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As an exercise in toning your abstraction abilities (literally seeing one thing, but understanding and using it as something else), there will be a number of 'generic' terms used throughout this (and other) documents throughout the course, requiring you to substitute in the pertinent information (else face confusion or error).

Some examples:

  • yourusername - where you see this (likely in a config file or command-line argument), you are NOT to literally type in y-o-u-r-u-s-e-r-n-a-m-e, but instead, substitute in YOUR lab46 username.
  • desig - different classes have different class designations. To make one universal document pertinent to ALL classes, specific examples will instead use 'desig', where you must substitute in the class desig of the class YOU are taking and acting upon in that moment. Example class desigs:
    • c4eng - ENGR1050 “C for Engineers”
    • cprog - CSCS1320 “C/C++ Programming”
    • unix - CSCS1730 “UNIX/Linux Fundamentals”
    • data - CSCS2320 “Data Structures”
    • discrete - CSCS2330 “Discrete Structures”

This sort of abstraction is very similar to that we will find in our utilization of variables in programming, where we can have a “name”, but the data associated with it can change based on various conditions.

Do not be a literalist computer! Start to exercise your abstraction abilities.

haas/spring2021/common/projects/abstraction.1598194829.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/23 15:00 by