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Data Structures Course Notes

week 11

Stacks - Last in, First out - pez dispenser
Queues - First in, First out - lines, waiting for something, usually first person gets first pick

Class of November 9th 2017

Today in class we wen't over more about the upcoming “tree's”, as well as some notation's that can be used that are more efficient in c. We also talked a little bit about the EOCE (the fact that it's on its way). As well as the next class that hass is teaching, comp org.

Tree's- The three tree's that we are doing is In order traversal which is navigating through the tree by parent, left, then right. Next is Pre-Order traversal this is where the order is left, parent, right. This gives you the values from least to greatest. The last one is Post-Order traversal which is going from right, parent, left, which gives you greatest to least values in the tree.

Pol Notation- We wen't over this briefly, but enough to get the premise down. Here is a link to a wiki page about it

If you are taking Computer Organization next semester, and want to get a head start, then get some practice with Intel 64 Bit Assembly.

week 1

week 2

Nodes are structures that contain data and also can point and “link” to another node, creating a list.

Nodes do not necessarily need to be a named variable, but rather can be pointed to by variables that can be moved depending if the list has been changed.(ie. start&tmp)

Ternary statements= “(condition) ? statementiftrue : statementiffalse;”

To free memory: use free() then set to null; ex: free(tmp); tmp = NULL;

I dunno lol

“List” in sll0 is just an “engine” and “caboose”, which are pointers (like tmp) to “start” and “end”, therefore “mklist()” is super easy to use


–i increments before loop, i– increments after first iteration

notes/data.1510418945.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/11 11:49 by bstrong2