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Tunnel Chasers™ Game Design Document
All information regarding game mechanics is found here
Game Characteristics
The game is to have three major environments:
• An overworld
• Sneaking levels
• Endless runner levels
• Confrontation levels
Today, Feb 5th 2023, a technical meeting took place to discuss and determine the most suitable programming language for the project. After thorough discussion and examination, the team reached a majority consensus to select Lua as the programming language of choice.
The Overworld environment is the level selector. Layout is inspired by the CCC school map, it is NOT a replica. Name of the fictional College is Cornelius Community College.
Accessible buildings listed by level of difficulty:
• Liebeary (Sneaking Tutorial) - in reference to the Library
• Mechung Building (TunnelRunner Tutorial) - in reference to the Chemung Building
• The Arena (Battle Tutorial) - in reference to the Gym
• Science Building (Introduces the tunnels) - in reference to the Schuyler Building
• The Rares - in reference to the Commons building
Non accessible (locked) buildings, just cosmetic:
• The Planetarium - in reference to the Digital Dome
• Reuben Building - in reference to the Steuben Building
• Pearl Hall - in refence to the Perry Hall