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UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Spring 2018 Status

Data and visualizations generated from class activity.

This information is provided to give you a better perspective on how the class as a whole is trending.

Numeric Stats on Deliverables

UNIX      uxi0 adm0 pbx0 pbx1 uka0  got+bns/totl tlly prjct+prtcp+jrnal=results ( grade )
 lowscore:   0    0    0    0    0 .............   0% ......................... ( 23.466)
 avgscore:  78   78   77   80   88 .............  84% ......................... ( 91.717)
   median:  89   90   83   92  100 .............  96% ......................... ( 95.902)
  hiscore: 100  100  100  100  100 ............. 111% ......................... (117.610)
     mode: 100   92  100   92  100 
    range: 100  100  100  100  100 
 # passed:  16   17   17   18   18 .............   18 ......................... 18 ( 90%)
  # of As:   9    7    7    7   16 .............   10 ......................... 12 ( 60%)
  # of Bs:   6    7    8    8    2 .............    6 .........................  6 ( 30%)
  # of Cs:   0    3    1    2    0 .............    2 .........................  0 (  0%)
  # of Ds:   1    0    1    1    0 .............    0 .........................  0 (  0%)
  # of Fs:   4    3    3    2    2 .............    2 .........................  2 ( 10%)
 # submit:  20   20   18   18   18 
  # early:   2    9    8    9    1 
  # onday:  16    8   10    9   18 
   # late:   2    2    1    1    1 
# missing:   2    2    2    2    2 
 % passed:  80%  85%  85%  90%  90%
  % of As:  45%  35%  35%  35%  80%
  % of Bs:  30%  35%  40%  40%  10%
  % of Cs:   0%  15%   5%  10%   0%
  % of Ds:   5%   0%   5%   5%   0%
  % of Fs:  20%  15%  15%  10%  10%
 % submit: 100% 100%  90%  90%  90%
  % early:  10%  45%  40%  45%   5%
  % onday:  80%  40%  50%  45%  90%
   % late:  10%  10%   5%   5%   5%
% missing:  10%  10%  10%  10%  10%

Correlation: Time Spent Online vs. Overall Class Ranking

 1:username (IN:  4473, OUT: 13333, TOTAL: 17806) OTHR
 2:username (IN:  3688, OUT:  4439, TOTAL:  8127) CSCI
 3:username (IN:  4771, OUT:  7836, TOTAL: 12607) CSCI
 4:username (IN:  2515, OUT:  7823, TOTAL: 10338) OTHR
 5:username (IN:  3348, OUT:  5558, TOTAL:  8906) CYBR
 6:username (IN:  2955, OUT:  7472, TOTAL: 10427) CSCI
 7:username (IN:  3617, OUT:  3122, TOTAL:  6739) CSCI
 8:username (IN:  3653, OUT:  5479, TOTAL:  9132) CSCI
 9:username (IN:  2022, OUT:  4898, TOTAL:  6920) CYBR
10:username (IN:  3281, OUT:  1364, TOTAL:  4645) CYBR
11:username (IN:  2291, OUT:  1547, TOTAL:  3838) CYBR
12:username (IN:  2194, OUT:  1150, TOTAL:  3344) CYBR
13:username (IN:  2302, OUT:  2133, TOTAL:  4435) INFT
14:username (IN:  2755, OUT:  2657, TOTAL:  5412) CSCI
15:username (IN:  3209, OUT:  2563, TOTAL:  5772) CSCI
16:username (IN:  1423, OUT:   784, TOTAL:  2207) INFT
17:username (IN:  2052, OUT:  1679, TOTAL:  3731) CSCI
18:username (IN:  3642, OUT:  4135, TOTAL:  7777) CSCI
19:username (IN:  3805, OUT:   275, TOTAL:  4080) CSCI
20:username (IN:  1338, OUT:   710, TOTAL:  2048) CYBR

The data suggests:

  • the majority of entries in excess of 3000 minutes spent on the system outside of class (ranks 1-9) suggests a benefit to overall class performance.
  • more strongly, the less time spent outside of class on the system, the more trouble may be experienced (less familiar with material).

Correlation: Time Spent Online vs. Project Ranking

 1:username (IN:  4473, OUT: 13333, TOTAL: 17806) OTHR
 2:username (IN:  3688, OUT:  4439, TOTAL:  8127) CSCI
 3:username (IN:  4771, OUT:  7836, TOTAL: 12607) CSCI
 4:username (IN:  2515, OUT:  7823, TOTAL: 10338) OTHR
 5:username (IN:  3348, OUT:  5558, TOTAL:  8906) CYBR
 6:username (IN:  2955, OUT:  7472, TOTAL: 10427) CSCI
 7:username (IN:  3617, OUT:  3122, TOTAL:  6739) CSCI
 8:username (IN:  3281, OUT:  1364, TOTAL:  4645) CYBR
 9:username (IN:  3653, OUT:  5479, TOTAL:  9132) CSCI
10:username (IN:  2302, OUT:  2133, TOTAL:  4435) INFT
11:username (IN:  2022, OUT:  4898, TOTAL:  6920) CYBR
12:username (IN:  3209, OUT:  2563, TOTAL:  5772) CSCI
13:username (IN:  2291, OUT:  1547, TOTAL:  3838) CYBR
14:username (IN:  2052, OUT:  1679, TOTAL:  3731) CSCI
15:username (IN:  2194, OUT:  1150, TOTAL:  3344) CYBR
16:username (IN:  1423, OUT:   784, TOTAL:  2207) INFT
17:username (IN:  2755, OUT:  2657, TOTAL:  5412) CSCI
18:username (IN:  3642, OUT:  4135, TOTAL:  7777) CSCI
19:username (IN:  1338, OUT:   710, TOTAL:  2048) CYBR
20:username (IN:  3805, OUT:   275, TOTAL:  4080) CSCI

If we factor out potentially game-able data elements, like participation and journals (certainly, if used for good, enhance the benefit to the individual; but if used to cover for lack of project success, may present a less accurate picture of long-term success), we see some things staying the same (the top 7 remain unchanged- I'd argue for a strong correlation to time well spent, translating to increased success), and also some movement.

Overall, more time generally suggests more success; less time, less so. And the overall ranks with more time that saw losses when participation and journals were excluded? Perhaps a sign that more progress can yet be made to strengthen understanding.

Class Project Progress

Of the various all-class metrics we can analyze:

  • low score
  • average score
  • median score
  • high score
  • submission rate
  • late/missing rate

We can visualize the results to gain a big picture view. The more the data stays within a certain range, the less interesting the graphs will appear. In such cases, boring graphs indicate the class as a whole is staying relatively the same with respect to that metric (dips would tend to indicate problems, rises would tend to indicate improvements).

Average Scores

Median Scores

haas/spring2018/unix/projects/status.1518700946.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/15 13:22 by wedge