struct person {
char name[32]; short int age; int height;
struct person Stanley;
Stanley.age = 34;
Stanely.height = 74;
int SpaceshipX = screen_width / 2 ; can replace 2 with any number depending on where you want the starting point. Replace x with y for y axis
To display sprites on screen, you must first make sure you define their textures. This should be done outside of “main”. Next, (assuming that: 1) the sprite appears in the same image as the background. 2) The background has also been defined outside of main and that texture / region has been selected / defined via functions) you can use “define_region_matrix().” This function will create a matrix, grab the sprite textures based on coordinates, and assign them to the aforementioned texure definitions.
you need to let the program know that you have a controller with “select_gamepad();”. In the () you can put 0, 1, 2, or 3 for the gamepad you want to use. 0 is the default.
to get an input from the gamepad, use the gamepad_direction() function and make variables for the x and y directions. You can also check to see if individual buttons are pressed with their respective functions found in the input.h API