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When you pick up the LED, you will notice that one leg is longer than the other. The longer leg (known as the ‘anode’), is always connected to the positive supply of the circuit. The shorter leg (known as the ‘cathode’) is connected to the negative side of the power supply, known as ‘ground’.LED stands for Light Emitting Diode, and glows when electricity is passed through it.

LEDs will only work if power is supplied the correct way round (i.e. if the ‘polarity’ is correct). You will not break the LEDs if you connect them the wrong way round – they will just not light. If you find that they do not light in your circuit, it may be because they have been connected the wrong way round.

LEDs should be supplied power on the long leg by a GPIO pin running through a resistor. When the output of the GPIO is triggered HIGH it will light the corresponding LED.


connect one side of the switch to an input pin on the Raspberry Pi. The other side of the switch we connect to 3.3V on pin 1 using a resistor. The resistor is used as a current limiting resistor to protect our input pin by limiting the amount of current that can flow. There should also one pin connected to ground to complete the circuit.

The way the button works and why the button within the program is the normal idle state is just letting the voltage pass through to ground. It can be thought about like a momentary switch. When the button is pressed it completes the circuit to the input GPIO pin which can be used as a momentary trigger or held for a longer term trigger.


There are two main types of buzzer: active and passive.

A passive buzzer emits a tone when a voltage is applied across it. It also requires a specific signal to generate a variety of tones. The active buzzers are a lot simpler to use, so these are covered here.

In order to modulate both the frequency and operation of the buzzer, a transistor is used. A transistor can be thought of as a switch or a gate. It regulates or controls current or voltage flow. It consists of three parts, the collector, base and emitter. The collector in our case is connected to ground. The base is where the GPIO output is regulating the current traveling through the buzzer through the emitter to ground.



The first step in our program is ensuring that the pins we are using for our LEDs are set up to be outputs. This way the pi knows it is sending a signal to something rather than looking for a signal from something.


The first step in our program is ensuring that the pins we are using for our buttons are set up to be inputs. This way the pi knows it is receiving a signal from the button as an input.


So the game has three leds. Each led corresponds to a sound that the buzzer makes. Also, the buzzer is set to tell the player if their guess was correct or incorrect. So, make the lose sound a low frequency and the win sound a high frequency.



The LED's will light up in correspondence to a note to help the player memorize the pattern. They will light up again when their corresponding button is pressed to play back the pattern


The buttons are to tell the game which leds lit up, or at least what the player thought lit up.


Simon says is basically a memory game. The led lights used are to present a pattern to a player. Initially the pattern only has one led that lights up. After each round the game adds another led to the pattern which you need to remember and present to the game through the use of buttons.


This game requires four leds, one buzzer, and four buttons.


notes/c4eng/fall2022/projects/sss2.1667326968.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/01 18:22 by dfabbri