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A component in the electronics kit that can be used to give an input to your pi. The button has 4 legs and should straddle the middle trench/valley up the middle of the breadboard. Both of the “lower” legs should be connected to a 10K ohm resistor. One of those resistors should then run to ground from each button via a wire, and the other resistor should be connected to a pin to power the button (one of the 3.3v pins) via a wire. Then the “upper” left left leg of the button should be grounded. You must then set the connected gpio pins to “input” mode. When everything is connected and powered, the button should read as a “0” when it is not being pressed, but then becomes a “1” when it is being pressed. You can check this by running “gpio readall” while the button is not being pressed, then again while the button is being held down. You should notice the “0” change into a “1” in the displayed table.

multicolor LED

Inside of the electronics kit and inside one of the bags of LED's that are a part of Matt's class you will find a larger LED that instead of being one color is naturally white. This LED will also have 4 legs beneath it instead of just 2. Now that you have this LED you will need to connect it to your breadboard for power as well as general pin outputs. So, the longest leg of the LED is the leg in which you need to connect to 3.3v power. Then the next longest leg that is alone to one side of the longest leg is the leg connected to the red output of the LED. Finally the 2 legs to the other side of the longest leg are Green and then Blue, the longer of these 2 legs is the green output leg and the shorter is the blue output leg. The leg that is connected to the 3.3v power does not need a resistor but a resistor is highly recommended, especially in the case of initial testing. However, all three of the output legs that will control a color need a resistor in order to function. Each of these legs need a 220 kΩ (Kiloohm) resistor.


A conditional statement in computer programming that allows you to perform 2 different blocks of code depending on whether or not the given condition is met. The condition is a simple as

   if (condition == 1){  //checks to see if the condition is true (true = 1 in programming)
      Code to be executed   //This code will be executed if the condition is met 
   else{                 //If the initial condition is not met/is false
       alternative block of code to be executed  //Code to be executed if the condition is not met

staying within a range

notes/c4eng/fall2024/projects/ptb2.1730157068.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/28 23:11 by skephart