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DAC0 project documentation


It would be especially useful to review the manual pages or any documentation on the following resources:

  • ls(1) - lists files.
  • apropos “search term” - lists commands that have a given term
  • unzip “filename” - unzips zipped/compressed files
  • uudecode “filename” - decodes file.
  • tac “filename” - flips the text within the vertically.
  • tar- does many things with archives, read the man page for more info


What is an archive

What actions can be performed on an archive?

What is compression

How does compression differ from archiving?

Types of compression (lossy vs lossless)


Repository Operations

Checking current repository status

Adding untracked files to repository

Committing changes

Pushing commits upstream to server

Pulling changes from server

Updating current repository

notes/unix/spring2024/projects/dac0.1706932960.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/02/03 04:02 by cgrant9