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Vircon32 ASM Reference Guide

This document is based on Vircon32 DevTools v24.02.04; older versions will contain inconsistencies.

Token Value
VirconVersion 1
VirconRevision 0
FramesPerSecond 60
CyclesPerSecond 15000000
CyclesPerFrame CyclesPerSecond / FramesPerSecond
ScreenWidth 640
ScreenHeight 360
ScreenPixels ScreenWidth * ScreenHeight
GPUTextureSize 1024
GPUMaximumCartridgeTextures 256
GPURegionsPerTexture 4096
GPUPixelCapacityPerFrame 9 * ScreenPixels
GPUClearScreenPenalty -0.50f
GPUScalingPenalty +0.15f
GPURotationPenalty +0.25f
SPUMaximumCartridgeSounds 1024
SPUMaximumCartridgeSamples 1024 * 1024 * 256
SPUMaximumBiosSamples 1024 * 1024 * 1
SPUSoundChannels 16
SPUSamplingRate 44100
SPUSamplesPerFrame SPUSamplingRate / FramesPerSecond
MaximumCartridgeProgramROM 1024 * 1024 * 128
MaximumBiosProgramROM 1024 * 1024 * 1
RAMSize 1024 * 1024 * 4
MemoryCardSize 1024 * 256
MemoryBusSlaves 4
ControlBusSlaves 8
GamepadPorts 4

Assembler Data Directives (ROM)

keyword description
integer specify one or more integers
float specify one or more floats
string specify string sequence(s?)
pointer specify pointer(s?)
datafile specify datafile(s?)

Use commas to separate values (create “array” of values)

Vircon32 Memory Map

Name Address/Range Description
RAMFirstAddress 0x00000000-0x003FFFFF read/write memory (16MB)
stack init address 0x003FFFFF default location of SP (last RAM address)
BiosProgramROMFirstAddress 0x10000000 Vircon32 BIOS
CartridgeProgramROMFirstAddress 0x20000000 Cartridge Data
MemoryCardRAMFirstAddress 0x30000000 Memory Card Data

Vircon32 I/O Port Layout

Port Address Vircon32 ID Description
0x000 TIM_FirstPort time related functionality
0x100 RNG_FirstPort random number generator
0x200 GPU_FirstPort graphics
0x300 SPU_FirstPort sound processing
0x400 INP_FirstPort input (game controllers)
0x500 CAR_FirstPort cartridge interface
0x600 MEM_FirstPort memory card



Type Port Name Description
IN 0x000 TIM_CurrentDate retrieve current date
IN 0x001 TIM_CurrentTime retrieve current time
IN 0x002 TIM_FrameCounter retrieve current frame count
IN 0x003 TIM_CycleCounter retrieve current cycle count


Type Port Name Description
IN 0x100 RNG_CurrentValue obtain pseudorandom value
OUT 0x100 RNG_CurrentValue Seed random number generator


Type Port Name Description
OUT 0x200 GPU_Command perform GPU operation
??? 0x201 GPU_RemainingPixels ???
OUT 0x202 GPU_ClearColor color to clear the screen with
??? 0x203 GPU_MultiplyColor ???
??? 0x204 GPU_ActiveBlending ???
OUT 0x204 GPU_SelectedTexture texture ID to select (-1 for BIOS)
OUT 0x205 GPU_SelectedRegion region ID to select
OUT 0x206 GPU_DrawingPointX set X position to draw selected region
OUT 0x207 GPU_DrawingPointY set Y position to draw selected region
??? 0x208 GPU_DrawingScaleX ???
??? 0x209 GPU_DrawingScaleY ???
??? 0x20A GPU_DrawingAngle ???
OUT 0x20B GPU_RegionMinX set Min X coordinate for region
OUT 0x20C GPU_RegionMinY set Min Y coordinate for region
OUT 0x20D GPU_RegionMaxX set Max X coordinate for region
OUT 0x20E GPU_RegionMaxY set Max Y coordinate for region
OUT 0x20F GPU_RegionHotspotX set region Hotspot X coordinate
OUT 0x210 GPU_RegionHotspotY set region Hotspot Y coordinate

Commands that can be issued to the GPU:

value name description
0x10 GPUCommand_ClearScreen clears the screen using current clear color
0x11 GPUCommand_DrawRegion draws the selected region: Rotation off, Zoom off
0x12 GPUCommand_DrawRegionZoomed draws the selected region: Rotation off, Zoom on
0x13 GPUCommand_DrawRegionRotated draws the selected region: Rotation on , Zoom off
0x14 GPUCommand_DrawRegionRotozoomed draws the selected region: Rotation on , Zoom on

GPU Active Blending Port Commands

Active blending:

value name description
0x20 GPUBlendingMode_Alpha default rendering, uses alpha channel as transparency
0x21 GPUBlendingMode_Add colors are added (light effect), also called linear dodge
0x22 GPUBlendingMode_Subtract colors are subtracted (shadow effect), also called difference


Type Port Name Description
??? 0x300 SPU_Command ???
??? 0x301 SPU_GlobalVolume ???
??? 0x302 SPU_SelectedSound ???
??? 0x303 SPU_SelectedChannel ???
??? 0x304 SPU_SoundLength ???
??? 0x305 SPU_SoundPlayWithLoop ???
??? 0x306 SPU_SoundLoopStart ???
??? 0x307 SPU_SoundLoopEnd ???
??? 0x308 SPU_ChannelState ???
??? 0x309 SPU_ChannelAssignedSound ???
??? 0x30A SPU_ChannelVolume ???
??? 0x30B SPU_ChannelSpeed ???
??? 0x30C SPU_ChannelLoopEnabled ???
??? 0x30D SPU_ChannelPosition ???

SPU Commands

Commands for the SPU:

value name description
0x30 SPUCommand_PlaySelectedChannel if paused, it is resumed; if already playing, it is retriggered
0x31 SPUCommand_PauseSelectedChannel no effect if the channel was not playing
0x32 SPUCommand_StopSelectedChannel position is rewinded to sound start
0x33 SPUCommand_PauseAllChannels same as applying PauseChannel to all channels
0x34 SPUCommand_ResumeAllChannels same as applying PlayChannel to all paused channels
0x35 SPUCommand_StopAllChannels same as applying StopChannel to all channels

SPU Channel States

States of the sound channels:

value name description
0x40 SPUChannelState_Stopped channel is not playing, and will begin new reproduction on play
0x41 SPUChannelState_Paused channel is paused, and will resume reproduction on play
0x42 SPUChannelState_Playing channel is currently playing, until its assigned sound ends


Type Port Name Description
IN 0x400 INP_SelectedGamepad Which gamepad is selected (0-3)
OUT 0x400 INP_SelectedGamepad Select indicated gamepad (0-3)
??? 0x401 INP_GamepadConnected ???
??? 0x402 INP_GamepadLeft ???
??? 0x403 INP_GamepadRight ???
??? 0x404 INP_GamepadUp ???
??? 0x405 INP_GamepadDown ???
??? 0x406 INP_GamepadButtonStart ???
??? 0x407 INP_GamepadButtonA ???
??? 0x408 INP_GamepadButtonB ???
??? 0x409 INP_GamepadButtonX ???
??? 0x40A INP_GamepadButtonY ???
??? 0x40B INP_GamepadButtonL ???
??? 0x40C INP_GamepadButtonR ???
Type Port Name Description
IN? 0x500 CAR_Connected status of cartridge being connected
IN? 0x501 CAR_ProgramROMSize size of program ROM
IN? 0x502 CAR_NumberOfTextures number of cartridge textures
IN? 0x503 CAR_NumberOfSounds number of cartridge sounds


Type Port Name Description
IN? 0x600 MEM_Connected status of memory card being connected


There are 64 CPU opcodes, so instructions encode them in 6 bits. No invalid opcodes can exist. HLT is opcode 0 for safety: if an empty or invalid instruction is found, the CPU will stop execution.

opcode mneumonic category description
0x00 HLT control halt processing
0x01 WAIT control pause processing, wait for next frame
0x02 JMP branch unconditional jump to address
0x03 CALL branch call subroutine
0x04 RET branch return from subroutine
0x05 JT branch jump if true (1)
0x06 JF branch jump if false (0)
0x07 IEQ int comparison integer equal
        IEQ,        // Integer Equal
        INE,        // Integer Not Equal
        IGT,        // Integer Greater Than
        IGE,        // Integer Greater or Equal
        ILT,        // Integer Less Than
        ILE,        // Integer Less or Equal
        // float comparisons
        FEQ,        // Float Equal
        FNE,        // Float Not Equal
        FGT,        // Float Greater Than
        FGE,        // Float Greater or Equal
        FLT,        // Float Less Than
        FLE,        // Float Less or Equal
        // data movement
        MOV,        // Move data
        LEA,        // Load effective address of a memory position
        PUSH,       // Save on top of the stack
        POP,        // Load from top of the stack
        IN,         // Read from an I/O port
        OUT,        // Write to an I/O port
        // string operations
        MOVS,       // Copy string (HW memcpy)
        SETS,       // Set string (HW memset)
        CMPS,       // Compare string (HW memcmp)
        // data conversion
        CIF,        // Convert Integer to Float
        CFI,        // Convert Float to Integer
        CIB,        // Convert Integer to Boolean
        CFB,        // Convert Float to Boolean
        // binary operations
        NOT,        // Bitwise NOT
        AND,        // Bitwise AND
        OR,         // Bitwise OR
        XOR,        // Bitwise XOR
        BNOT,       // Boolean NOT
        SHL,        // Bit shift left
        // integer arithmetic
        IADD,       // Integer Addition
        ISUB,       // Integer Subtraction
        IMUL,       // Integer Multiplication
        IDIV,       // Integer Division
        IMOD,       // Integer Modulus
        ISGN,       // Integer Sign change
        IMIN,       // Integer Minimum
        IMAX,       // Integer Maximum
        IABS,       // Integer Absolute value
        // float arithmetic
        FADD,       // Float Addition
        FSUB,       // Float Subtraction
        FMUL,       // Float Multiplication
        FDIV,       // Float Division
        FMOD,       // Float Modulus
        FSGN,       // Float Sign change
        FMIN,       // Float Minimum
        FMAX,       // Float Maximum
        FABS,       // Float Absolute value
        // extended float operations
        FLR,        // Round down
        CEIL,       // Round up
        ROUND,      // Round to nearest integer
        SIN,        // Sine
        ACOS,       // Arc cosine
        ATAN2,      // Arc Tangent from x and y
        LOG,        // Natural logarithm
        POW         // Raise to a Power
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    enum class CPURegisters: int
        // all 16 general-purpose registers
        Register00 = 0,
        // alternate names for specific registers
        CountRegister       = 11,
        SourceRegister      = 12,
        DestinationRegister = 13,
        BasePointer         = 14,
        StackPointer        = 15
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    enum class AddressingModes : unsigned int
        RegisterFromImmediate = 0,      // syntax: MOV R1, 25
        RegisterFromRegister,           // syntax: MOV R1, R2
        RegisterFromImmediateAddress,   // syntax: MOV R1, [25]
        RegisterFromRegisterAddress,    // syntax: MOV R1, [R2]
        RegisterFromAddressOffset,      // syntax: MOV R1, [R2+25]
        ImmediateAddressFromRegister,   // syntax: MOV [25], R2
        RegisterAddressFromRegister,    // syntax: MOV [R1], R2
        AddressOffsetFromRegister       // syntax: MOV [R1+25], R2
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    enum class CPUErrorCodes: uint32_t
        InvalidMemoryRead = 0,
notes/comporg/spring2024/virconref.1708177718.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/02/17 08:48 by