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Tunnel Chasers™ Wiki

Welcome to the Tunnel Chaser™ Wiki, here you will find all pertinent information regarding the development of the project.


Discord Channels

This will be our main form of communication between all team members.

You will find the following channels:
► announcements: Where I (and Professor Haas) will be providing important information, updates, reminders, deadlines etc, about the project.
► general-chat: Everybody is welcome to chat within this channel as long as it relates to the project.
► tech-department: Will be used only to talk about the technical aspects of the project, mainly the programming.
► game-mechanics: As the name states, this channel is only used to submit game mechanics ideas. Any other messages will be deleted.
► references: Will be used to share visual references that will help clarify ideas, processes, mechanics, etc.
► art-department: Will be used to only talk about the visual and audio design of the project. No computer nerds allowed.
► pixel-art: This channel will display the pixel Art developed for the project. These are NOT the assets, the assets will be submitted in their corresponding sprite.tic file within the repo.
► tunnelchasers: Used mainly for meetings, seeking help, and other project related activities.

More channels will be created as they are needed.

Goals, Terms, and Conditions

We have been granted a unique opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge acquired throughout our studies here at CCC. This presents a chance to not only showcase our competencies but to also push the limits of our abilities and explore new grounds and ideas. With collaboration and leveraging of our collective strengths, we can create a project of remarkable distinction, one that will leave a lasting imprint at the college and highlight the full extent of our potential. We are aware that each of us has additional commitments and responsibilities outside of this project. Nonetheless, it is of utmost importance that we give this project the *attention and dedication* it deserves. This is a pivotal moment in which we can make a meaningful impact, and we must not squander it.

Let's put all our efforts into making a great project!!


Professor Haas will allow the progression of this project as long as it meets the required learning goals that the shorter weekly projects offer. This project and the development of the project must be taken seriously and any students who have accepted to join this project is expected to fulfill their tasks in a professional manner. REMEMBER, your effort put into this project will count toward your grade. Any performance deemed *unsatisfactory* will result in a low grade and potentially exclusion from the project.


As of now (02/04/2023), the deadline of the project is *TBA*, but it is estimated to be around the week of May 15th, allowing the team a span of 14 to 15 weeks for project development.


Team meetings will be held every Thursday during the allocated time for the CompOrg class, 8:30am - 10:30am. For people working remotely, you can join the meeting through the tunnelchasers voice channel.

All important updates about meetings will be posted in the meetings section of the wiki.

Student Expo Event

CCC has a major annual expo event where students showcase projects they worked on throughout the semester. The event has not been announced yet, but it will be a perfect opportunity to display our project.

We have received news that the expo will be withheld on Wednesday, May 3rd.

Honors Credit

Professor Haas offered the opportunity to take this project up a notch by making it an Honors Project. This means that the students who signed up on the Honors Credit Contract will get Honors credits on their transcript, once the project is finished.

In Professor Haas' words:

“…[Honor Credits are] something that could further bolster both the comporg project efforts, and also add further shine to your transcript,” Matthew Haas, 2023

Honors Projects are only under the Professor's consent, and the project has to be evaluated and approved by the Coordinator of the Honors Program.

UPDATE The deadline to sign up for Honors Credit was February 10th. People who've missed the deadline can no longer sign up for Honors Credits.


A private GitHub Organization page has been created for the project's development team, the organization has been called Crew46, and a repository for the Tunnel Chasers project has also been created. All team members must join the organization in order to have access to the project's repository. To join the organization please provide me your GitHub account name and I'll send you an invitation.

These are the links to the organization page and the repository:

*You will get a 404 error if you are not part of the organization.*

Once you have been provided access, clone the repository on your device.

Game Design Document (GDD)

The Game Design Document is available directly on the Lab46 Wiki site. This will be the documentation of the project, which includes all pertinent information about the project, the development of the project, the game mechanics, etc. Also, the majority of the information provided in this announcement section will also be included there.

"Tic-ify" instructions

Once your code is finished and ready, you must use the Cartridge Data Assembler (CDA) to integrate it with the rest of the project. This process is referred to as “tic-ify”. Most assets of the project are stored in their own separate files, the CDA assembles all the assets together into one catridge file.

Please follow the next steps: 1. Copy your entire code into a text editor, such as VIM or Notepad. 2. Once copied, you will declare two new functions at the very end of the code. The name of these functions will depend on the system you're working on.

  i. The first function will include `_init` as a suffix __after the name of the system__. E.g. `[SYSTEM_NAME]_init()`. 
      - You will move all the code outside of the main `tic()` function inside the `[SYSTEM_NAME]_init()` function. This includes variable declarations, function declarations, classes, etc.
  ii. The second function will have the suffix `_loop` after the system's name. E.g. `[SYSTEM_NAME]_loop()`.
      - You will move all the code inside the `tic()` function inside the `[SYSTEM_NAME]_loop()` function.
  iii. Enter a new line.
  iv. On the next line (two lines away from the end of `[SYSTEM_NAME]_loop()`), you will call `make_system("[SYSTEM_NAME]",[SYSTEM_NAME]_init,[SYSTEM_NAME]_loop)`
  v. Leave a trailing new line.

3. Save this file with the name `[SYSTEM_NAME].lua`. 4. Include the file in the `code/` directory of the repo. 5. Optionally you could “tic-ify” the current version of the game by running the assembler with the command `java -jar ./ticify.jar` at the root of the repo.

These instructions have been included in the project's repo.

notes/comporg/spring2023.1677352537.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/02/25 19:15 by abarbcal