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Corning Community College

CSCS2650 Computer Organization


To get the project:

lab46:~/src/comporg$ grabit comporg pnc1

Wrapper Script Format:


interpreter ${0}.ext ${*}
exit 0

Pnc0 was so that we could review the baseline scripts.

Pnc1 is the same skeleton as the pnc0 directory.

(primeregbs recommended) - gets the job done in a reasonable amount of time.

Pick one of the five programs you did in pnc0 and implement it in AT LEAST 5 different programming languages

languages currently installed on lab46:

  • awk
  • bash
  • python(2/3)
  • php
  • nodejs(javascript)
  • javac/java (gcj)
  • lua
  • ruby
  • perl
  • go
  • C/C++

If a language is not installed:

lab46:~$ aptitude search THING

send package details to wedge (IRC perhaps?)

Put each of these in their own directory. Example: Javascript implementation in js/, python implementation in python/

Put your primeregbs or whichever program you picked, and put it in each gcc directory (gccO0, gccO1, etc.), compile with the Makefile in each of these directories

We deserve nice things: To copy primeregbs.c from gcc directory to other directories without a bunch of different “cp” commands
See man xargs for more info:

lab46:~/src/comporg/pnc1$ echo gccO0 gccO1 gccO2 gccO3 gccOs tcc itcc | xargs -n 1 cp gcc/primeregbs.c

You will still need to run the make command.

See how it runs with pncrun for each compiler.

notes/comporg/projects/pnc1.1516832544.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/24 22:22 by ahought2