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This is an old revision of the document!

UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Spring 2018 Status

Data and visualizations generated from class activity.

This information is provided to give you a better perspective on how the class as a whole is trending.

Numeric Stats on Deliverables

UNIX      uxi0 adm0 pbx0 pbx1 uka0 pbx2 usr0 upf0 upf1 spf0 pwn0  got+bns/totl tlly prjct+prtcp+jrnal=results ( grade )
 lowscore:   0    0    0    0    0   61   13   30    0    0    0 .............  11% ......................... ( 31.938)
 avgscore:  82   82   81   84   92   88   82   79   77   62   56 .............  84% ......................... ( 84.082)
   median:  89   92   86   92  100   92  100   84   92   76   64 .............  87% ......................... ( 88.851)
  hiscore: 100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100 ............. 113% ......................... (116.147)
     mode: 100   92  100   92  100  100  100  100  100   96  100 
    range: 100  100  100  100  100   39   87   70  100  100  100 
 # passed:  16   17   17   18   18   19   14   16   16   12   10 .............   17 ......................... 17 ( 89%)
  # of As:   9    7    7    7   16    7   11    8    7    7    4 .............    7 .........................  8 ( 42%)
  # of Bs:   6    7    8    8    2    9    3    3    7    3    1 .............    7 .........................  6 ( 31%)
  # of Cs:   0    3    1    2    0    1    0    5    2    0    5 .............    3 .........................  3 ( 15%)
  # of Ds:   1    0    1    1    0    2    0    0    0    2    0 .............    0 .........................  0 (  0%)
  # of Fs:   3    2    2    1    1    0    5    3    3    7    9 .............    2 .........................  2 ( 10%)
 # submit:  20   20   18   18   18   19   21   19   17   15   18 
  # early:   2    9    8    9    1   10    7    4    6    1    2 
  # onday:  16    8   10    9   18    9    8   12   11   13   14 
   # late:   2    2    1    1    1    1    1    3    1    2    1 
# missing:   2    2    2    2    2    1    5    1    3    4    2 
 % passed:  84%  89%  89%  94%  94% 100%  73%  84%  84%  63%  52%
  % of As:  47%  36%  36%  36%  84%  36%  57%  42%  36%  36%  21%
  % of Bs:  31%  36%  42%  42%  10%  47%  15%  15%  36%  15%   5%
  % of Cs:   0%  15%   5%  10%   0%   5%   0%  26%  10%   0%  26%
  % of Ds:   5%   0%   5%   5%   0%  10%   0%   0%   0%  10%   0%
  % of Fs:  15%  10%  10%   5%   5%   0%  26%  15%  15%  36%  47%
 % submit: 105% 105%  94%  94%  94% 100% 110% 100%  89%  78%  94%
  % early:  10%  47%  42%  47%   5%  52%  36%  21%  31%   5%  10%
  % onday:  84%  42%  52%  47%  94%  47%  42%  63%  57%  68%  73%
   % late:  10%  10%   5%   5%   5%   5%   5%  15%   5%  10%   5%
% missing:  10%  10%  10%  10%  10%   5%  26%   5%  15%  21%  10%

Correlation: Time Spent Online vs. Overall Class Ranking

rank user inclass outclass total program
1 8752 12501 21253 CSCI
2 6443 20569 27012 OTHR
3 8480 15923 24403 CSCI
4 10902 55317 66219 OTHR
5 10484 28164 38648 CSCI
6 6857 19426 26283 CYBR
7 9435 12161 21596 CSCI
8 6929 12420 19349 CYBR
9 8267 14198 22465 CSCI
10 7383 8980 16363 CYBR
11 7270 12429 19699 INFT
12 7593 24743 32336 CSCI
13 5022 4752 9774 CYBR
14 8452 6531 14983 CYBR
15 9013 13387 22400 CSCI
16 5835 14679 20514 CSCI
17 6292 8346 14638 CSCI
18 3239 2651 5890 INFT
19 2976 4369 7345 CYBR
rank user inclass outclass total program

Correlation: Time Spent Online vs. Project Ranking

rank user inclass outclass total program
1 8752 12501 21253 CSCI
2 6443 20569 27012 OTHR
3 10902 55317 66219 OTHR
4 8480 15923 24403 CSCI
5 6857 19426 26283 CYBR
6 10484 28164 38648 CSCI
7 9435 12161 21596 CSCI
8 7593 24743 32336 CSCI
9 5835 14679 20514 CSCI
10 8452 6531 14983 CYBR
11 6929 12420 19349 CYBR
12 7270 12429 19699 INFT
13 8267 14198 22465 CSCI
14 7383 8980 16363 CYBR
15 5022 4752 9774 CYBR
16 6292 8346 14638 CSCI
17 9013 13387 22400 CSCI
18 3239 2651 5890 INFT
19 2976 4369 7345 CYBR
rank user inclass outclass total program

Class Project Progress

Of the various all-class metrics we can analyze:

  • low score
  • average score
  • median score
  • high score
  • submission rate
  • late/missing rate

We can visualize the results to gain a big picture view. The more the data stays within a certain range, the less interesting the graphs will appear. In such cases, boring graphs indicate the class as a whole is staying relatively the same with respect to that metric (dips would tend to indicate problems, rises would tend to indicate improvements).

Average Scores

Median Scores

haas/spring2018/unix/projects/status.1522781414.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/04/03 18:50 by