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Corning Community College

CSCS1730 UNIX/Linux Fundamentals

Assignments, Documents, Information, and Projects

One must demonstrate or convey the following qualities, with respect to course content and concepts, in some way…


  • Prudence - discipline
    • Memoria - accurate memory
    • Intelligentia - understanding
    • Docilitas - teachableness
    • Solertia - ingenuity, quick-wittedness, cleverness
    • Ratio - research, discovery, reasoning
    • Providentia - make connections, foresee possibilities
    • Circumspection — consideration of the big picture or related details
    • Caution — assessing and mitigating risk and needless failure
  • Justice - doing good and doing no evil
    • Philosophy - love of wisdom/knowledge
    • Piety - devotion
    • Reverence - respect for
    • Gratitude - to be thankful for
    • Vindication - defend against criticism
    • Truthfulness - being honest
    • Affability - being friendly, kind, of good humor; having camaraderie
    • Liberality - being generous
    • Equity - being fair and reasonable
  • Fortitude - courage; mental strength / willpower
    • Magnanimity - being greatly generous
    • Magnificence - greatness, imposing beauty
    • Patience - endurance through difficulty
    • Perseverance - persistence, tenacity, determination
  • Temperance - moderation and restraint
    • Continence - self-restraint; moderation
    • Mansuetudo - meekness, tameness
    • Clementia - gentle exercise of power; compassion in judging
    • Modestia - humility, being unassuming or moderate of abilities

Your task will be to apply the course concepts and demonstrate them in accordance to the virtues listed above.

  • Discipline
  • Philosophy
  • Lifestyle
  • Culture
  • Configuration
  • Communication
  • Ability
  • Knowledge
  • Expression
  • Creativity


  • vi as primary editor
  • learn non-qwerty keyboard layout, such as Dvorak
  • emacs (not worth as much as vi)


  • blosxom/pyblosxom blog

Lifestyle (make regular use of)

  • dual-boot or virtualize Linux on home computer
  • cygwin


Projects: Discipline

haas/spring2020/unix/projects/discipline.txt · Last modified: 2013/12/27 16:18 by