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Corning Community College

CSCS1320 C/C++ Programming

PROJECT: Data Type Resources (DTR0)


To begin our exploration of programming, starting with an investigation into the various data types available in C, along with their properties.


To assist with consistency across all implementations, data files for use with this project are available on lab46 via the grabit tool. Be sure to obtain it and ensure your implementation properly works with the provided data.


Please study the dtr0.c program, and look up, experiment, and ask questions on aspects that you do not understand.


In order to successfully accomplish/perform this project, the listed resources/experiences need to be consulted/achieved:

  • ability to log into Lab46
  • ability to change to course-specific source directory
  • ability to edit text files
  • ability to compile C source code
  • ability to execute compiled code
  • knowledge of the size of a byte, how many bit combinations are possible therein
  • ability to use version control system to track created source file(s)


This project will be exploring the nature of some of the data types available to us in the C Programming Language. How much space is allocated to each type, and what are the ranges available for each type?

A program is provided that will display (to STDOUT) the size (in bytes), the lower and upper bounds of each studied type.

The data types covered for this project will include signed and unsigned variations of:

  • char
  • short int
  • int
  • long int
  • long long int

The sizeof() and printf() functions, as well as arithmetic and logical operators, will be utilized in performing much of the work.


To run your compiled code:

lab46:~/src/SEMESTER/DESIG/dtr0$ ./dtr0


Your task is to first study and understand what the provided code is doing. It is expected you will ask questions on discord to gain clarification.

Once you have an understanding of what is going on, extend the code to support the other types (both signed and unsigned). In total, you should have TEN total sections.

Review of Compiling/Executing

Just to review the compilation/execution process for working with your source code, if we had a file, projectX.c, that we wished to compile to a binary called projectX, we'd first want to compile the code, as follows:

system:~/src/SEMESTER/DESIG/PROJECT$ gcc -Wall --std=gnu18 -o projectX projectX.c

Assuming there are no syntax errors or warnings, and everything compiled correctly, you should just get your prompt back. In the event of problems, the compiler will be sure to tell you about them.

Conceptually, the arrangement is as follows:

gcc -Wall --std=gnu18 -o BINARY_FILE SOURCE_FILE

The BINARY_FILE comes immediately after the -o, NOT the SOURCE_FILE (it must never immediately follow a -o). It can precede, and such is perfectly valid (especially if you feel that way more intuitive).

The -Wall (treat all warnings as errors, increase general verbosity about warnings) and –std=gnu99 (switch compiler to use the C99 standard of the C language with GNU compiler extensions) are options given to the compiler.

To execute your binary, we need to specify a path to it, so we use ./, which references the current directory (the dot '.' tells the computer “my current location”, and the forward slash '/' is the directory separator):

system:~/src/SEMESTER/DESIG/PROJECT$ ./projectX


To be successful in this project, the following criteria (or their equivalent) must be met:

  • Project must be submit on time, by the deadline.
    • Late submissions will lose 33% credit per day, with the submission window closing on the 3rd day following the deadline.
  • All code must compile cleanly (no warnings or errors)
    • Compile with the -Wall and –std=gnu18 compiler flags
    • all requested functionality must conform to stated requirements (either on this document or in a comment banner in source code files themselves).
  • Executed programs must display in a manner similar to provided output
    • output formatted, where applicable, must match that of project requirements
  • Processing must be correct based on input given and output requested
  • Output, if applicable, must be correct based on values input
  • Code must be nicely and consistently indented
  • Code must be consistently written, to strive for readability from having a consistent style throughout
  • Code must be commented
    • Any “to be implemented” comments MUST be removed
      • these “to be implemented” comments, if still present at evaluation time, will result in points being deducted.
      • Sufficient comments explaining the point of provided logic MUST be present
  • No global variables (without instructor approval), no goto statements, no calling of main()!
  • Track/version the source code in your lab46 semester repository
  • Submit a copy of your source code to me using the submit tool (make submit on lab46 will do this) by the deadline.

Submit Tool Usage

Let's say you have completed work on the project, and are ready to submit, you would do the following (assuming you have a program called uom0.c):

lab46:~/src/SEMESTER/DESIG/PROJECT$ make submit

You should get some sort of confirmation indicating successful submission if all went according to plan. If not, check for typos and or locational mismatches.


I'll be evaluating the project based on the following criteria:

26:dtr0:final tally of results (26/26)
*:dtr0:used grabit to obtain project by the Sunday prior to duedate [4/4]
*:dtr0:clean compile, no compiler messages [5/5]
*:dtr0:program conforms to project specifications [13/13]
*:dtr0:code tracked in lab46 semester repo [4/4]


  • Solutions not abiding by spirit of project will be subject to a 50% overall deduction
  • Solutions not utilizing descriptive why and how comments will be subject to a 25% overall deduction
  • Solutions not utilizing indentation to promote scope and clarity or otherwise maintaining consistency in code style and presentation will be subject to a 25% overall deduction
  • Solutions not organized and easy to read (assume a terminal at least 90 characters wide, 40 characters tall) are subject to a 25% overall deduction
haas/spring2023/cprog/projects/dtr0.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/29 13:32 by