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–Note that 0=false and 1=true–

NOT-Is fed one value, returns true if the value is false
AND-Is fed two values, returns true if both values are true
OR-Is fed two values, returns true if either value is true
NOR-Is fed two values, returns true if neither value is true
XOR-Is fed two values, returns true if only one value is true
XNOR-Is fed two values, returns true if both values are true or if both values are false
NAND-Is fed two values, returns true unless both values are true

SHIFT-Is fed an array of bits |1|0|1|0|,if we shift left, then we have |0|1|0|0|. If we keep going then the remaining 1 will fall off and we will have |0|0|0|0|. Will only ever add 0 to the array.

ROTATE-Is fed an array of bits |1|0|1|0|0|, if we rotate left then we get |0|1|0|0|1|. Will put the bit that falls off in the new bit spot created.


*Our task is to ask questions on Discord or in class and document our findings on this wiki page collaboratively, regarding the functionality of this project.

*For anybody interested in editing the wiki page, here is the dokuwiki user guide: -Ash




notes/discrete/fall2022/projects/lmr0.1663864315.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/09/22 16:31 by zswartwo