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Scoring in pong is as simple as checking if the ball has left the screen; if it crosses the left side the right player gets a point, and vice versa.
For our purposes, we can check if the ball's x position has exceeded 640 or subceeded 0
Displaying the player's scores is where things start to get more complex, as we no longer have built in 'itoa' or 'print' functions, so we will have to build them manually.
First off, and debatably more complex portion, is creating an itoa function
To do this we can break down what we need to get printable characters from any arbitrary number
That process requires getting each digit from our number, ie to print 104, we need to have print a 1, a 0, and a 4, as they are all separate regions is the BIOS texture
One possible way of doing this is to use math to pick apart a number from right to left, converting each digit to its ASCII value, and store them, in a process that may look like:
MOV R0, 104 MOV R1, R0 ; Store a copy of the original into R1 _itoa: MOV R2, R1 ; Store a copy of the number into R2 IMOD R2, 10 ; Retrieve the last digit from the copy IADD R2, 0x30 ; Convert the number to its ASCII value PUSH R2 ; Store the digit onto the stack IDIV R1, 10 ; Remove the last digit from the original MOV R3, R1 ; ; IEQ R3, 0 ; Repeat until zero ; JF R3, _itoa ; ;
Once we have each character we want to print, printing them is a simple matter
The process may look like:
%define SELREG GPU_SelectedRegion %define SELTEX GPU_SelectedTexture %define DRAWX GPU_DrawingPointX %define DRAWY GPU_DrawingPointY %define GPUCOM GPU_Command %define DRAWREG GPUCommand_DrawRegion ... OUT SELTEX, -1 ; Select the BIOS texture MOV R0, 0 ; Place a dummy value onto the stack ; PUSH R0 ; ; CALL _itoa ; (assuming itoa has a RET instruction) _innerloop: POP R0 ; Retrieve the first character MOV R1, R0 IEQ R1, 0 JF R1, _return OUT SELREG, R0 ; Set the region OUT DRAWX, RX ; Set the x position (whatever register contains the xpos) OUT DRAWY, # ; Set the y position OUT GPUCOM, DRAWREG ; Draw the character IADD RX, 10 ; Move xpos to next open space JMP _innerloop _return: RET