This is an old revision of the document!
If you are installing Vircon32 on Windows you will need to make a new environment variable to be able to use the command line executables. Search for Control Panel in the system settings and from there search for Environment Variables. Select “Edit environment variables for your account”. Add a new variable titled “PATH” and when asked for a location use the location of your DevTools folder.
Due to use building Vircon32 from source the Emulator and DevTools will be included in the file we obtain.
You only need to worry about the build number which is v.25.1.6
You can obtain the file in question from the Vircon32/ComputerSoftware repository on GitHub
Vircon32 Releases
For our usage you will want to grab the Source code (tar.gz) that is within the Assets toggle of any v.25.1.6 release
Releases are posted in a way where the top most is the newest.
As with DevTools, there are a handful of dependencies you will want to install and most of which are listed on the that comes in the tar.gz file
One dependency that you will need and is not listed is libgtk2.0-dev
A slight deviation from the Readme is that due to us using a pi or Debian-based system you will want to swap out the MSYS for Unix in the command cmake -G 'MSYS Makefiles' ..
After the rest of the Readme is followed everything should be installed properly. It is then imperative you add Vircon32 to your path.
The installed location should be /usr/local/Vircon32/
Once added to your path you should be able to run the Vircon32 command anywhere to run the emulator.
Bootstrap a fairly simple “Hello, World” example, modified sufficiently from any provided tutorial or demo code.
This is a link to the provided tutorials on the Vircon Github page:
Indicate some potential changes/functions used here.
Some potential changes/functions could be:
In the tutorials and demos there are corresponding build scripts that will take all the code and related resources, and run the appropriate development tools to create a Vircon32 cartridge file.
Part of your task is to author your own custom build script. Do not just use an existing script, and do not just lightly modify the provided scripts: craft your own, with descriptive comments, that suit your individual effort.