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The first step towards completing the project is to get the skeleton code and Makefile Lab46 has a command you can run called grabit, it can be used by typing the command, followed by the course designation, followed by the project in this case it would be
grabit cprog gtf0
Edit the provided skeletal code from the grabit using a txt editor like nano. edit this code to fit the criteria for the project
To be able to run the gtf0.c file use the following command in the grabit file:
make debug
Issue the command ls -l
and if there is a green “gft0” file, everything worked :) {for now}
If you execute this command it should produce a .png image
The image can either be viewed, if on a Pi, from the GUI file explorer
Or if in lab46: 1. Copy the file to ~/public_html/
username@lab46:~/src/spring2024/gtf0$ cp ./gft0.png ~/public_html
2. Change current directory to ~/public_html
cd ~/public_html
3. Change permissions to be able to be read by all
chmod +r gtf0.png
4.view image from web browser
You can make custom colors in C with commands from the libgd library so do this specify the integer variable that will have the color assigned to it
int black = 0;
then using the gdImageColorAllocate command, specify the intensity of each color, red green and blue, and reassign the output to the color
image red green blue black = gdColorAllocate (image, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
red green blue
sections are in hexcode so the most intense value is 0xFF
and the least being 0x00
so if red and blue = 0xFF
and green = 0x00
you will get purple
Syntax for drawing a graphics line
gdImageFill (image, x1, y1, x2, y2, color);
Syntax for drawing a graphics line
gdImageRectangle (image, topleftX, topleftY, bottomrightX, bottomrightY, colorofRectlines)
Basically the Fill bucket from any drawing software. You specify where the coordinates of the fill is (another way of thinking is that the coordinates is specifying where the “click” of the paint bucket tool would be on the screen) and all space within enclosed lines around the coord's get flooded with the specified color
gdImageFill (image, x1, y1, color);
Syntax for drawing a graphics line
gdImageFilledRectangle (image, topleftX, topleftY, bottomrightX, bottomrightY, color)
This will draw a solid rectangle of color
Syntax for a circle uses an arc command but the start angle is 0° and the end is 360° (also the diameters are equal)
Arc syntax:
gdImageArc (image, centerX, centerY, diameterWidth, diameterHeight, start°, end°, colorofLine);
Circle Ex:
gdImageArc (image 150, 300, 100, 100, 0, 360, black);
Syntax for an Ellipse
gdImageEllipse ( X1, Y2, width, height, colorofLine);
(could also be used for a circle)
Syntax for an Filled Ellipse
gdImageFilledEllipse ( X1, Y2, width, height, colorofFill);