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Vircon32 API

displaying text

processing textures and regions

displaying a region at location


By default Vircon32 uses the keyboard as the gamepad

  • D-Pad: Arrow keys
  • L/R Bumpers: 'Q' and 'W' keys
  • Y/X Buttons: 'A' and 'S' keys
  • B/A Buttons: 'Z' and 'X' keys

To use player inputs you need to include input.h

gamepad_direction provides a simple way to read and store player D-Pad inputs

//Initialize variables used to store player input
int xDirection;
int yDirection;

//The addressof operator is used because the gamepad_direction methods changes the value of its inputs
gamepad_direction(&xDirection, &yDirection);


bounds checking

notes/cprog/fall2024/projects/fwg1.1729689569.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/23 13:19 by tkastne1