -l
total 60
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cforman lab46    17 Aug 28 10:37 Maildir -> /var/mail/cforman
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46 10240 Oct 27 22:27 archive
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46   237 Oct 20 16:05 archive1.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46   584 Oct 20 16:06
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46    62 Oct 20 16:31 archivecompilationfile
drwxr-x--x 3 cforman lab46    79 Oct 20 16:30 archives
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46   318 Oct 25 15:03 archives.tar.bz2
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46  1168 Oct 20 16:45
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46  4096 Oct 26 12:47 bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46     3 Sep  6 16:21 cake
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46    69 Sep 15 16:11 closet
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46 10240 Oct 27 14:48 courses
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cforman lab46    27 Oct  4 14:36 data -> /usr/local/etc/data/cforman
drwx------ 4 cforman lab46    39 Sep 29 14:55 irc
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cforman lab46     8 Oct 27 22:38 linktestfile -> testfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46  1310 Sep 15 15:13 motd
drwx-----x 2 cforman lab46     6 Aug 26  2009 public_html
drwxr-x--- 3 cforman lab46    62 Oct 25 16:21 puzzlebox
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46     6 Sep 22 15:21 shellscripting
drwx------ 2 cforman lab46     6 Sep  6 14:31 src
drwx------ 4 cforman lab46    45 Sep  4 21:29 src.orig
drwxr-xr-x 3 cforman lab46    68 Oct 27 13:16 testdir
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46     6 Oct 13 18:42 testdir2
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46     3 Oct 27 12:34 testfile
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46    97 Sep 30 23:06 tmp

This shows that it just looks like any other file except a light blue color. when the command “ ls -l” is used it will show the user where the link points to and you can view the contents of the link by catting it.

Permissions of files

Permissions are exactly as they sound. They say who is allowed to access a file.

position        Meaning    
1	directory flag, 'd' if a directory, '-' if a normal file, something else occasionally may appear here for special devices.
2,3,4	read, write, execute permission for User (Owner) of file
5,6,7	read, write, execute permission for Group
8,9,10	read, write, execute permission for Other
value	Meaning
-	in any position means that flag is not set
r	file is readable by owner, group or other
w	file is writeable. On a directory, write access means you can add or delete files
x	file is executable (only for programs and shell scripts - not useful for data files). Execute permission on a directory means you can list the files in that directory
s	in the place where 'x' would normally go is called the set-UID or set-groupID flag.

cli was used to preserve format ( taken from because there is no better way to explain it)

lab46:~$ ls -l
total 60
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cforman lab46    17 Aug 28 10:37 Maildir -> /var/mail/cforman
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46 10240 Oct 27 22:27 archive
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46   237 Oct 20 16:05 archive1.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46   584 Oct 20 16:06
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46    62 Oct 20 16:31 archivecompilationfile
drwxr-x--x 3 cforman lab46    79 Oct 20 16:30 archives
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46   318 Oct 25 15:03 archives.tar.bz2
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46  1168 Oct 20 16:45
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46  4096 Oct 26 12:47 bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46     3 Sep  6 16:21 cake
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46    69 Sep 15 16:11 closet
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46 10240 Oct 27 14:48 courses
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cforman lab46    27 Oct  4 14:36 data -> /usr/local/etc/data/cforman
drwx------ 4 cforman lab46    39 Sep 29 14:55 irc
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cforman lab46     8 Oct 27 22:38 linktestfile -> testfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46  1310 Sep 15 15:13 motd
drwx-----x 2 cforman lab46     6 Aug 26  2009 public_html
drwxr-x--- 3 cforman lab46    62 Oct 25 16:21 puzzlebox
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46     6 Sep 22 15:21 shellscripting
drwx------ 2 cforman lab46     6 Sep  6 14:31 src
drwx------ 4 cforman lab46    45 Sep  4 21:29 src.orig
drwxr-xr-x 3 cforman lab46    68 Oct 27 13:16 testdir
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46     6 Oct 13 18:42 testdir2
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46     3 Oct 27 12:34 testfile
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46    97 Sep 30 23:06 tmp

an example of changing permissions for the group.

lab46:~$ ls -l
total 60
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cforman lab46    17 Aug 28 10:37 Maildir -> /var/mail/cforman
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46 10240 Oct 27 22:27 archive
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46   237 Oct 20 16:05 archive1.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46   584 Oct 20 16:06
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46    62 Oct 20 16:31 archivecompilationfile
drwxr-x--x 3 cforman lab46    79 Oct 20 16:30 archives
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46   318 Oct 25 15:03 archives.tar.bz2
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46  1168 Oct 20 16:45
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46  4096 Oct 26 12:47 bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46     3 Sep  6 16:21 cake
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46    69 Sep 15 16:11 closet
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46 10240 Oct 27 14:48 courses
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cforman lab46    27 Oct  4 14:36 data -> /usr/local/etc/data/cf orman
drwx------ 4 cforman lab46    39 Sep 29 14:55 irc
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cforman lab46     8 Oct 27 22:38 linktestfile -> testfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46  1310 Sep 15 15:13 motd
drwx-----x 2 cforman lab46     6 Aug 26  2009 public_html
drwxr-x--- 3 cforman lab46    62 Oct 25 16:21 puzzlebox
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46     6 Sep 22 15:21 shellscripting
drwx------ 2 cforman lab46     6 Sep  6 14:31 src
drwx------ 4 cforman lab46    45 Sep  4 21:29 src.orig
drwxr-xr-x 3 cforman lab46    68 Oct 27 13:16 testdir
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46     6 Oct 13 18:42 testdir2
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46     3 Oct 27 12:34 testfile
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46    97 Sep 30 23:06 tmp

lab46:~$ chmod g+rw testfile
lab46:~$ ls -l
total 60
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cforman lab46    17 Aug 28 10:37 Maildir -> /var/mail/cforman
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46 10240 Oct 27 22:27 archive
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46   237 Oct 20 16:05 archive1.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46   584 Oct 20 16:06
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46    62 Oct 20 16:31 archivecompilationfile
drwxr-x--x 3 cforman lab46    79 Oct 20 16:30 archives
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46   318 Oct 25 15:03 archives.tar.bz2
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46  1168 Oct 20 16:45
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46  4096 Oct 26 12:47 bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46     3 Sep  6 16:21 cake
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46    69 Sep 15 16:11 closet
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46 10240 Oct 27 14:48 courses
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cforman lab46    27 Oct  4 14:36 data -> /usr/local/etc/data/cforman
drwx------ 4 cforman lab46    39 Sep 29 14:55 irc
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cforman lab46     8 Oct 27 22:38 linktestfile -> testfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 cforman lab46  1310 Sep 15 15:13 motd
drwx-----x 2 cforman lab46     6 Aug 26  2009 public_html
drwxr-x--- 3 cforman lab46    62 Oct 25 16:21 puzzlebox
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46     6 Sep 22 15:21 shellscripting
drwx------ 2 cforman lab46     6 Sep  6 14:31 src
drwx------ 4 cforman lab46    45 Sep  4 21:29 src.orig
drwxr-xr-x 3 cforman lab46    68 Oct 27 13:16 testdir
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46     6 Oct 13 18:42 testdir2
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cforman lab46     3 Oct 27 12:34 testfile
drwxr-xr-x 2 cforman lab46    97 Sep 30 23:06 tmp

Viewing files

Viewing files can be done thought a couple of different ways. The “out of the way” way to view file contents is to open the file using “nano” or the “vi editor”. Both of these allow the appending of a file also rather then just viewing it. the easiest way to view a file is to use the “cat” command to pretty much echo the contents of the file onto the screen.

lab46:~$ ls
Maildir         linktestfile    testdir
archive                 bin           motd            testdir.tar
archive1.tar.gz         cake          public_html     testdir2            closet        puzzlebox       testfile
archivecompilationfile  courses       shellscripting  tmp
archives                data          src
archives.tar.bz2        irc           src.orig
lab46:~$ cat cake
lab46:~$ cat testfile
lab46:~$ cat src
cat: src: Is a directory
lab46:~$ cat linktestfile

“cat” can view text files and links to text files but it cant view directories, because they are not basic files they are many files. “cat” can open programs but this is not recomended because it does not like it and will freak out on your screen.

lab46:~/bin$ ls
CliBash             OpusResults  datatypes    hello.s   script2
DOOMONUbot          boscript     datatypes.c  password  script3
DOOMONUbot2         cli.c        hello        script    script4
Multiplicationprog  commandline  hello.c      script1   script5
lab46:~/bin$ cat hello
ELF>@@à @@@@@@@À@@@@   `  ÈÈ`È` @@DDPåtdüü@ü@$$Qåt/lib64/Û-6I!#ÄSÚ¬ü9j;}Xk 1`HèkèúèÕHÃÿ5¢ ÿ%¤ @ÿ%¢ héàÿÿÿÿ% héÐÿÿÿ1íIÑ^HâHäðPTIÇÀ@HÇÁ@HÇÇä@èÇÿÿÿôHH1 H
ÀtÿÐHÃUHåSH=H uK»¸`HB Hë°`HÁûHëH9Øs$fDHÀH ÿÅ°`H H9ØrâÆû H[ÉÃfff.
                                            %t Ll$èLt$ðL|$øH\$ÐHì8L)åAýIöHÁýI×ècþÿÿHÉÿàÉÃUHå¿ì@èîþÿÿ¸ÉÃóÃfffff.         -{ L
ít1Û@LúLöDïAÿÜHÃH9ërêH\Hl$Ld$Ll$ Lt$(L|$0HÄ8ÃUHåSHHð Høÿt» `DHÿÐHHøÿuñH[ÉÃHèoþÿÿHÃHello, World! èþÿÿ<ÿÿÿ\ÿÿÿtzRx
< þÿÿ$TþÿÿQ_@F
 `0@p@ þÿÿoP@ÿÿÿoðÿÿoF@È`æ@ö@GCC: (Debian 4.4.5-8) 4.4.5GCC: (Debian 4.4.5-10) 1<@<$H`@`DöÿÿoN
       ¨@¨=^ÿÿÿoF@kþÿÿoP@Pzp@p                                                 ¸@¸Ð@Ð0@ØØ@Ø è@è¨ü@ü$¶ @ À `Ç°`ÎÀÓÈ`õ09þ /       ¸ñ@@<@`@@¨F@    P@
Ð@@Ø@è@ü@ @ `°`À`È````ñÿ `*°`8À`EP@[`jxÀ@ñÿ
                                           ¨`@À`« @ÁñÿÉ`ß`ð`È`
`@'@. = QcØ@iè`¤`±¸`¾@Îñÿ`Úñÿ`ßñÿ`æä@ë
¸@call_gmon_startcrtstuff.c__CTOR_LIST____DTOR_LIST____JCR_LIST____do_global_dtors_auxcompleted.6341dtor_idx.6343frame_dummy__CTOR_END____FRAME_END____JCR_END____do_global_ctors_auxhello.c_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE___init_array_end__init_array_start_DYNAMICdata_start__libc_csu_fini_start__gmon_start___Jv_RegisterClassesputs@@GLIBC_2.2.5_fini__libc_start_main@@GLIBC_2.2.5_IO_stdin_used__data_start__dso_handle__DTOR_END____libc_csu_init__bss_start_end_edatamain_initlab46:~/bin$ PuTTYTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTYPuTTY

It sometimes works with bash language programs though.

Text Processing

It is a basic process of typing like you would do with any text editor. There is one catch. Unix does so much more with its text editing. There are two popular text editors and both are quite unique. The “nano” editor and the “VI” editor. Nano is a basic editor that allows for the compilation of data in the simplest way possible. All that is required is the user to type it in. There are tips at the bottom that give a few of the commands nano can perform to the text within it. VI is in some terms the “ultimate” text editor. VI has two modes: the command mode and the insert mode. The command mode allows for some pretty beast tricks. Once a document is completed you can use the command mode to copy lines in the text and then plunk them somewhere else in the document. You can also use a command to change a set of words into another word. ex, changing all the “hello”'s in the document to “babies must die”. its not a necessary change but it can be done and the VI editor can do so much more.

Insert Mode (VI)

Identification and definition of the chosen keyword. Substitute “keyword” with the actual keyword.

If you want to demonstrate something on the command-line, you can do so as follows:

lab46:~$ vi

~                              VIM - Vi IMproved
~                               version 7.2.445
~                           by Bram Moolenaar et al.
~           Modified by
~                 Vim is open source and freely distributable
~                           Sponsor Vim development!
~                type  :help sponsor<Enter>    for information
~                type  :q<Enter>               to exit
~                type  :help<Enter>  or  <F1>  for on-line help
~                type  :help version7<Enter>   for version info
                                                              0,0-1         All

This is the VI start up and you can get here by typing “vi” on the command line. To enter the the insert mode all that is needed is for the user to hit the “i” key. Simple right. to escape you hit the “esc” key and your back to the command mode. The word insert should appear in the bottom left corner of your screen. If its not there your in the command mode. Within the text editor you can use the arrow keys to navigate and the normal keys to type nothing tricky here. Text editing can also be used to create programs that can be executed if given the right properties.

Command Mode (VI)

This is where you can do all the fun stuff to a text document. Here a basic list of commands can be found.

This list of commands allow the user to yank lines to place them somewhere else, copy lines, replace text and much much more.

If you don't know if you are in the command mode you can spam the ESC key to get there. Usually it take just one hit but the constant flow of beeping says you are where you need to be and you can now do some wicked editing.

Extended Command Line (VI)

The extended command mode allows for the searching of key words or letters within the text. It also allows for the replacing of such text. Usually within the command mode you can enter short commands but in the extended command mode you can enter in a whole string of commands that can be used to pinpoint a distinct piece of text or pieces of text through out the text by searching for them and then replacing them with whatever you with to replace them with.

Unix Shell

The Unix shell is a GUI command-line interpreter. Basically it is a visual representation of code. It is like Windows but mostly text oriented visuals rather then picture icons and such that is provided by Windows.

This is a view of the Unix shell I work in. It has text art or pictures made from keys on the keyboard.

 __         _     _ _   __   . . [ Type 'motd' to see the original motd ]. . .
|  |   __ _| |__ / | |_/ /   . Basic System Usage:  Type 'usage' at prompt   .
|  |__/ _` | '_ \\_  _/ _ \  . Events and News:     Type 'news' at prompt    .
|_____\__,_|_.__/  |_|\___/  . Broken E-mail?_      Type 'fixmail' at prompt .
---------------------------  . Check Lab46 Ma)\:    Type 'alpine' at prompt  .
c o r n i n g -_c c . e d u  . . . . . . ..'`--`'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Lab46 is the C)\_uter & Information Scie/  ^  ^  \ment's Student Development
 Server for .'`---`'.related coursework, \ \/\/\/ /and exp_J_ation.
  .. .  .  /  <> <>  \                 .  '------'     .'`---`'. .    .  . ..
 .  Lab46 W|    A    |    http://lab46.corning_/)_    /.'b   d  \            .
 .  Lab46 H\  <\_/>  /    http://lab46.corn.'`----`'. \:   0    |t           .
 .  Help E_?_._`"`_.'     haas@corning-cc./.'<\   /> ||' V===V  /  .
  .. . .'`---`'.``  _/(              /\.  |:,___A___,| '._____.' .    .  . ..
      /.'a . a  \.'`---`'.        __(_(__ \' \_____/ /  _?_
      |:  ___   /.'/\ /\  \    .-'._'-'_.'-:.______.'.'`"""`'.
      \'  \_/   |:   ^    |  .'.' (o\'/o) '.'.      /   ^.^   \
       '._____.'\' 'vvv'  / / :_/_:  A  :_\_: \     \  `===`  /
                 '.__.__.' | :   \'=...='/   : |     `-------`
                            \ :  :'.___.':  : /
You have new mail.
Last login: Sat Oct 29 20:52:58 2011 from
lab46:~$ alpine
Alpine finished -- Closed folder "INBOX". Kept all 25 messages.
lab46:~$ alpine
Alpine finished -- Closed folder "INBOX". Kept all 25 messages.

Environment Variable

These are variables that change the processing environment. The commands “env, set, and printenv” display all environment variables and their values.

lab46:~$ env
SSH_CLIENT= 56619 22
lab46:~$ printenv
SSH_CLIENT= 56619 22

These Variables can be changed by assigning a new value to a environment variable. Here is an example grabbed off of


Examples of environment variables include:
PATH - lists directories the shell searches, for the commands the user may type without having to provide the full path.
HOME (Unix-like) and USERPROFILE (Microsoft Windows) - indicate where a user's home directory is located in the file system.
HOME/{.AppName} (Unix-like) and APPDATA\{DeveloperName\AppName} (Microsoft Windows) - for storing application settings. Many open source programs incorrectly use USERPROFILE for application settings in Windows - USERPROFILE should only be used in dialogs that allow user to choose between paths like Documents/Pictures/Downloads/Music, for programmatic purposes APPDATA (roaming), LOCALAPPDATA or PROGRAMDATA (shared between users) is used.
TERM (Unix-like) - specifies the type of computer terminal or terminal emulator being used (e.g., vt100 or dumb).
PS1 (Unix-like) - specifies how the prompt is displayed in the Bourne shell and variants.
MAIL (Unix-like) - used to indicate where a user's mail is to be found.
TEMP - location where processes can store temporary files

unix Objective

Objective Script Understanding

I wish to test my ability to look at a peice of code and determine what each part is doing to the best of my ability before having to look up information.


I will use a previously made script and observe what I did explaining each line so anyone can understand it peice by piece. I will judge myself on the amount of data i have to look up.


echo -n "Please enter a number: "
   read number
   until [ $number -eq 0 ]; do
   until [ `echo "$number-2^$n" |bc` -lt 0 ]; do
      let n=$n+1
   let n=$n-1
   let number=$number-`echo "2^$n"|bc`
   for((i=0;i<$n;i++)); do
    a=`echo "$a+$places" |bc`
echo "The Binary value is: $a"
exit 0

I will be explaining this script line by line to test my ability to read script.

line one = that is the required start line for a bash script. Without this the program would cease to function in any other location besides a bash shell.

line 2 and 3 are just spaces and mean nothing. text can go after the # and the script will not think of it as script.

line 4 is a echo that promts the user for a digit to convert to bianary.

line 5 reads the inputed variable

line 6 begins a loop withthe boundries of until number is equal to 0 meaning the number the user inputed is equal to 0

line 7 asigns n with the value of 0

line 8 starts another loop in which the variable has 2 to n subtracted from it until it is less then 0

line 9 sets n so that each time the loop progresses it adds one to the value of n

line 10 ends the second loop

line 11 subtracts 1 from n because 2 to the n makes it less then 0 and you dont want to go that far.

line 12 sets number no as number - 2 to the n power.

line 13 creates the places variable

line 14 starts a for loop in which i is less then n

line 15 places is equal to places represented by 0

line 16 ends the for loop

line 17 puts a 1 infront of places representing the farthest binanary digit for that specific loop.

line 18 sets a equal to a + places which is a 1 and a bunch of 0s a is 0 at start

line 19 ends until loop 1 if bounds are met

line 20 echos the answer to the user … answer is the variable a

line 21 is end script call


  • How did you do?
    • I believe i did well
  • Room for improvement?
    • knowing more about the programs is always helpful and can be improved
  • Could the measurement process be enhanced to be more effective?
    • if the script was more difucutlt it may have been a better test.
  • Do you think this enhancement would be efficient to employ?
    • yes and know it would have better tested me but i think i would have failed to quickly <(^^,)>


Experiment 1


Can I use Gzip to unzip the file courses.html?

Resources I should just be able to use the command gunzip and unzip the file.


I believe i can unzip the archive without any issues.

I can do this because after using the command “file” i was able to see that it was a gzip file.g


How are you going to test your hypothesis? What is the structure of your experiment?


lab46:~$ file courses.html
courses.html: gzip compressed data, was "courses.html", from Unix, last modified: Wed Oct 19 19:20:57 2011, max compression
lab46:~$ gunzip courses.html
gzip: courses.html: unknown suffix -- ignored
lab46:~$ mv courses.html courses.gz
lab46:~$ ls
Maildir         irc             src.orig
archive1.tar.gz         bin           motd            testdir            cake          public_html     testdir2
archivecompilationfile  closet        puzzlebox       testfile
archives                courses.gz    shellscripting  tmp
archives.tar.bz2        data          src
lab46:~$ gunzip courses.gz
lab46:~$ ls
Maildir         irc             src.orig
archive1.tar.gz         bin           motd            testdir            cake          public_html     testdir2
archivecompilationfile  closet        puzzlebox       testfile
archives                courses       shellscripting  tmp
archives.tar.bz2        data          src


Based on the data collected:

  • was your hypothesis correct?
    • no
  • was your hypothesis not applicable?
    • yes but I forgot to consider one part of it.
  • is there more going on than you originally thought?
    • I forgot to consider the file name making it unrecognized by gunzip


It can be concluded that Gzip is a very useful tool to compress and decompress as long as the file name is correct.

Experiment 2


While using the x11 terminal, what would happen if I changed the variable of $DISPLAY?


$DISPLAY is the variable that controls where the terminal displays the results of your actions on it. The variable mimics this pattern but varies from comp to comp. “flake0?.offbyone.lan:?” the ? is to replaced by the correct number corresponding to the display you wish to access.


I believe i can change my variable to display on some one's computer. State your rationale.

===Experiment=I M GOING TO change my DISPLAY variable and use xeyes and hopefully xeyes will appear on the other persons computer.



I was not able to exactly demonstrate the results of these two line but they worked. the program xeyes worked on the other computer and not mine.


Based on the data collected:

  • was your hypothesis correct?
    • yes
  • was your hypothesis not applicable?
    • no, it was applicable
  • is there more going on than you originally thought? (shortcomings in hypothesis)
    • no
  • what shortcomings might there be in your experiment?
    • could it work on any computer and what if there was a way to stop this form happening?
  • what shortcomings might there be in your data?
    • i was unable to retrieve the original data from the experiment because half of it happens on other computers.


It is very fun to change you DISPLAY variable and pop stuff up on other computers. This power though should no be abused because it can become very annoying.


If you're doing an experiment instead of a retest, delete this section.

If you've opted to test the experiment of someone else, delete the experiment section and steps above; perform the following steps:

State Experiment

Whose existing experiment are you going to retest? Prove the URL, note the author, and restate their question.


Evaluate their resources and commentary. Answer the following questions:

  • Do you feel the given resources are adequate in providing sufficient background information?
  • Are there additional resources you've found that you can add to the resources list?
  • Does the original experimenter appear to have obtained a necessary fundamental understanding of the concepts leading up to their stated experiment?
  • If you find a deviation in opinion, state why you think this might exist.


State their experiment's hypothesis. Answer the following questions:

  • Do you feel their hypothesis is adequate in capturing the essence of what they're trying to discover?
  • What improvements could you make to their hypothesis, if any?


Follow the steps given to recreate the original experiment. Answer the following questions:

  • Are the instructions correct in successfully achieving the results?
  • Is there room for improvement in the experiment instructions/description? What suggestions would you make?
  • Would you make any alterations to the structure of the experiment to yield better results? What, and why?


Publish the data you have gained from your performing of the experiment here.


Answer the following:

  • Does the data seem in-line with the published data from the original author?
  • Can you explain any deviations?
  • How about any sources of error?
  • Is the stated hypothesis adequate?


Answer the following:

  • What conclusions can you make based on performing the experiment?
  • Do you feel the experiment was adequate in obtaining a further understanding of a concept?
  • Does the original author appear to have gotten some value out of performing the experiment?
  • Any suggestions or observations that could improve this particular process (in general, or specifically you, or specifically for the original author).

Part 3


November 4, 2011

On this day we learned about X11. X11 is the graphical interface on the computers in the “Lair”. All the computers are connected and you can send things to other people's displays and troll them. You can do this by opening up a normal terminal which is connected to X11. After you are in one you can change your DISPLAY variable to their computer and use xcommands which you can look up to troll them.

November 11, 2011

Today we worked on data-mining the schools list of courses for next year. This is one of my favorite things to do when I'm not having a bad day and will take my time on it. Basically data-mining is the process of removing all the extra info from a file and retrieving the valuable data form the mess of information. We also learned about ASCII art or art made with characters found on the keyboard.

November 15, 2011

Today we learned a little about networking. A few basic directories and commands for these aspects are as follows

/sbin/ifcongig  this will take you to network information
netstat -nr   this will show you the routing system
netstat -l    same thing just different format as the previous command
ping          this allows you to check for a computer and test teh connection
traceroute    follows a ping

November 17, 2011

Today one of our classmates came in with a project for work and it was huge. He asked the class for help so it can get done on time and we did because the teacher promised us project points for it. The project was to data-mine some information on companies and emails. I really enjoy data-mining and am trying to learn AWK which makes data-mining much easier and quicker. Data-mining is a great thing to put on your resume when searching for a job because almost every industry is focused around data.

unix Topics


The PATH is a list of locations that, when a command is issued, Unix searches to find the executable command in order to run it.

lab46:~$ echo $PATH

each area listed above is a possible location I can execute from. Since the PATH is a variable it can be changed. I changed mine so that I can type any name of a game and Unix will automatically run it for me without the necessity of me having to go to that directory. Since I added to my PATH it was o.k. but if I had removed it would result in errors because I would not be able to run programs instantly just by calling them.

lab46:~$ worm

Well, you ran into something and the game is over.
Your final score was 78

lab46:~$ OpusResults
The total is 102
Your actual value is 76
The total for part 2 is 102
Your actual value is 91
 your average is 81

These are two commands that I executed from my home page but the commands are located in different directories one in my personal bin directory and the games directory. I can run them because as I said earlier they are part of my PATH.


Wildcars are a series of characters that when searching mean something other then what they normaly do when searching for files. (kinda vague huh)

Here is a list of Wildcards.

? - match any single character
* - match 0 or more of this character/anything really
[] - match any one of enclosed
[^] - do not match any of the enclosed


lab46:~$ ls
1275799069694.jpg                  funny-pictures-taco-cat-is-a-palindrome.jpg
250px-P2_glados.jpg                goonies-musical.jpg
Downloads                          irc
InstNLP2.txt                       linktestfile
InstNLP2Edited.txt                 minecraft-creeper-comic-600x694.png
Maildir                            motd
RageFaceBlackSS.png                nom-nom-nom-babies.jpg
archive                            public_html
archive1.tar.gz                    puzzlebox                       shaco.jpg
archivecompilationfile             shellscripting
archives                           spring2012-20111103.html
archives.tar.bz2                   src                       src.orig
bin                                testdir
cake                               testdir.tar
closet                             testdir2
corningcourses                     testfile
corningcoursesorg                  tmp
courses                            trollin
data                               trolling-400x345.jpg
emvideo-youtube-nd2rBWbvDbA_3.jpg  veigar.jpg
fiddlesticks.jpg                   wicked-witch.jpg

lab46:~$ ls ???
CliBash             OpusResults    commandline  hello.c   script   script4
DOOMONUbot          Searchcourses  datatypes    hello.s   script1  script5
DOOMONUbot2         boscript       datatypes.c  password  script2
Multiplicationprog  cli.c          hello        s         script3



file  haha  hola  killyou  mwajajaja  testsubject

o.k. that's kind of annoying you might say when looking at the results. Sure not everything you see is three characters long but Unix does this cool thing like you know being nice. if you wanted the directories that were three characters long in name it gives those and shows what they contain. Lets try this again but in a different way. Lets see how many files start with a number.

lab46:~$ ls [0-9]*|wc -l

Tab Completion

when entering a command onto the command line it will let you tab complete it. When you are typing a command you can hit tab to auto complete it but if what you typed matches more then one command it will not auto complete but give you (if you hit tab twice) all the options of commands that match what you typed.

lab46:~$ ls
1275799069694.jpg       closet                                       shaco.jpg
250px-P2_glados.jpg     corningcourses                               shellscripting
Downloads               corningcoursesorg                            spring2012-20111103.html
InstNLP2.txt            courses                                      src
InstNLP2Edited.txt      data                                         src.orig
Maildir                 emvideo-youtube-nd2rBWbvDbA_3.jpg            testdir
RageFaceBlackSS.png     fiddlesticks.jpg                             testdir.tar
archive                 funny-pictures-taco-cat-is-a-palindrome.jpg  testdir2
archive1.tar.gz         goonies-musical.jpg                          testfile            irc                                          tmp
archivecompilationfile  linktestfile                                 trollin
archives                minecraft-creeper-comic-600x694.png          trolling-400x345.jpg
archives.tar.bz2        motd                                         veigar.jpg            nom-nom-nom-babies.jpg                       wicked-witch.jpg
bin                     public_html
cake                    puzzlebox
lab46:~$ ec

then hit tab

lab46:~$ echo

lab46:~$ echo fidd

lab46:~$ echo fiddlesticks.jpg
lab46:~$ echo S

lab46:~$ echo s
shaco.jpg                 spring2012-20111103.html  src.orig/
shellscripting/           src/
lab46:~$ echo s

killing a process

O.K. so say you have a program that is bugging the crap out of your terminal and you cant stop it. How will this trouble get solved. Easily just put a shotgun to its head (metaphorically speaking). Kill commands like “kill -9” are sure to blow off the head of any zombie program or out of control program. Just pray its not a Ninja Zombie (much like magical zombies that don't die from anything). If you have a program that is spazzing out and is disconnected from any control you can implement that is a ninja zombie and that is a losing situation. If its a normal zombie kill -9 will terminate it like a bad Arnold Schwarzenegger impression, “GET in ze chopper!”


lab46:~$ cat


lab46:~$ ps
cforman   4061  0.0  0.1  13632  2000 pts/28   SNs  22:27   0:00 -bash
cforman   5193  0.0  0.0   5860   532 pts/19   SN+  22:33   0:00 cat
cforman   6573  0.0  0.0   8584   960 pts/28   RN+  22:40   0:00 ps u
cforman  14217  0.0  0.0  13664     8 pts/17   SNs  Oct13   0:00 /bin/bash
cforman  14222  0.0  0.1  42684  2036 pts/17   SN+  Oct13   6:52 irssi
cforman  24154  0.0  0.1  13632  1968 pts/19   SNs  21:21   0:00 -bash
lab46:~$ kill -9 5193


lab46:~$ cat


A compiler is a program that turns source code into programs. With bash it automatically compiles the script to code but with “C”

lab46:~/bin$ ls
CliBash             OpusResults    commandline  hello.c   script   script4
DOOMONUbot          Searchcourses  datatypes    hello.s   script1  script5
DOOMONUbot2         boscript       datatypes.c  password  script2
Multiplicationprog  cli.c          hello        s         script3
lab46:~/bin$ gcc -o babybackribs cli.c
lab46:~/bin$ ls
CliBash             OpusResults    cli.c        hello     s        script3
DOOMONUbot          Searchcourses  commandline  hello.c   script   script4
DOOMONUbot2         babybackribs   datatypes    hello.s   script1  script5
Multiplicationprog  boscript       datatypes.c  password  script2

You want to use the gode between the two lists of programs. “gcc -o progname scriptname”

Regular Expressions

When I think of RegEx's I tend to think of data-mining. A lot of RegEx's are used in this process. You can use them to define certain peices of text when trying to remove repeated paterns and get information not defined by the RegEx's. Here is a list of RegEx's:

^ = match beginning of line
$ = match end of line
. = match any single character
* = match 0 or more of previous character
\< = match beginning of word
\> = match end of word
[] = match any of enclosed
[^] = inverted character class (do not match)
() = grouping
| = or
\(\) = grouping for substitution
lab46:~$ cat InstNLP2.txt | sed 's/^$/^/g' | tr '\n' '$' | tr '^' '\n'|sed 's/-----------/unknown/g'|sed 's/^\$\(.*\)\$\(.*\)\$\(.*\)\$$/"\3","\2","\1"/g'|sed 's/email: //g'|less

Job Control

Job control is controlling how a program or proces runs (in the foreground or background) and stopping active jobs without killing them and of course my favorite type of control. (in the words of a man name Jesse Cox) “John Wu style in you're face!” ( basic shotgun blast to the head, although John Wu used pistols …. it does not matter) Here is a list of job control commands.

control-z	Stop (don't kill) the foreground job, and then return to the shell
jobs	Check the status of jobs in the current session
ps -u username	Check the status of processes, including those from other sessions. On BSD systems, use 'ps -gx'.
kill -9 %1	Kill a job, by specifying its job number after the percent sign
kill -9 123	Kill a process, by specifying its process id (PID) number
bg	Run the most recently stopped job in the background
fg	Bring most recently backgrounded job to the foreground
fg %1	Bring a job to foreground by specifying its job number after the percent sign

Program vs Process

A program is something you run instantly and see the results almost as fast as you started it. Like opening an application on your desktop. That is a program you are using. A function is also a program but it runs continually in the background usually unless you decide otherwise. A process is like the computer receiving and translating the sets of bits from the key board into ASCII text so you can read it. That is a process. Another process could be background security checks by your friendly neighborhood antivirus.

Backgrounding a process

As explained above when something runs in the background you do not see it but it still runs. It does not have any effect until it finishes the process.

lab46:~$ sleep 10
echo hello
lab46:~$ echo hello
lab46:~$ sleep 10
echo hello
[1]+  Stopped                 sleep 10
lab46:~$ bg
[1]+ sleep 10 &
lab46:~$ hi
-bash: hi: command not found
[1]+  Done                    sleep 10
lab46:~$ ps
cforman   4061  0.0  0.1  13632  2012 pts/28   SNs+ 22:27   0:00 -bash
cforman  14217  0.0  0.0  13664     8 pts/17   SNs  Oct13   0:00 /bin/bash
cforman  14222  0.0  0.1  42684  2036 pts/17   SN+  Oct13   6:52 irssi
cforman  18683  0.0  0.0   8584   964 pts/19   RN+  23:44   0:00 ps u
cforman  24154  0.0  0.1  13648  2016 pts/19   SNs  21:21   0:00 -bash

I stopped the sleep and echo commands and placed them in the background to run there. Using “ps” you can see that it is no longer running after it comes out of the background once it says done.

Foregrounding a process

Foregrounding a process is the same as back grounding it. Just type “fg” and it comes back to the front of the actions you can perform.

lab46:~$ cat
[1]+  Stopped                 cat
lab46:~$ bg
[1]+ cat &
lab46:~$ adjf
-bash: adjf: command not found

[1]+  Stopped                 cat
lab46:~$ adjfl
-bash: adjfl: command not found
lab46:~$ ajfldk
-bash: ajfldk: command not found
lab46:~$ fg


This has a lot to do with foregrounding and back grounding. Consider a program that will take quite a while and you want to do other things you can back ground it as seen in the key word back grounding and then do other stuff. Multitasking in UNIX is essential job control but working while a job is being controlled by the back ground.

Unix Programming Enviroment

Identification and definition of the chosen keyword. Substitute “keyword” with the actual keyword.

If you want to demonstrate something on the command-line, you can do so as follows:

lab46:~$ cd src
lab46:~/src$ gcc -o hello hello.c
lab46:~/src$ ./hello
Hello, World!

unix Objective


I will look at a RegEx line and explain the results of it piece by piece to test my ability (not to data-mine) but to recognize the effects of RegEx's


I will examine a piece of code and tell what it is doing part by part.


cat spring2012-20111103.html| grep 'ddtitle'|sed 's/^<TH CLASS="ddtitle".*crn_in=.....">//g'|sed 's/<\/A/*$//g'|sed 's/^\(.*\) -
\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\) - \(.*\) - \([0-9][0-9][0-9]\)$/\2:\3-\4:\1/g'|sort|less

ok so first things first. cat is reading the document spring 2012-20111103.html. grep is pulling out everything that has ddtitle and focusing on it. sed allows for pattern definition. sed is recognizing the exact phrase “<TH CLASS=“ddtitle”.*crn_in=…..”>“ which is a repeated pattern threw out. the ”…..“ each . represents a character. in this line there are different characters here but none are cared about so the pattern fits by putting the changing piece represented by periods. That line is then replaced by nothing. another sed locks onto the end of the line which is another pattern and it removes it all. the next said is different. instead of removing it describes the pattern by how it is exactly. This allows for sectors to be set up by the \ . the sectors are then rearranged and formatted in the way needed. the information is then sent to less and that is the end of the code.


Reflect upon your results of the measurement to ascertain your achievement of the particular course objective.

  • How did you do?
    • decent i would assume. all explained and correct.
  • Room for improvement?
    • yes being able to create RegExs along with reading them would be a great improvement.
  • Could the measurement process be enhanced to be more effective?
    • possibly if checked by a teacher rather then a student.
  • Do you think this enhancement would be efficient to employ?
    • quite possibly


Experiment 1


Can I make a redstone-based ripple counter in Minecraft to light a torch or make a sound when it finishes counting from 0 to 16?

Resources - this site explains everything minecraft and more specifically minecraft redstone repeaters.


I believe i can make a redstone system that will count to 16 then activate a torch and or a sound box.

red stone repeaters allow for a stacking effect where they will send a signal down the line. this signal can be counted to create a counter or a special delay where it needs to run through the system enough times to activate the sound block.


I am going to build a redstone contraption that will function much like an actual program where it has a hardwired command and will run it until it is accomplished.


unfortunately i was not smart enough to solve it myself and the methods used to solve it do not function anymore on minecraft 1.0 here are links to two videos that explain how to do this in both binary and non- binary form. Results being i was unable to do this but someone was and it is possible.


Based on the data collected:

  • was your hypothesis correct?
    • yes it is possible … no not for me i am not that smart.
  • was your hypothesis not applicable?
    • yes because counting locks are very nice and practical especialy with pass locks in anything.
  • is there more going on than you originally thought? (shortcomings in hypothesis)
    • yes but not in my hypothesis. in minecraft redstone has both a on and off state and you create logic gates like nor or and to change the states of the redston much like bit manipulation in computing.


Red stone is a great learning tool for computers and fun to work with. it causes you to think outside the box and make applicable things to help you in minecraft just as it would in the real world.

Experiment 2


Using ';'. can I run multiple commands on the same command-line?


none. I used basic knowledge from class.


I believe that i will be able to use multiple commands at the same time The ”;“ acts as a command separator which allows the user to act like he is on a new line.


i am going to enter it onto the command line and test it.


lab46:~$ wtf echo
echo: echo (1)             - display a line of text
echo (3ncurses)      - curses input options
lab46:~$ echo "testfile";wtf echo
echo: echo (1)             - display a line of text
echo (3ncurses)      - curses input options


Based on the data collected:

  • was your hypothesis correct?
    • yes
  • is there more going on than you originally thought? (shortcomings in hypothesis)
    • there may be.
  • what shortcomings might there be in your experiment?
    • i did not try and test to see if i can make multiple commands run at one moment on the same item to sequentially effect it.


”;“ is a great way to string together commands when working on unix.


If you're doing an experiment instead of a retest, delete this section.

If you've opted to test the experiment of someone else, delete the experiment section and steps above; perform the following steps:

State Experiment

Whose existing experiment are you going to retest? Prove the URL, note the author, and restate their question.


Evaluate their resources and commentary. Answer the following questions:

  • Do you feel the given resources are adequate in providing sufficient background information?
  • Are there additional resources you've found that you can add to the resources list?
  • Does the original experimenter appear to have obtained a necessary fundamental understanding of the concepts leading up to their stated experiment?
  • If you find a deviation in opinion, state why you think this might exist.


State their experiment's hypothesis. Answer the following questions:

  • Do you feel their hypothesis is adequate in capturing the essence of what they're trying to discover?
  • What improvements could you make to their hypothesis, if any?


Follow the steps given to recreate the original experiment. Answer the following questions:

  • Are the instructions correct in successfully achieving the results?
  • Is there room for improvement in the experiment instructions/description? What suggestions would you make?
  • Would you make any alterations to the structure of the experiment to yield better results? What, and why?


Publish the data you have gained from your performing of the experiment here.


Answer the following:

  • Does the data seem in-line with the published data from the original author?
  • Can you explain any deviations?
  • How about any sources of error?
  • Is the stated hypothesis adequate?


Answer the following:

  • What conclusions can you make based on performing the experiment?
  • Do you feel the experiment was adequate in obtaining a further understanding of a concept?
  • Does the original author appear to have gotten some value out of performing the experiment?
  • Any suggestions or observations that could improve this particular process (in general, or specifically you, or specifically for the original author).
opus/fall2011/cforman/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/19 09:20 by