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Corning Community College

CSCS2330 Discrete Structures


Project: WEEKLY PUZZLE FUN (wpf8)

Part 1: 4x4 difficult logic-grid puzzle


To apply your skills in the solving of a logic puzzle.

What you'll likely encounter is that there will be more indirect clues (ie knocking something out directly from a clue in one area, which can have secondary elimination moves elsewhere on the grid). Some of the existing puzzles have aspects like this, but may not have as heavily utilized them as central means to solving the puzzle.

Remember, keeping track of what has been eliminated is just as important as tracking what has been identified. A lot of trouble or dead ends emerged when people were not keeping full inventory on grid box eliminations.

This one should not be too much more challenging than last week's puzzle; be sure to check for secondary and tertiary connections. If you run through the clues and sense you don't have enough to proceed, you're missing a secondary connection from cross-referencing clues already placed on the grid.

Puzzle Backstory

Michael Matry owns a small crop dusting business. Local farmers from all over Karab County regularly call him over to spray fertilizers or pesticides over their crops. Using only the clues below, match each of Michael's jobs this week to the correct farm and town, and determine the type of each farmer's crop.



  1. Iron Hill isn't in Paradise.
  2. Blackwater will be worked on sometime before the business that grows beets.
  3. The business that grows potatoes will be worked on 1 day before the farm in Red Oak.
  4. The farm in Albion will be worked on 1 day after the one that grows alfalfa.
  5. The farm that grows spinach is either Blackwater or the business in Red Oak.
  6. Of the farm in Quimby and the one in Paradise, one is Meadowgrove and the other grows beets.
  7. The business that grows potatoes will be worked on 1 day after the business in Quimby.

Part 2: Word Math Puzzle


Logic grids are not the only form of logic puzzle; here is another one that relies heavily on logic and reasoning in order to sift through.

A word math puzzle is one where the numbers 0-9 have been replaced with various letters of the alphabet; it is your task to determine what number each letter maps to, and report that to me in the project submission.

For this sort of problem, you will likely want to take notes; all the various little tests you concoct to prove or disprove some relationship. This may also take a bit longer and seem more overwhelming, but really, it is just longhand math :) Remember to attack the problem in pieces, and not head-on all-at-once.

Practice some similar math problems to derive patterns so that the seemingly unfamiliar letters performing math can start to make more sense.


number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Part 3: Numerical Reasoning


With the logic grids you put your logic skills to the test, with the word math you math skills. Here, we will explore various other types of puzzles, often combining both logic and math skills to solve, but also exercising different aspects of your deduction/induction skills.



Given the following triangle, with points ABD, ACF, and DEF, assign the following numbers to a letter so that the sum of all numbers on each side is: 11

Of the corners, A should be the lowest value, F should be the highest.

Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

letter A B C D E F


To submit this weekly puzzle, simply run the submit line below; a submit-time questionnaire will collect your puzzle results.

Submit Tool Usage

When you have completed work on the project, and are ready to submit, you would do the following:

lab46:~/src/discrete/wpf$ submit discrete wpf8
Submitting discrete project "wpf8":

haas/summer2017/discrete/projects/wpf8.txt · Last modified: 2016/10/24 13:41 by