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wcpA (due 20190410)
pct0 (due 20190417)

Computer Organization Spring 2018 Status

Data and visualizations generated from class activity.

This information is provided to give you a better perspective on how the class as a whole is trending.

Numeric Stats on Deliverables

COMPORG   coi0 pnc0 pnc1 pnc2  got+bns/totl tlly prjct+prtcp+jrnal=results ( grade )
 lowscore: 100    0    0    0 .............   2% ......................... ( 23.367)
 avgscore: 100   79   82   88 .............  86% ......................... ( 41.288)
   median: 100  100  100  100 ............. 100% ......................... (100.830)
  hiscore: 100  100  100  100 ............. 103% ......................... (110.801)
     mode: 100  100  100  100 
    range:   0  100  100  100 
 # passed:   9    7    8    8 .............    8 .........................  8 ( 88%)
  # of As:   9    5    5    8 .............    5 .........................  6 ( 66%)
  # of Bs:   0    2    2    0 .............    3 .........................  2 ( 22%)
  # of Cs:   0    0    1    0 .............    0 .........................  0 (  0%)
  # of Ds:   0    0    0    0 .............    0 .........................  0 (  0%)
  # of Fs:   0    2    1    1 .............    1 .........................  1 ( 11%)
 # submit:   9    8    8    5 
  # early:   7    6    3    4 
  # onday:   2    1    4    1 
   # late:   1    1    1    1 
# missing:   1    1    1    1 
 % passed: 100%  77%  88%  88%
  % of As: 100%  55%  55%  88%
  % of Bs:   0%  22%  22%   0%
  % of Cs:   0%   0%  11%   0%
  % of Ds:   0%   0%   0%   0%
  % of Fs:   0%  22%  11%  11%
 % submit: 100%  88%  88%  55%
  % early:  77%  66%  33%  44%
  % onday:  22%  11%  44%  11%
   % late:  11%  11%  11%  11%
% missing:  11%  11%  11%  11%

Correlation: Time Spent Online vs. Overall Class Ranking

rank user inclass outclass total program
1 811 24511 25322 INFT
2 1473 57657 59130 CSCI
3 966 18894 19860 CSCI
4 2082 29696 31778 CSCI
5 4824 15427 20251 OTHR
6 1018 17948 18966 CSCI
7 1142 12404 13546 CSCI
8 338 9486 9824 CSCI
9 1229 47434 48663 INFT
rank user inclass outclass total program

Correlation: Time Spent Online vs. Project Ranking

rank user inclass outclass total program
1 811 24511 25322 INFT
2 1473 57657 59130 CSCI
3 966 18894 19860 CSCI
4 4824 15427 20251 OTHR
5 1018 17948 18966 CSCI
6 1142 12404 13546 CSCI
7 2082 29696 31778 CSCI
8 338 9486 9824 CSCI
9 1229 47434 48663 INFT
rank user inclass outclass total program

Class Project Progress

Of the various all-class metrics we can analyze:

  • low score
  • average score
  • median score
  • high score
  • submission rate
  • late/missing rate

We can visualize the results to gain a big picture view. The more the data stays within a certain range, the less interesting the graphs will appear. In such cases, boring graphs indicate the class as a whole is staying relatively the same with respect to that metric (dips would tend to indicate problems, rises would tend to indicate improvements).

Average Scores

Median Scores

haas/spring2019/comporg/projects/status.txt · Last modified: 2018/03/15 09:35 by